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Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

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    Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

    Another one is TEK DMM850, but it did not help a lot.
    The readings are not stable and not even close to a nominal.


      Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

      Okay, let's see if I put these puzzle together properly?

      1) On pin 3 of J033, see if there is continuity to each negative part of FD 7/8 (the white stripe).

      That is, put your multimeter on ohms. See if the ohms measurement is less than 1.0 ohms from pin 3 (yellow) of the voltage regulator to each diode (yellow again).

      2) If yes, then I suspect the diodes could be bad. You will have to desolder both FD 7/8 and retest them out of circuit. If they test good, then I suspect the voltage regulator could be bad.
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        Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

        I am reading 0.1 ohms with TEK and Meterman. Meterman beeps on continuity test.
        I will desolder both FD and check those.


          Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

          Hi there, I had the exact same simptoms as tboxxx, so I don´t think if I should open a new post. No response of the panel buttons, vga keeps blinking and only 19V on the conectors.

          1) I had found on the USB board a J598 voltage regulator faulty (in short) as the s4 64A diodes that corresponds to this part of the circuit. Also the 3A fuse was blown and the zener ZD701 was shorted (thanks to billy66 that has made a good effort to discover for me the breackdown voltage).

          2) I replaced everything, but the vga card has also a short, that I cannot isolate. I´ve removed all the caps that was on the shorted trail, hoping one was shorted but with no luck, if tboxxx allow me to use his pictures,

          In red are the shorts (except the 3A fuse that was open). On the vga, afther replacing the big 950T (1,8V 1A regulator) I realiced the regulator wasn´t shorted. The other fet of the circuit wasn´t shorted either. (if someone knows a replacement just in case the nº is T044 / 950t65 the slash means new line)
          On blue are something remarkable about what seems to be an eprom, that has 4 pins for ground (not corresponding to datasheet).
          that´s all for now, if someone could please tell me what can I test, as I havent found datasheet for the FLI5961 nor the TW9606, and I´m running out of hopes here.
          More to tell is that not a single zener of the vga card was shorted (on both ways), and the 5 pin stuff on the back of the vga says 69789 or 697B9 (can´t find datasheet or replacement but I think the short shouldn´t be there as both pads are linked with a cap that I removed and was ok).
          Thanks for reading and any advice would be really apreciated!

          PW: to tboxxx: your board seems to have a white residue, make me wonder if it has get wet or something.
          Attached Files


            Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

            Hi all.
            Need a circuit on the monitor DELL 2007


              Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

              Hello everyone.
              I need to know breackdown voltage of ZD701.
              Can anyone help me, thanks


                Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking

                Can anyone help me? I pickup a dell 2007FPb and the problem is that the LCD wont stay on. It keep on shutting off and turn itself back on without me hitting the power button. Sometime it stay on for a few minutes. I had re-solder the connection for the power and all the caps but still won't stay on. Let me know if anyone have a solution or what to test.


                  Re: Dell 2007FPb No Power, Power and 1 icon (VGA) blinking


