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lenovo Flex 5 bios need

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    Originally posted by pokyss1 View Post
    no display issue

    model number in the bord:

    model number in the bord:


    • SMDFlea
      SMDFlea commented
      Editing a comment
      Post the laptop model number and Type and post the laptop serial number..........

    Originally posted by pokyss1 View Post
    no display issue

    post snid


      Hi everyone!!
      Could you please help me fixing this BIOS? Thanks in advance

      Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5-14ITL05 Laptop - Type 82HS
      S/N: R912W5LD

      Issue: after a bad upgrade laptop won`t recognize SSD NVMe, other than that everything is ok.

      Thank you very much
      Attached Files


        Originally posted by Osmarperez View Post
        Hi everyone!!
        Could you please help me fixing this BIOS? Thanks in advance

        Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5-14ITL05 Laptop - Type 82HS
        S/N: R912W5LD

        Issue: after a bad upgrade laptop won`t recognize SSD NVMe, other than that everything is ok.

        Thank you very much
        S/N: R912W5LD
        Attached Files

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          Originally posted by hoaca388 View Post

          S/N: R912W5LD
          Thank you very much !!


            Hi everyone, it`s me again this time with a question: is there a method to upgrade/flash the BIOS of the Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5-14ITL05 Laptop - Type 82HS using a bootable pendrive?
            I`ve search the Internet but I haven´t found a way to do it in Lenovo laptops. Thanks.


              Hi everyone!!
              Could you please help me fix my BIOS?

              Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5-14ITL05
              S/N: R912KL5Q

              Motherboard: LC65-14T 203013 448.0K121,0011

              Issue: Laptop powers on but no display. It appears the LCD backlight turns on but no image.

              Thanks, in advance.
              Attached Files


                Originally posted by redoxy View Post
                Hi everyone!!
                Could you please help me fix my BIOS?

                Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5-14ITL05
                S/N: R912KL5Q

                Motherboard: LC65-14T 203013 448.0K121,0011

                Issue: Laptop powers on but no display. It appears the LCD backlight turns on but no image.

                Thanks, in advance.
                Flex 5-14ITL05 Laptop (ideapad) - Type 82HS

                Attached Files

                All donations to Badcaps are welcome.
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                  Originally posted by redoxy View Post
                  Hi everyone!!
                  Could you please help me fix my BIOS?

                  Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5-14ITL05
                  S/N: R912KL5Q

                  Motherboard: LC65-14T 203013 448.0K121,0011

                  Issue: Laptop powers on but no display. It appears the LCD backlight turns on but no image.

                  Thanks, in advance.
                  hi try
                  Attached Files


                    Thanks, Hoaca388 and Shiyab for the files.

                    I tried Hoaca388's file and it worked. I have display.
                    However, I lost DMI info (S/N, Model #, UUID and Windows Key) as shown in the picture.
                    I tried using the Lenovo Uone tool to write the DMI info but I get an error "Locate protocol with LenovoEeprom, status [e]"
                    "Eeprom fail when reading or writing data."

                    Is there a way to fix the DMI tool error? I'd like to try that first if possible since I'd prefer not to desolder the BIOS chip again.

                    shiyab does your file retain the DMI information so I should go ahead and try that if I'm unable to write the DMI info with the tool?

                    Thanks, again for the help.

                    Attached Files


                      Attached Files


                        Originally posted by qayyum786 View Post
                        Thanks, qayyum786. I made a rookie mistake in my haste to flash the BIOS. I forgot the battery was still when I was placing heat tapes on resistors and capacitors around the BIOS chip to prepare for desoldering the BIOS chip. I ended up shorting the BIOS chip (it burned). I replaced it with the same part number from a donor board and flashed your bin file but now there's no power. The laptop doesn't turn on anymore. I tried with battery only, power adapter only, and battery with power adapter with the same results, no power. I guess I might have damaged other components besides the BIOS chip

                        This is the end of this repair for me.

                        Thanks, everyone for all the help.



                          Originally posted by redoxy View Post

                          Thanks, qayyum786. I made a rookie mistake in my haste to flash the BIOS. I forgot the battery was still when I was placing heat tapes on resistors and capacitors around the BIOS chip to prepare for desoldering the BIOS chip. I ended up shorting the BIOS chip (it burned). I replaced it with the same part number from a donor board and flashed your bin file but now there's no power. The laptop doesn't turn on anymore. I tried with battery only, power adapter only, and battery with power adapter with the same results, no power. I guess I might have damaged other components besides the BIOS chip

                          This is the end of this repair for me.

                          Thanks, everyone for all the help.

                          flash old bios and check dose it turn on


                            Originally posted by qayyum786 View Post

                            flash old bios and check dose it turn on
                            I ordered new BIOS chips. I'll try and report back once I receive it.



                              Originally posted by qayyum786 View Post

                              flash old bios and check dose it turn on
                              I received the new BIOS chip and flashed the old BIOS. It still does not turn on.

