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HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

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    HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on


    Please could someone assist me. So i have a strange issue where my HP laptop wont turn on. The charger light comes on when AC is connected but nothing when i press power.

    Long story short i managed to get it to boot by removing the Bios battery but when i put the battery back and reconnect the main battery the problem returns so i suspected a bios issue. ive now removed the bios chip and am trying to reprogram it but i get the issue you can see on the pic. Does this mean the chip is failed? Thanks in advnce
    Attached Files

    Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

    If you have a backup -> erase the part and review if this same location is still stuck or does it revert to 0xFF.


      Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

      Thanks as always for your help @Mon2. I don’t have a backup unfortunately. Do you think the fact that the chip is giving me that error could be the reason for the issue with it not powering on initially?


        Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

        If it boots after a CMOS reset, then your BIOS is (was) likely ok. Behaviour like this is usually a bad power button. It boots automatically due to the reset, but once that is done it relies on the button to start. Quite a common failure on HP's. Pull the power button board out and you'll probably find the top part of the switch is missing.

        The programming error is more likely an issue with your programmer. Did you get a dump of the chip beforehand?


          Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

          Thanks guys.

          So here is the original Bios that i saved before i started. i shall reflash this and see if it is successful. After i reset the bios battery the power button did work to power on the machine it would only stop working once i re inserted the main battery back into the machine. so im not sure that the power button is faulty.
          Last edited by SMDFlea; 03-06-2023, 11:07 AM.


            Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

            So when i try and reflash the original bios back i get the following.

            "Verification error on address: 0x00001100, Device: 0xFF, Buffer: 0x26"


              Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

              Tried a new version of NeoProgrammer and get this verification error.

              Verification error on address: 0x00000EFC, Device: 0xFF, Buffer: 0xDF


                Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                Continue to verify only the contents with this flash device.

                Do you have the same location fault everytime?

                Are your programmer tools stable? Can you slow down the read/wrote speed in your software? Being spi flash, it should be possible. Use a slower clock in the setup. This may be the true issue.

                Otherwise, to me, the flash device is defective and should be replaced.


                  Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                  Originally posted by mon2 View Post
                  Continue to verify only the contents with this flash device.

                  Do you have the same location fault everytime?

                  Are your programmer tools stable? Can you slow down the read/wrote speed in your software? Being spi flash, it should be possible. Use a slower clock in the setup. This may be the true issue.

                  Otherwise, to me, the flash device is defective and should be replaced.
                  I shall try what you suggested with the verify option. however im not familiar with how to slow down the read/write speed in NeoProgrammer. any chance you can tell me how to do this? Im using a Ch341 Black USB programmer if that helps at all.


                    Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                    CH341 there are many clones and knock offs. Check the data line voltage levels, apparently on some these run at 5V rather than 3.3V and result in these errors.

                    I'd still be checking your power switch with a meter.


                      Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                      Hi Guys,

                      Thanks again for all the replies and help. i have just tried to reflash another bios chip and am getting verification errors. Im wondering if perhaps my programmer is the issue. please advise what i need to do or check on this programmer to see if its faulty.

                      The programmer im using is Ch341 Black and NeoProgrammer v2.2.0.10. I am still learning so any help is greatly appreciated.


                        Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                        Check Flash chip model and voltage, I get that error when trying to program 1.8V chip, in that case, you need 1.8V adapter for ch341 ...


                          Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                          Originally posted by abel2b View Post
                          Check Flash chip model and voltage, I get that error when trying to program 1.8V chip, in that case, you need 1.8V adapter for ch341 ...
                          Thanks so much for the reply. i have the 1.8V adapter but the chip is definitely a 3.3V. im not sure what else to do or how to test if its the programmer or the chip itself.


                            Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                            Originally posted by mon2 View Post
                            Continue to verify only the contents with this flash device.

                            Do you have the same location fault everytime?

                            Are your programmer tools stable? Can you slow down the read/wrote speed in your software? Being spi flash, it should be possible. Use a slower clock in the setup. This may be the true issue.

                            Otherwise, to me, the flash device is defective and should be replaced.
                            Turns out the Programmer was the issue. ive bought a new one and was able to flash the bios again successfully however the fault still remains. all u get is an orange light when charger is attached and no sign of life when i pish the power button.


                              Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                              1) be sure your bios is correct to use for this logic board.

                              2) post or link the schematic for this logic board.

                              3) review the DCin mosfets and power adapter detect circuit. The charger IC details are of interest.

                              Which one is onboard? BQ series?


                                Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                                Originally posted by mon2 View Post
                                1) be sure your bios is correct to use for this logic board.

                                2) post or link the schematic for this logic board.

                                3) review the DCin mosfets and power adapter detect circuit. The charger IC details are of interest.

                                Which one is onboard? BQ series?
                                Thanks i shall do the above and post back. Not sure if this is relevant but the amber light is there regardless of whether the battery is installed or not.

                                I tried multiple bios's.

                                here is a link to the Schematics.


                                  Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                                  Check the voltage to ground of BQBATPRES pin # 15 of the BQ charger IC. This pin senses if the battery is present or not.

                                  The netname for this signal to the battery is MAIN_BAT_DET#. Interested in the voltage to ground here.

                                  Also - see attached.

                                  Other points to measure are the voltage readings of the SMBUS pins on the battery pack = SMD / SMC (names from their schematic).

                                  Each must be ~3 volts else the TVS ESD diodes may be shorted and causing a communication fault of the SMBUS lines.

                                  Update: REMOVE the battery and check the pin #15 voltage to ground. Without the battery, this pin must be ~3 volts.
                                  Attached Files


                                    Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                                    Does the mb boots after cmos removal with new bios flash?? If yes, it has nothing to do with bios. You should have acted on @reformmat's advice of checking the power button. Another reason can be some issue in RTC circuit. If battery is charging, there should be nothing wrong in charging circuit. So do check the basics before taking un-necessary steps.


                                      Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                                      òk so just an update. I checked the Power button as suggested and its fine.

                                      The machine however is now turning on and fans are spinning but i get nothing on display and no external display either.


                                        Re: HP Probook 430 G3 wont turn on

                                        Then you're back at BIOS. however, check whether you get a reaction from CapsLock or Numlock with external keyboard before.
                                        FairRepair on YouTube

