I picked this up yesterday at Walmart, a 32" LED TV (model #100002458) for just under $100 to use in my shop. A few months ago, the older models used the 'Element' brand name but apparently now they go by 'onn'. Either way it looks like they are all made by Tsinghau TongFang (THTF) Global. The main board is MS35533-ZC01-01.

Unfortunately it looks like on this one they had to leave off the PC audio 3.5mm input jack to save a few cents per unit. The older models all had this included. I took the cover off and there is clearly an unused location to receive the 3.5mm connector. I tried soldering a cable with a 3.5mm plug to the three pads (the center pin at the back of the solder pads is ground) to see if it would play audio through the speakers but it did not work. There are some other components missing like Q500, Q501, R76, C323, etc. near the connector. Other than those, I think I can trace the one channel back to the main CPU. Does anyone know the best approach to figure out what components are needed and add them back? Maybe even a small perf board with regular through hole components for the transistor, resistor, capacitor, etc. could be used and then all one would have to do is solder the two audio wires to traces leading to the CPU.
I did play around with the setup menus and the audio screen appears to be active on the PC/VGA input the same as on the Component video input, so I am hoping that the audio is not muted in the firmware for this input. I looked in the service menu and could not find any settings that might change this. So if I could figure out the circuit, I think there is a good chance the PC audio input would work.
Unfortunately it looks like on this one they had to leave off the PC audio 3.5mm input jack to save a few cents per unit. The older models all had this included. I took the cover off and there is clearly an unused location to receive the 3.5mm connector. I tried soldering a cable with a 3.5mm plug to the three pads (the center pin at the back of the solder pads is ground) to see if it would play audio through the speakers but it did not work. There are some other components missing like Q500, Q501, R76, C323, etc. near the connector. Other than those, I think I can trace the one channel back to the main CPU. Does anyone know the best approach to figure out what components are needed and add them back? Maybe even a small perf board with regular through hole components for the transistor, resistor, capacitor, etc. could be used and then all one would have to do is solder the two audio wires to traces leading to the CPU.
I did play around with the setup menus and the audio screen appears to be active on the PC/VGA input the same as on the Component video input, so I am hoping that the audio is not muted in the firmware for this input. I looked in the service menu and could not find any settings that might change this. So if I could figure out the circuit, I think there is a good chance the PC audio input would work.