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    what kind of guide you are looking for ? i wrote the issue was VPMS2GMB ... if you don't have the ability and instrument to approve yours converter work and provide all V DC to the chips and T-CON On boards and SoC..!!!
    what i should write.. search after data sheet to learn where and how it converted V DC to T-con on MB and SoC. are you waiting from me to deep my head and instruments at yours room via web ?? funny.[/QUOT

    No, maybe a thread here in which you have dealt with the problem for my part, I am searching because it is a very common problem today and also tomorrow but thanks anyway


      Originally posted by the Benninger View Post
      Discard the tcon, and the main board, because power supply is not your case
      problem to disassemble the black heatsink as if it is glued


        Click image for larger version

Name:	tCOn board or simil.webp
Views:	86
Size:	105.7 KB
ID:	3543433 the tcom board sincronous lcd w mainboard


          Originally posted by the Benninger View Post
          Click image for larger version

Name:	tCOn board or simil.webp
Views:	86
Size:	105.7 KB
ID:	3543433 the tcom board sincronous lcd w mainboard
          Tcon is integrated in mainboard for this set


            we don't need to show muscles over here .. many things i didn't open threat over here.. because its not for users home repair or who are still at repair hobby .... please ask your self... if you are ready to repair MB.. if the answer no then spend money for replacement... however i don't recommend this as your Panels 70 kind of rubbish.


              Diah is correct, these TU models are the budget ones and are junk, I wouldn't even trust samsungs most expensive models any more.
              Quit due to disrespect from unpaid sta,ff.


                Originally posted by Diah View Post
                we don't need to show muscles over here .. many things i didn't open threat over here.. because its not for users home repair or who are still at repair hobby .... please ask your self... if you are ready to repair MB.. if the answer no then spend money for replacement... however i don't recommend this as your Panels 70 kind of rubbish.
                I thought we were in a forum where you share your experiences and had expected a more understandable reaction from you who is usually very kind and and engages you completely to help in so many comlexa tV errors because you are an expert and I am not but I try to learn from your experience.
                But that today's bad TV screen is absolutely no news to anyone anymore.
                Hope I get at least some help and maybe be able to solve this problem
                I am very grateful for all the help that I have received from you and some others here


                  Originally posted by nomoresonys View Post
                  Diah is correct, these TU models are the budget ones and are junk, I wouldn't even trust samsungs most expensive models any more.
                  I know he is absolutely right but what can we do about it, TV is in the market and in our home too. but one thing is for sure i that Diah is a very talented and knowledgeable TV repair person


                    i am not that expert.. of sure we have many users better than me.. but every users have his section .. some with PSU.. some with Data.. Some with BL. and some with crazy Fantasy
                    so can you measure In and out put V DC of all pins of the DC(DC converter chips VPMS2GMB ?
                    its not easy, you need calm hand and Microscope Screen for following .... to avoid make short contact as the measurements should be in active working SET.., in case this shot happened ,, yours MB will fly out and yours PSU too..


                      Originally posted by Diah View Post
                      i am not that expert.. of sure we have many users better than me.. but every users have his section .. some with PSU.. some with Data.. Some with BL. and some with crazy Fantasy
                      so can you measure In and out put V DC of all pins of the DC(DC converter chips VPMS2GMB ?
                      its not easy, you need calm hand and Microscope Screen for following .... to avoid make short contact as the measurements should be in active working SET.., in case this shot happened ,, yours MB will fly out and yours PSU too..
                      I think you are very good, I have learned a lot from your posts in different threads and the best thing about you is that you are completely committed to helping in the right way. No, I don't have oscilloscope yet but I have seen some videos that deal with the subject but not so thoroughly, maybe I will solve the problem otherwise I just have to buy a new Mainboard but It's worth the try


                        what i am talking on wasn't oscilloscope , its just Digital Microscope, let say magnifier with camera zoom to display the area on external TV 49 size Screen . don't laugh its DIY i do made 14 years ago., so helpful to inspect suspected parts like ceramic caps if there change at shape or had small broken at shell .. any way ... my friend ... 70 60.50 if i am at your shoes will never spend 1€ on them.. because the wrong from start to buy such rubbish, its not only at Samsung... its issue over all other brands.. get new TV, and leave this dam as Learning labor for you. backing it or do what ever you want to inhance yours Know how with TVs how they works.


