Hello everyone hope you all are doing well, I'm posting here since no was interested in my post on "MacBook unlocked!" Topic, so In short I have found a way to test every possible key combination to try and find the combination to open the terminal on fmm/EFI locked M1/M2 machines, the person who found this still refuses to give info, but if hasn't lied about it being a key combination there's a chance we might find it, so to try Evey key combination I've got a digispark attiny 85 which is a small μController, I've written as script to emulate a keyboard and go thru every possible key combination ie (1mod+4keys,2mod+3keys....,4mod+2keys) but there are some issues,
1-there are some keys which end up changing the screen ie proceeding to activation, opening startup disk,restart laptops....etc, and currently Don't know all of them so it's hard to test all keys uninterrupted.
2-i am assuming that this is a key combination to be pressed and not held so I have a 5ms delay which after some testing seems to work (tried shift/cmd/option/Ctrl + : ) to open finder, but there is a good chance it's a long press key combo, if it's a short press key combo and I figure out all the problematic key combos than I can go thru every possible combo in around 24-30 hours, but if it's a long press combo that becomes 24-30 years,
I'm here to ask for help to figure it out, if you have any info ie maybe one of the keys/exact screen where it's possible, I'd love the help, I have below pictures of the setup, if anyone is interested to help feel free to reply, and I'll keep y'all updated if I find anything
1-there are some keys which end up changing the screen ie proceeding to activation, opening startup disk,restart laptops....etc, and currently Don't know all of them so it's hard to test all keys uninterrupted.
2-i am assuming that this is a key combination to be pressed and not held so I have a 5ms delay which after some testing seems to work (tried shift/cmd/option/Ctrl + : ) to open finder, but there is a good chance it's a long press key combo, if it's a short press key combo and I figure out all the problematic key combos than I can go thru every possible combo in around 24-30 hours, but if it's a long press combo that becomes 24-30 years,
I'm here to ask for help to figure it out, if you have any info ie maybe one of the keys/exact screen where it's possible, I'd love the help, I have below pictures of the setup, if anyone is interested to help feel free to reply, and I'll keep y'all updated if I find anything