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ESR meter upgrades

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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    vintage and solid-state arent 2 words you often hear together.
    you mean 70's and 80's ?

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  • Rado108
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Which ESR meter would you reccomend for testing caps in vintage solid state audio gear? Do i need LCR so i can measure at different frequencys?

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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    lots of new features.
    but the biggest thing was the circuit for power.
    the original 8pin microcontroller seemed to not go into sleep-mode sometimes and was draining the battery

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  • jellytot
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Thank's Stj have you found this better than the original.

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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    i forgot to say,
    you need to reprogram the 8 pin microcontroller that controls power, or replace it with a small circuit
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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    good - because the replacement software wont fit a 324

    this is actually built for a 1284 but it should work i think
    it expects a 20Mhz crystal
    changed config files are included for viewing
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  • jellytot
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Atmega 644p

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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    what cpu is in it?

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  • jellytot
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Originally posted by stj View Post
    i do M builds for the TC1 with a rotary encoder and 20MHz if anybody wants it posted.
    Hi Stj. I'm interested in your TC1 project... can you provide more info please/
    Thank you.

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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    not seen those before,
    the ones i refered to are all one colour.
    i think the blue has splines on the shaft, the light green has the half-moon shaft type.
    i call it that anyway

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  • Per Hansson
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    You can see a photo of the top of the encoder in my original build photo way back in this thread:
    Here is how the bottom looks, it is light green, this is what was delivered with the DIY kit...

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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    was the encoder blue?
    i buy the light green ones - they seem better quality

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  • Per Hansson
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    I compiled a new build of Karl-Heinz firmware from the new GIT repository a few days ago.
    It works well on my GM328R, this time I only included a 20Mhz build.

    I also replaced the encoder and that fixed the bad behavior I described earlier in the thread with Madires firmware.
    I made a small post on eevblog about it if you're curious:
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  • stj
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    lol - it shouldnt go directly into cal,
    it should show a message and wait for confirmation with the button.

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  • eccerr0r
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    This is annoying:

    I had a transistor that was shorted... stuck it in the avr transistortester...

    Went into cal mode! What a pain...

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  • Bob Parker
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Originally posted by Per Hansson View Post
    Considering the title of the thread I didn't want Bop Parkers great ESR meter to feel left out!
    So here it is with some nice new bright Lite-On LTS-5003AWC 7-segment LED's before and after

    Original LED's:

    Replacement LED's:
    Thanks Per. It's amazing how much brighter even cheap Chinese displays are, compared to what was available back in 1995 when I designed the original meter! 👍

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  • Bob Parker
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Originally posted by japlytic View Post
    There is one thing ESR meters should have, which is Kelvin sensing (4-wire measurement capability), which keeps measurement errors to a minimum.
    The "Blue2" ESR meter has that.

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  • Per Hansson
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Considering the title of the thread I didn't want Bop Parkers great ESR meter to feel left out!
    So here it is with some nice new bright Lite-On LTS-5003AWC 7-segment LED's before and after

    Original LED's:

    Replacement LED's:
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  • eccerr0r
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    Curiosity... what's the word(and language) that the "U" comes from when the avrtransistortester displays voltage for Vf and Vbe? (It whimsically says Uf=0.700 or something for diodes, etc.)

    I would have thought for an English port it should have V for Voltage. I guess this is a pet peeve that I need to change on my unit...

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  • eccerr0r
    Re: ESR meter upgrades

    I should figure out how to upgrade mine... build my own fw, etc. Too bad the one I have does not have the pins ported out on a 2x3 or 2x5 Atmel 0.1" header

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