Typical symptoms: The switch had been powered up and working for several years and was then switched off for an office refurb, never to power up again. The unit contains a Delta ADP-40VP 5V 8A SMPSU board and the output measured 1.6V
There were 4 suspect caps with no outward signs of distress - all Ltec:
1 x 1500uF 10V - replaced with Panasonic 105C FR
3 x 2200uF 10V - replaced with Panasonic 105C FR
I decided I might as well replace the HV smoothing cap while I was in there (100uF 400V Ltec), so in went a Chemicon KXG.
There was also a small 47uF ??V (covered in white goop) which was given the benefit of the doubt as it would have required some major digging out. Right now the PSU/Switch is working again.
Pic is of the recapped board - the replacement Chemicon 100uF is slightly bigger than the original Ltec. If the unit plays up again, the 47uF is for the chop - heck, I might do it now anyway while I'm in the mood!
All the best etc.
There were 4 suspect caps with no outward signs of distress - all Ltec:
1 x 1500uF 10V - replaced with Panasonic 105C FR
3 x 2200uF 10V - replaced with Panasonic 105C FR
I decided I might as well replace the HV smoothing cap while I was in there (100uF 400V Ltec), so in went a Chemicon KXG.
There was also a small 47uF ??V (covered in white goop) which was given the benefit of the doubt as it would have required some major digging out. Right now the PSU/Switch is working again.
Pic is of the recapped board - the replacement Chemicon 100uF is slightly bigger than the original Ltec. If the unit plays up again, the 47uF is for the chop - heck, I might do it now anyway while I'm in the mood!
All the best etc.