Here is a firmware dump for CFI-1015A. Note that it must end A. Copied from known working and it helped me fix a PS5 that had 3 beeps as soon as you plugged in the AC cable. I believe the board was originally also going to 30mA and then shutting back down.
Upon boot it is now asking me to reset the software, will update to see if software reset/update will work.
Can confirm cloning the firmware worked on an identical CFI-1015A. I did not do any serial number changes or anything, just a straight clone. Upon first boot I did have to reset/restore the system however.
and secondly i have ch341a when I connect chip to the flasher it doesn't detect could it be because I downgraded my flasher from 5v to 3v or is there a specific volt to use or method someone please help here
Could you share that one? I want to try it with me 1115A, it's a EDM-020 board. There's a utility called PS5 NOR Modifier to change the serial number and to change to and from disc version
Thanks for the offer, but it's the 1116A I need. I bought a pre-programmed BIOS IC from consolefix, and after 3 weeks the repaired PS5 has lost it's HDMI output. I just wanted to confirm this was nothing to do with the repair I'd done. You know what customers are like! The HDMI socket itself is perfect, so I am now going to try replacing the MN864739 IC. It just seems a coincidence that it should fail so soon after replacing the Bios IC!
I also could not find CFI-1116A dump.I had PS5 CFI-1116A disk version with 3 beeps when pluged in.I took stj's dump CFI-1116B (thanks stj), loaded and console started.Then with PS3 NOR Modifier (thanks crasher381) changed CFI-1116B in settings to CFI-1116A with my serial and to disk version and wrote new dump.Console started an can play games from disk