Generic CopyDMI Scripts to complement the Experienced Copy DMI guide:
Copy DMI info easily with Hex editing software and Macro script
Tiny Hexer -
Post your generic scripts in this thread, no bios requests or any other questions , just scripts that everyone can use for any bios with the same *DMI off-sets. Posting a thank you is ok though,if you find what everyone posts useful.
The scripts can be named anything you want but the bios naming must be the same as they are in the guide when you make the scripts otherwise they won`t work.
*DMI. The scripts don`t have to be just for DMI,they can be used for anything that uses the same fixed offsets.
Copy DMI info easily with Hex editing software and Macro script
Tiny Hexer -
Post your generic scripts in this thread, no bios requests or any other questions , just scripts that everyone can use for any bios with the same *DMI off-sets. Posting a thank you is ok though,if you find what everyone posts useful.

The scripts can be named anything you want but the bios naming must be the same as they are in the guide when you make the scripts otherwise they won`t work.
*DMI. The scripts don`t have to be just for DMI,they can be used for anything that uses the same fixed offsets.