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Xerox XA719i

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    Xerox XA719i

    This is my last project monitor repair-wise, I had 5 monitors, fixed 2 destroyed 2 and now this is the monitor i wanted to actually use so im going to be extra careful with this one, Symptoms are the usual. Switches on for a few secs then blank but power light stays on, Backlights go out. errm.. it may be the CCFL's as when it is on for the few secs it is pretty dull but i cant get to them very easily so that will be my last resort... anyways i dont know where I can buy the replacement 2x2 ones that this screen has. Anyway I opened it up and recapped it.. but to my surprise this is the first monitor ive opened to find the massive cap bulging a little O.o picture attached. I wanted to know if i needed to replace this one and if so where can i get a replacement? lol the brand is ermm.. argh i will find it and reply with the brand shortly =P anyways yeah its bulging a little on the end which surprised me. Also when I opened it up i noticed on the underside of the pcb their was a black mark which looked like someone had fiddled with it but it was connected to a fuse :S (which i checked and was fine) so i think they may have been pretty clueless.. it may be ash from a cigarette as the whole screen STUNK of smoke when i got it. Anywho take a look guys, thanks ^^
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    Re: Xerox XA719i

    Originally posted by Demix
    This is my last project monitor repair-wise, I had 5 monitors, fixed 2 destroyed 2 and now this is the monitor i wanted to actually use so im going to be extra careful with this one, Symptoms are the usual. Switches on for a few secs then blank but power light stays on, Backlights go out. errm.. it may be the CCFL's as when it is on for the few secs it is pretty dull but i cant get to them very easily so that will be my last resort... anyways i dont know where I can buy the replacement 2x2 ones that this screen has. Anyway I opened it up and recapped it.. but to my surprise this is the first monitor ive opened to find the massive cap bulging a little O.o picture attached. I wanted to know if i needed to replace this one and if so where can i get a replacement? lol the brand is ermm.. argh i will find it and reply with the brand shortly =P anyways yeah its bulging a little on the end which surprised me. Also when I opened it up i noticed on the underside of the pcb their was a black mark which looked like someone had fiddled with it but it was connected to a fuse :S (which i checked and was fine) so i think they may have been pretty clueless.. it may be ash from a cigarette as the whole screen STUNK of smoke when i got it. Anywho take a look guys, thanks ^^
    Second picture - Yes, it's bulging. Lift it up to find the size and voltage - it shouls be something like 100 µf, 450 Volt 105°C. This cap usually isn't a low ESR type; Digikey has them in stock for about $3.50. Check dimensions - that's a tight fit.

    Fourth picture. Those are inductors - they are a few turns of heavy gague wire wound on a ferrite core, then covered with heat shrink tubing. It would be extremely rare for one to fail.

    Failure. Resolder all the transformers. Also, try it in a dark room to see if anything arcs. If you haven't already done so, replace all electrolytic caps in the inverter.

    For a number of reasons, both health and personal, I will no longer be active on this board. Any PMs asking for assistance will be ignored.

    Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.


      Re: Xerox XA719i

      Okay i found out the cap was a 100uf 400V so you were very close PlainBill. I think ive found a suitable replacement for it as the measurements are almost the same and it matches as closely as it can - also to my horror I noticed this on the underside of the PCB, it looks like someones been tinkering around and have unseated this lil thing. Im not sure what its called.. it looks intact but its been pushed about in the solder and isnt connecting properly by the looks of things O.o -


        Re: Xerox XA719i

        Just because I know a lot of people wont want to download the gif image and infact in retrospec it was rather pointless me making it lol, so ive just stuck the images seperate and attached them below

        edit : also this bit is right near a transformer, i doubt the transformer would have got so hot it could melt solder though? unless its really crappy solder lol
        Attached Files


          Re: Xerox XA719i

          looks like that is a shorted mlcc.
          only easy explanation for it getting that hot.


            Re: Xerox XA719i

            Clusmy solder guy did this kind of mess. Resolder and this ceramic capacitor as well. they will reflow nicely.

            Cheers, Wizard


              Re: Xerox XA719i

              thanks a bunch guys, im gonna reseat that lil ceramic cap and ive ordered the replacements for the small caps on the inverter side and the big 400v one so hopefully this should sort it all out =]


                Re: Xerox XA719i

                GRRRR this morning I opened up my good working monitor to test if the screen from the broken one was okay.... the ****in thing is cracked all at the bottom! whoever owned this before me needs a serious bloody slap! they messed it up big time... i mean it has protective glass how the **** did they crack the screen!?!?! idiots ¬_¬ now ive gotta not only finish fixing the inverter but now I have to find a 19" panel to replace this broken one with ¬_¬


                  Re: Xerox XA719i

                  Just wanted to know if anyone knew of anywhere I could pick up a M190E5-L0A (thats the panels model number) as i can only find it in like bulks of 500 and stuff =\

