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  • goldhawks
    started a topic Lenovo Y40-80 bios

    Lenovo Y40-80 bios

    Hi all, I have a Lenovo Y40-80 that I am trying to remove the Admin password for. There is a password screen that comes up immediately that I can input a user password for (Pic 3) and this will allow me access to Windows or the BIOS, but a majority of the options are grayed out in the BIOS (Pic 4).

    I have attached a picture of my overall chassis and a close up of the chip that I have read (using CH341A and AsProgrammer). I output two files from the chip and compared them (fc /b) and they were the same. I patched the first file (the file felt like it processed too quickly) and then...
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  • HP ProDesk 400 G6 mini - BIOS Password attempt to remove it


    as noobie to this please excuse my lack of experience.

    I am trying to remove a BIOS password from this machine:
    [B]HP ProDesk 400 G6 Mini [/B]

    but so far I still have no success.
    I bought [B]CH341 programmer[/B] and decided to give it a try.

    The programmer came with [B]8 pin [/B]cables and connectors or whatever everything else is called so I had to buy a new [B]16 pin cable[/B] because the chip which I think is the BIOS is with [B]16 pins[/B]..

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  • HP ProBook 640 G3 BIOS Passwort reset

    Is the only way to resest/delete the BIOS passwort removing and reprogramming the bios chip? Or is there any other easier method?
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  • Beginner Tutorial for using RCUnlocker to remove BIOS password?

    Kinda new to this, so hoping you will all give me a bit of a pass.
    I came to this forum because need to remove the BIOS password on an HP EliteBook 850 G1.
    I understand that I need to dumpt the BIOS to a dump file, process the dump file with RCUnlocker, then write the modified BIN file back to tthe BIOS chip.
    Is there a beginner guide anywhere that describes the entire process for doing this?
    I am reallly in the dark regarding which tool or tools are required to extract the BIOS dump file, then write the modified BIN back to the BIOS chip. The guides I have...
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    Hi, I bought a gigabyte g5 kc from a friend of mine for cheap cause he forgot the bios password, my main issue is that he changed a lot of things in the v core settings which led to the pc overheating liek crazy, i have a dump from the bios file and i wish to get some help removing the bios password

    MOBO S/N 1TNH55DP1250306
    P/N 6-77-NH55DPQY-DO2-3D
    LAPTOP S/N SN21251J002692
    P/N 9RC45KC02CE1E1FR501...
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