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Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

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    Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

    I think it would be very helpful for a acronym database of sorts. When I first started here and even now sometimes I'm thrown off by them and have to Google the definition. Some times this definition is way off. For instance "DMM" returns "Digital Molecular Matter" Anyone want to help us uneducated people figure them out!. Thanks, Jacob

    1.VOM = volt/ohm meter

    2.DMM = digital multimeter

    3.CCFL = cold cathode fluorescent lamps

    4.CRT = cathode ray tube

    Attached Files
    ^Learning to walk on rice paper without leaving a trace,

    Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings
    veritas odium parit


      Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

      ^bookmarked. Thank you
      ^Learning to walk on rice paper without leaving a trace,


        Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

        Not quite electronics but I always liked: "SCRAM"
        SCRAM = Shutdown Control Reactor Axe Man.
        In the early days of experiments with things nuclear they used stacks of uranium bricks to make their experimental reactors. [Purity wasn't so good yet so they were -weak-.]
        The reactors were literally brought critical buy pulling the rods with a rope.
        The rope ran across a block of wood where the "Shutdown Control Reactor Axe Man" stood with an axe to cut the rope [thereby dropping the rods] if something went wrong.
        If anyone yelled SCRAM, he cut the rope.

        Can you say High Tech?

        CRUD is another interesting one. - Chalk River Unidentified Deposits.

        Mann-Made Global Warming.
        - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.

        Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

        - Dr Seuss
        You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.


          Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

          WOPR = War Operations Planned Response
          Do You Want To Play A Game?

          Scram, Sounds like good advice. I would run like the wind if I herd that while playing with nuclear reactors!
          ^Learning to walk on rice paper without leaving a trace,


            Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

            What do you guys mean when you say "deer" is this an inside joke or am I missing something.
            ^Learning to walk on rice paper without leaving a trace,


              Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

              deer is a brand of junk power supply.


                Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

                And a pretty useful today:

                DOA Dead On Arrival


                  Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings


                  Of a

                  So if you have to put your project out with a fire extinguisher, it's a

                  Is more than a former Indian tribe on Long Island New York.
                  That is not what they called them selves, it's what the settlers called them.
                  Stands for

                  They lost on every land deal and lost big.
                  Today the BOHICA reservation is the size of a phone booth.

                  Flame emitting resistor
                  Light emitting capacitor

                  I can go on, but who wants to hear more?

                  Got a few left.

                  Be well all
                  Jack Crow
                  "You are, what you do, when it counts"
                  The Masso

                  "Gravity, the quickest way down"
                  Mayor John Almafi

                  "You ever drop an egg, and on the floor you see it break?
                  You go and get a mop so you can clean up your mistake.
                  But did you ever stop to ponder why we know it's true?
                  If you drop a broken egg you will not get an egg that's new?"

                  MC Hawking


                    Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

                    Funny, when you google for Light Emitting Capacitor and Light Emitting Transistor...

                    Of course, light emitting resistors are common. They're even PTC (positive temperature coefficient, so we're on topic here...)
                    Attached Files


                      Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

                      D.E.A.D.D. = Darkness Emitting Arsenic-Doped Diode
                      (An L.E.D. becomes a D.E.A.D.D. if you try to pump too much current through it.)
                      Please do not PM me with questions! Questions via PM will not be answered. Post on the forums instead!
                      For service manual, schematic, boardview (board view), datasheet, cad - use our search.


                        Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

                        ZDP - zero delay plane (for audio loudspeakers)


                          Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

                          Thanks for the info


                            When a customer irritates you he becomes PITA Pain in the arse


                              When an employee starts performing well he gets the Igoma award. I Got Off My Arse


                                When you've spent hours on a job it becomes WOFT Waste of Fu**ING Time


                                  WAFWOM: "what a f*cking waste of money" many such cases.

                                  Originally posted by eccerr0r View Post
                                  Re: Electronic's acronyms - Meanings

                                  Funny, when you google for Light Emitting Capacitor and Light Emitting Transistor...

                                  Of course, light emitting resistors are common. They're even PTC (positive temperature coefficient, so we're on topic here...)
                                  Hey I have that TO-92 red LED. It was made by National Semiconductor and I'm still trying to find the part number, reading your post 11 years late lol.


                                    TBH I have no clue what the value add of the TO-92 LED is... other than it looks like a light emitting transistor...


                                      It was from the mid 1970's when National Semiconductor was getting big into opto-electronics. They made LEDs, LED displays, bubble displays for pocket watches, calculators.
                                      As a kid I bought it because it was cute, or maybe it was a sample but never did see it in a databook. I gotta look for it, post a pic.

                                      Later National went big into COB, but the module prices were very expensive and did not catch on. I think the whole venture failed for some reason. Digi-Key was selling their LED clock modules MA1010, MA1012 etc. and that's what got Digi-Key started the old CEO said. Around 1977-ish.

