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HP Clean VSS2 dumps,fix Endpoint Security error

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    HP Clean VSS2 dumps,fix Endpoint Security error

    Just a thread to post clean VSS2 files/dumps in.A clean VSS2 file can, in some cases, fix
    the infamous **"Endpoint Security" error message.
    Be aware that if you use a clean VSS2 you may need to fill in missing DMI info using HP BCU !

    I`ve included some clean files/dumps,offsets and a few scripts to autopatch a few models.
    The offsets and file sizes are part of the naming convention i`ve used for the extracted

    hoaca388 has made an excellent guide how to extract the VSS2 file and edit/clean it up by
    filling everything after the header with FF`s

    By default the extracted VSS2`s are named "VSS2_store_VSS2_store.vss2" .The attached VSS2 files are
    renamed by: start offset - end offset - size

    Models,Offsets and filesize in hex:

    650 G5,830 G6, 840 G6, 850 G6 18F4048-1919FFF-25FB8

    435 G8, 445 G8, 855 G8 1070048-1095FFF-25FB8 (Identical file/size as models above but different offsets)

    ZBook Fury G8 192A048-1967FFF-3DFB8 (Different size and offsets.Header 1 byte different)

    As far as i know the per model offsets for the VSS2 store do not change after a bios update, but its
    something to watch out for.

    If you can`t use a hex editor you can still patch your own main bios using the attached
    TinyHexer Scripts for autopatching. See the README.txt file for instructions . If anyone else
    wants to add a script the existing ones can be edited easily with a text editor,just change
    the filename plus the start and end offsets and filesize in decimal.

    Models and Script filenames:

    650 G5,830 G6, 840 G6, 850 G6. 18F4048-1919FFF-25FB8.mps

    435 G8, 445 G8, 855 G8. 1070048-1095FFF-25FB8.mps

    ZBook Fury G8. 192A048-1967FFF-3DFB8.mps

    If any of these scrips have worked for you give

    **"Endpoint Security" error message

    You may get this message if:

    The ME firmware is corrupt or not cleaned (using a clean VSS2 will not fix this !) , you havn`t added the DMI with HP BCU ,the VSS2 store is corrupt,
    you used a different bios dump, you removed a password from the EC bios, the bios was updated, secure boot is disabled.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by SMDFlea; 02-09-2025, 01:47 PM. Reason: added 435 G8
    All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters

    Models,Offsets and filesize:

    640 G4, 650 G4, 830 G5, 840 G5 1AF6048-1B1BFFF-25FB8

    Script filename:


    Attached Files
    Last edited by SMDFlea; 02-16-2025, 04:14 PM. Reason: added 830 G5
    All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


      Thanks for share


        Models,Offsets and filesize:

        830 G7, 840 G7 18EA048-190FFFF-25FB8

        Script filename:

        Attached Files
        All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


          Models,Offsets and filesize:

          440 G8, 450 G8, 830 G8 ,840 G8, X360 1040 G8. 188A048-18C7FFF-3DFB8

          Script filename:

          Attached Files
          Last edited by SMDFlea; 11-01-2024, 08:39 AM.
          All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


            Hello. How can I create the vss script file for hp 800 g2 twr or can you send it?


              Originally posted by lokmanolgun View Post
              Hello. How can I create the vss script file for hp 800 g2 twr or can you send it?
              Models,Offsets and filesize:

              800 G2 TWR. B98048-BB5FFF-1DFB8

              Script filename:

              Attached Files
              All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                Originally posted by SMDFlea View Post
                Just a thread to post clean VSS2 files/dumps in.A clean VSS2 file can, in some cases, fix
                the infamous **"Endpoint Security" error message.
                Be aware that if you use a clean VSS2 you may need to fill in missing DMI info using HP BCU !

                I`ve included some clean files/dumps,offsets and a few scripts to autopatch a few models.
                The offsets and file sizes are part of the naming convention i`ve used for the extracted

                hoaca388 has made an excellent guide how to extract the VSS2 file and edit/clean it up by
                filling everything after the header with FF`s

                Hi I need endpoint fix file for HP EliteBook x360 830 G7


                  Originally posted by SMDFlea View Post
                  Just a thread to post clean VSS2 files/dumps in.A clean VSS2 file can, in some cases, fix
                  the infamous **"Endpoint Security" error message.
                  Be aware that if you use a clean VSS2 you may need to fill in missing DMI info using HP BCU !
                  This means you just need to patch it without having to edit again "everything after the header with FF"


                    Originally posted by Mahesa09 View Post

                    This means you just need to patch it without having to edit again "everything after the header with FF"
                    Yes, but only the VSS2 region (or regions on some models, more than one)
                    All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                      Originally posted by SMDFlea View Post

                      Yes, but only the VSS2 region (or regions on some models, more than one)
                      ok sir thankyou, this is succes, not sucses to the patch EC


                      • SMDFlea
                        SMDFlea commented
                        Editing a comment
                        The script only patches VSS2 in the main bios, thats what it does, one thing only, it doesn`t do anything else that it`s not made for. You should learn how to use a hex editor.

                      Models,Offsets and filesize:

                      Zbook 17 G6. 18B4048-18D9FFF-25FB8

                      Script filename:

                      Attached Files
                      All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                        Originally posted by SMDFlea View Post
                        Models,Offsets and filesize:

                        440 G8, 450 G8, 830 G8 ,840 G8, X360 1040 G8. 188A048-18C7FFF-3DFB8

                        Script filename:

                        I have an HP x360 1040 G8 laptop and I am having issues with my endpoint security.
                        I ran the script and reprogrammed the BIOS but without success
                        After turning on my laptop this message was shown on the screen.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1080.jpg
Views:	425
Size:	260.5 KB
ID:	3549594

                        Every time the laptop was turned on, the counter decreased by one.
                        Initially, the counter showed the number 34. After turning it on and off 34 times, the message changed to show this new message and the counter remained at the number 1.
                        Now Windows will not boot and the laptop will only enter the BIOS program.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1083.jpg
Views:	381
Size:	1.67 MB
ID:	3549595

                        Can anyone help with this problem?

                        I have attached my script file and my BIOS backup file for further review
                        The endpoint.bin file is the BIOS file after running the script and the endpoint.bin.bak file is the original BIOS version of my laptop.


                        • SMDFlea
                          SMDFlea commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Flash the endpoint.bin bios again, then use HP Bios Config Utility to enter all DMI ,and then lock MPM.

                        Hello. This script

                        Script filename:


                        is compatible with PB 445 G8?


                          Originally posted by WickedTaras View Post
                          Hello. This script
                          Script filename:
                          is compatible with PB 445 G8?
                          No it isn`t. I checked and the 855 G8. 1070048-1095FFF-25FB8.mps is the one you want at post 1 ,the 445 G8 is the same .I`ll edit the post and add the model number

                          All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                            Hello! I flashed the SPI ROM with a cleaned VSS2. But it didn't give any result. What else could be the problem?

                            Probook 445 G8.


                              Originally posted by WickedTaras View Post
                              Hello! I flashed the SPI ROM with a cleaned VSS2. But it didn't give any result. What else could be the problem?

                              Probook 445 G8.
                              I have no idea what the initial symptom of the laptop was. Start a new thread in laptop troubleshooting if you think there`s a hardware problem, or if you still think there`s a bios problem post your request in a 448 G8 topic and explain exactly what the issue is
                              All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                                Models,Offsets and filesize:

                                ProOne 400 G4 20-inch Non-Touch AIO Business. 1962048-1987FFF-25FB8
                                ProOne 440 G4 23.8-inch Non-Touch

                                Script filename:

                                Attached Files
                                All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters

