Well to make a long story short...
my laptop got tossed by an "angry person", a she devil...
It will power on, everything works! But... When it's moved, bam no video and or BSOD. (certain things seem to "break" every time it's moved.) I figured something was loose etc.. Opened it up reseated everything, checked for cracks on the board, etc.. Everything looked fine, but I'm still having the same problem...
Turns on, everything checks out in windows hardware manager, move it and bam BSOD. As I said something else seems to break / work when rebooted / moved.
error code 1:
error code 2:
Any ideas on what this problem might be? I think it's possible the board could be grounding out somehow how can I test this? I mean; it works fine not being moved, so I don't think an old phone book will do. Please ideas, suggestions.
my laptop got tossed by an "angry person", a she devil...
It will power on, everything works! But... When it's moved, bam no video and or BSOD. (certain things seem to "break" every time it's moved.) I figured something was loose etc.. Opened it up reseated everything, checked for cracks on the board, etc.. Everything looked fine, but I'm still having the same problem...
Turns on, everything checks out in windows hardware manager, move it and bam BSOD. As I said something else seems to break / work when rebooted / moved.
error code 1:
Driver_IRQL_not_less_or_equal stop: 0x000000D1 (0x01AD5FA4, 0x00000002, 0x000000000, 0XF981C967)
error code 2:
FTDISK.SYS - Address F981C967 BASE AT F981C000
Any ideas on what this problem might be? I think it's possible the board could be grounding out somehow how can I test this? I mean; it works fine not being moved, so I don't think an old phone book will do. Please ideas, suggestions.