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Philips 55 oled 804/12 red light blink

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    Philips 55 oled 804/12 red light blink

    Hello all,

    I have Philips Oled 55 (804/12) with black screen and red light blink.

    I have opened TV and tested voltages based on similar oled topics, on power supply board i am getting ps_o/f 3.3v and 5v for t-con_o/f while panel_o/f is 0v. And i get black screen.

    Also i have done self psb test and i am getting on psb +12V_t and also + 24V for panel. (Measurements on dmm are + 12.3V fot t-con and 22.4 for panel)

    When i power only psb and tcon with 4 ribbons for panel i only get black screen.

    My questions is what should i do next to check if it is panel or t-con or motherboard.

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    you said red blinking... is it countless or 4 blinking ?
    search the forum. i have started threat with attachment.. you need to flash within USB NVM.eed for yours chassis to by pass error


      Thank you for your fast respons.

      Red light that is blinking i can say that it starts like rapidly blinking like there is no pause between and after 2-3 seconds there is pause with one short blink like 0.5 sec and then continues in a loop.

      Also i have found your post with .eed file but i was without success maybe i have done something wrong.

      Can you tell me what usb format do i need to have is it ntfs or fat32 also you have linked zip file should i put it on usb or first extract it and then put it on usb. When i extract it there are 2 files in zip do i need them both in case that i need to extract it first.


        smaller you can formatted fat32 MBR mode


          At my first try i had usb ntfs format and i putted zip file that you uploaded and also i have extraced it on usb so i had 3 files.
          Should i extract zip file that you uploaded and only use .eed file on usb?
          If so then i will reformat my usb and try one more time.


            Alot of tvs you need 4gb or 2gb stick max. If it's bigger and formatted it doesn't work. Ask diah on that, but this is what I read quite a few places.


              Originally posted by djordje View Post
              At my first try i had usb ntfs format and i putted zip file that you uploaded and also i have extraced it on usb so i had 3 files.
              Should i extract zip file that you uploaded and only use .eed file on usb?
              If so then i will reformat my usb and try one more time.
              Fat32 MBR mode.... unzip the file choose one file of yours TV chassis TPM191E .. rename it to NVM.eed and put it on the USB root... the rest how to all written in the threat.

              be sure yours PC showing the extension of the file to avoid write double .eed.eed
              Last edited by Diah; 01-04-2025, 03:14 AM.


                This time I have done everything as instructed and motherboard also shows red light on optical port. Screen gets on and in bottom left corner I get text supported api: 3

                Does it mean that I have to download new software and do some update?


                  can you please tell the link of the thread Happy New Year thank you


                    Happy New Year to you too.

                    Part of instructions are on this post and other with files are on:


                    If it is what you are looking for.


                      I have moved TV so I can better see what is on display.

                      Based on link

                      I have downloaded zip and extracted it and I took file NVM.EED_TMP19.1E,TMP19.1A,TMP19.1T,TMP20.1E OA,TMP20.1A, I have rename it NVM.eed and putted it on usb.

                      When I plug it in TV and plug power cord the TV is showing Philips logo on screen and turning off for several times. After that TV stays up with text on it
                      Android recovery
                      Use volume up/down and power.
                      With 3 options:
                      1. Reboot system now
                      2. Apply update from SD card
                      3. Wipe data/factory reset

                      I have tried first option but without luck and before choosing first option I took out USB with .eed file and when i clicked OK for option 1 after some text in left bottom corner tv started again to go in loop of philips logo and after few loops it was just black screen and I needed to use USB again to get on same menu.

                      On second try I tried third option but when is done reseting it goes back to same 3 options.

                      My question is this menu a good start for this TV to operate and is there some system file on philips support site that I could use and update it?

                      Thank you in advance


                        No one know what you did before coming over here to post yours TV problem... as usuall many users did missed then come here to solve the miss..

                        this what you have on screen are Android Recovery mode.. it means right now you dont have system installed.. where it go !!!!!
                        any way go here.. and download only TPS191E_000.002.043.000 (Date published: 2022-03-18) – Upgrade_Loader

                        put the file after zip it upgrade_loader.pkg on USB formatted with FAT 32 MBR Mode and Install it.. hope yours system will recover.


                          I have done as you instructed me to do. And when i used usb with NVM file i got in android recovery menu after that i have unplugged usb and plugged new usb with upgrade_loader and choose option reboot system after that i got message on screen software upgrade in progess and after 2 min i get black screen with same red light flashing pattern as in the beggining. And i need to use usb with nmv file again if i want to get to android recovery screen.
                          Do you have some idea for next steps?


                            so it write the firmware.. do the following
                            1- download attachment and unzip on yours PC
                            2- copy the file FAC_ON_NVM(1).EED on clean stick and rename it to NVM.eed , play it on the TV use the USb on the side of the TV... yours screen will light ON in Factory mode.... check the display if its clear or it had bad pixel / line.... display clear, follow
                            3- delete the first file u did from the Stick and copy the file Disable_TCON error detect_NVM(1).eed rename it to NVM.eed and play it on the TV... it should show you upgrade in process then reboot
                            4- delete all what you have on stick at point 3 and copy the file FAC_OFF_NVM.eed onthe stick and rename it to NVM.eed and play it on the TV ... it will exit the Factory mode which you did at point 2.
                            Attached Files


                              First file gave me on TV factory mode i have checked display and there are no lines or dead pixels.
                              Second file just showed philips logo x 2 times and opened factory mode again
                              Third file just gave black screen with red light blinking


                                I forgot to mention that when i run second file i also have ambilight on.


                                  play only Factory On mode file..... and leave it on post clear photo of yours screen complete.


                                    Today is Christmas in my country so i didnt have much time to make clear picture i will upload tomorrow better one but this pictire is after factory mode on file

                                    Attached Files


                                      put picture jpeg on usb anf change source input to use or if you have any set with hdmi source u can do it too to have full picture on yours screen.... show me here at any case



                                        I have tried it with chromecast to see some picture on screen and here are the results.

                                        All i can see is that few pixels are missing in the middle at the top line and also in the left top corner are some pixels weird as showed on pictures.

                                        Attached Files

