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HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

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    HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

    Hello. This notebook arrived dead. Tryied to reflash the SPI eprom with files of SIMILAR motherboard and it turned to life. Now I tryied to update BIOS downloading it from HP site, but the executable says "this bios is not for your computer" (I guess it depends by the current BIOS not perfectly compatible with the board..).
    I'm thinking to desolder the chips and reflash it with my programmer with the correct files, but the file provided by HP is a merged file containing either main bios and EC bios, and I haven't found the separated files for my model.
    So I need help: can I split the file in two single files and flash it separately?
    I don't want to leave the current bios because I cannot use the WIFi board, and there are some minor issue that I think are related with the wrong BIOS.

    If it can help, I attach the original damaged bios files, and the currentlt installed files, probably dedicated to the dv6-6b54er model.

    The file I have to split is contained in the archived file downloadable from HP site:

    Thank a lot for any help!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Fulcro; 06-16-2016, 04:46 AM.

    Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

    welcome to forum

    bios for this board is strange to say at least

    in SP60655 there are two bios with same BID but thay are not the same so i cannt be sure which one is it so you must try both... thay are already latest version
    Attached Files
    Im Back... sort of...


      Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

      Thanks a lot ala_borbe! In the HP_TOOLS partition of the notebook there's already a folder BIOSUpdate with the bin file which I think is the original version. Do you think that comparing the bin file with each one of the file contained in the archive from HP I can realize which version I have to flash of the files your provided?
      Moreover, what can I use to split future BIOS in Main and EC file?
      I tryied PhoenixTool (which works also with Insyde EFI BIOS), but seems a little more complicated for my current knowledge of the BIOS structure...
      Thanks a lot again!
      Last edited by Fulcro; 06-16-2016, 08:08 AM.


        Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

        there is no generic way for that, nor tool cos its not the same every time, depends on construction of board and vendor

        at least i did not found any for for that, i do it manually with hex editor

        to help a bit:
        hp bios in most cases is encrypted meaning not readable content so the trick is to decrypt first... sometimes PhoenixTool can do this (in your case it can) that is the file with .dec extension
        sometimes it cannt but there are other methods for that

        finding where to cut big file is mostly easy if you have dump
        in big file do hex search to find where it starts, and size is known
        but in this case updated EC rom is 128k and eprom is 512k... simply pase 128k over bigger file, not touching the rest cos it wont turn on, it would be dead like horse

        now for serial part and dmi data... do search for text for model name and note adresses in hex and paste it to new bios at same address (in your case it 0x00180000 if i recall right)

        Using hex editor look at the end of bios and near end there would be BIDxxxx and that is how you can identify right bios

        i hope i made my self clear, and not to confusing
        Last edited by ala_borbe; 06-16-2016, 08:21 AM.
        Im Back... sort of...


          Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash



            Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

            hi i have an hp pavilion bv6
            when I start the keyboard flashes once and there is no display
            help me fix this bios file 🙏🏿 please
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              Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

              Originally posted by Wilfried View Post
              hi i have an hp pavilion bv6
              when I start the keyboard flashes once and there is no display
              help me fix this bios file 🙏🏿 please
              Latest Version from HP, hope it works fine.
              Attached Files
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                Re: HP DV6 6C65el (MB Winstron 48.4RH09.021): split BIOS file to direct flash

                Thank you brother but no picture
                I think it's the Radeon graphics that died