                          Originally posted by Diah View Post
                          what i am talking on wasn't oscilloscope , its just Digital Microscope, let say magnifier with camera zoom to display the area on external TV 49 size Screen . don't laugh its DIY i do made 14 years ago., so helpful to inspect suspected parts like ceramic caps if there change at shape or had small broken at shell .. any way ... my friend ... 70 60.50 if i am at your shoes will never spend 1€ on them.. because the wrong from start to buy such rubbish, its not only at Samsung... its issue over all other brands.. get new TV, and leave this dam as Learning labor for you. backing it or do what ever you want to inhance yours Know how with TVs how they works.
                          i do have a digital microscope that display om 32 tv it is a very good tool .This TV is only 3 years old and it is broken just 6 days after guaranty time but it is not mine i ll repair it to a frend if i can


                            Originally posted by bohaboha View Post

                            i do have a digital microscope that display om 32 tv it is a very good tool .This TV is only 3 years old and it is broken just 6 days after guaranty time but it is not mine i ll repair it to a frend if i can
                            okay, then let start with basic check the MB.,
                            1-put it in STBY and call the service menu... see if it showing on screen. NFO MENU MUTE POWER , if nothing just press power to exit it.

                            yours TV doesn't have FRC, so i am not sure if this test will work... but as i know the main combined with T-CON will have this till zise 70 as yours..
                            2-Video section test .. while its on press via RC Mute --- 1---- 4 --- 7 --- Mute.. see if you got on screen test Pattern , no just put it in stand by and plug it out from wall


                              Originally posted by Diah View Post

                              okay, then let start with basic check the MB.,
                              1-put it in STBY and call the service menu... see if it showing on screen. NFO MENU MUTE POWER , if nothing just press power to exit it.

                              yours TV doesn't have FRC, so i am not sure if this test will work... but as i know the main combined with T-CON will have this till zise 70 as yours..
                              2-Video section test .. while its on press via RC Mute --- 1---- 4 --- 7 --- Mute.. see if you got on screen test Pattern , no just put it in stand by and plug it out from wall
                              Hi can not se anything on screen to handle it with the remote control


                                Originally posted by bohaboha View Post

                                Hi can not se anything on screen to handle it with the remote control
                                you just play as described the 2 steps.. both no need any on screen... we just do it to see if the screen turn on and display some thimgs


                                  forget to write... we do have another test for T-CON try while TV on MUTE 3 6 9 Mute


                                    Do Diah's tests, if no joy, maybe just use some heat from a hairdryer and gently twist the heatsink off the processor, then do a diy reflow, involves getting the solder under the chip melted so it can reattach to the chip. Pretty straight forward, there's some good how to videos on youtube. Must be careful not to overheat or it will kill the chip, not enough heat and nothing bad will happen, it just won't work is all. They recommend gradual heating then gradually take heat away so as not to thermal shock the chip. Using a temperature gauge would be advised. Need to be extra careful not to blow away or lose any of those little components nearby such as those pesky little mlc caps. Here's a rough idea of the procedure using minimal tools. If one must use a heatgun be very careful with the temps, a lot of them were not meant for the lower temps needed for this kind of work, hot air stations are a much better tool for the job:
                                    Last edited by nomoresonys; 01-09-2025, 10:11 AM.
                                    Quit due to disrespect from unpaid sta,ff.


                                      yes, but before we go to reflow , need another testing... just in case we don't like some things going wrong with reflow then we lost.

                                      1- on socket CN1101 i think which it go to Wifi /BT front control LED... on pin 7 need to test if we have 5V
                                      2- on LVDS socket CN1300 i think... pin 3, 4 if there 3.3V... if no V. need to turn off disconnect LVDS and test the both pin with chassis if they are shorted. , if you have 3.3V then good news do following
                                      3- mask the pins on LVDS at MB side 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,18 , see if you get PICTURE. no picture remove the mask and so as nomoresonys suggested.


                                        I'm with you Diah, best to test everything possible. Here's the general idea of a simple reflow, using liquid flux on three sides of chip is advised and some type of accurate heat meter and some protective tape or cutout tin foil to protect any small components from blowing away or getting de-soldered:
                                        Quit due to disrespect from unpaid sta,ff.


                                          Originally posted by Diah View Post

                                          you just play as described the 2 steps.. both no need any on screen... we just do it to see if the screen turn on and display some thimgs
                                          i did but no answer the tv does not want to start allways on STBY

