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Vizio E500i-B1

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    Re: Vizio E500i-B1

    Yes, The STBY PS used is IC9301 STR A6069H, the main switching supplies used is IC9101 LCS703LG, then 24v to mother board buck to 16v to drive 16 arrays of 6 LEDs each.

    PS: power pilot light is on when you push power button the LED diminished slowly, Good question, How come SB5v will go down?

    PS: Possible is a smd part act strangely? Hairdryer cover pretty large areas, but I did use DUSTOFF to cool it down.
    Last edited by capwizard; 01-06-2017, 03:19 PM.


      Re: Vizio E500i-B1

      hahaha the most lovely post i read over here.. capwizard when i follow yours post here make me feel i do read Hollywood movie script ..
      keeps us please the end of this movie.


        Re: Vizio E500i-B1

        Dear Diah: Wie geht es Ihnen.
        I need to win back the customer trust, my time is running out , Ich werde mit Ihnen das nächste Mal reden.


          Re: Vizio E500i-B1

          You mentioned that the customer said it was an "at switch on problem".
          Do you know if this was using the remote to bring it out of standby or was the set being switched on using the switch at the rear of the set.
          Willing to help but I'm no expert.


            Re: Vizio E500i-B1

            It is A 50" tv , I guess he was using remote, he look like lazebone , I mean the tv's screen and stand are really dirty, I am afraid to call him again, he might said " Fix A tv , so many questions!"

            PS: I am at a poor neighborhood, because rich people they don't fix tv, I mean, they bought extended warranties.
            Last edited by capwizard; 01-06-2017, 05:08 PM.


              Re: Vizio E500i-B1

              Originally posted by capwizard View Post
              power pilot light is on when you push power button the LED diminished slowly...
              That's how it is supposed to work. It indicates that the TV is on, then fades to off after about 5 seconds.
              Last edited by SLK001; 01-06-2017, 05:30 PM.


                Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                RTFM ..
                sorry had to be said offence intended ...


                  Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                  Thanks for everyone's help. Will update.
                  I ordered the parts and power supply board at same time, and I offer customer two options, one is the loaner TV, other is their TV plus a can of Dustoff and tiny hole in the back of TV, just for temporary use until parts came. they choice the loaner TV.

                  PS: RTFM means Return To Friendly Motion.....from Old English Dictionary for Gentlemen.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by capwizard; 01-06-2017, 07:30 PM.


                    Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                    Why do you buy ICs from Aliexpress when you can buy them from Mouser?

                    Aliexpress will take 2 weeks, and they maybe fake.
                    "Tantalum for the brave, Solid Aluminium for the wise, Wet Electrolytic for the adventurous"
                    -David VanHorn


                      Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                      Power Integrations, they make this parts, Hiper LCS Integrated LLC Controller, High-Voltage Power MOSFETs and Driver, the logo match with the Aliexpress's picture, it is a monopoly product, not easily, and no profit to counterfeit,

                      "Aliexpress will take 2 weeks" sometimes took them 1 month to ship here! for cost reduction no choose, same with the quantity, 15 PCS.


                        Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                        it depends on the customer too on how quick they want to get there own set back but if you have a loan tv that helps i guess and cost saving on parts is good as you want too make a profit and buying 15pcs have a few spares ive used aliexpress afew times now and parts seem to work ok but yes risk of fakes from them and also ebay etc.


                          Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                          Your logic is good, but even when they're the real IC, you still don't know the supply chain. Are they factory seconds? Pre-production samples? The problem with China is that nobody knows, and even if they did, they wouldn't tell you.

                          Do you really want more unknowns when repairing for someone else? Are you willing to risk reputation\returns on saving a few dollars? It's your choice, but I know what mine is.

                          Not to mention the Chinese sellers wrap these things in clingfilm, sellotape, bubblewrap, whatever they get their hands on, and don't give a f**k about ESD protection.

                          I go to real distributors like Farnell\RS-Components\Digikey\Mouser first of all and use the no-name Chinese sellers on Aliexpress\eBay only as a last resort.
                          Last edited by Agent24; 01-07-2017, 05:25 PM.
                          "Tantalum for the brave, Solid Aluminium for the wise, Wet Electrolytic for the adventurous"
                          -David VanHorn


                            Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                            Thank you, I will remember that "I go to real distributors like Farnell\RS-Components\Digikey\Mouser"
                            which I used to do that, and I have business TAX free account with them (Digikey,Mouser).


                              Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                              ..okk...waiting to order my LCS703LG from mouser.. subscribed!!


                                Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                                Originally posted by capwizard View Post
                                Thanks for everyone's help. Will update.
                                I ordered the parts and power supply board at same time, and I offer customer two options, one is the loaner TV, other is their TV plus a can of Dustoff and tiny hole in the back of TV, just for temporary use until parts came. they choice the loaner TV.

                                PS: RTFM means Return To Friendly Motion.....from Old English Dictionary for Gentlemen.
                                Hey capwizard.. Interesting to note: I notice that these boards have a different number than my power board: 715G6100-P04-003-002H versus mine 715G6100-P05-003-002H , does the P04/05 matter? Cause I can find cheaper boards if I went with another number other that 05!


                                  Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                                  It depends on your TV's panel....find your TV panel NO. then search on ShopJimmy......


                                    Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                                    I did the hair dryer test a few minutes ago. Turned on tv , led panels came on , 15VDC on 4th pin down.. put dryer above IC9101 , power shut off of tv. Must be the issue ...ordering 1 today.


                                      Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                                      Attached Files


                                        Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                                        Haha.. to u if this fixes this stupid tv!!!


                                          Re: Vizio E500i-B1

                                          Why not!.....pinky swear. Will update.

