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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

    Hello all from the east coast of Canada, Nova Scotia to be exact. I'll get back to N.S. in a moment but let me introduce myself first. My name is Bob Stronach and my wife Gail and I live in the suburbs of Halifax. We have been together since high school way back in the sixties and are both retired now, she from teaching and I from the electronics industry. We have two great married daughters who live nearby.
    I have been involved in the world of electronics ever since high school when I met a friend who had an interest in science as I did. I bought a copy of " The Radio Amateurs Handbook " and started taking apart old radios and whatever we could find for parts. This led me to take Electronics Engineering Technology at college, and graduated in 1971. Since then, I worked in a research lab, X-Ray company, university, CCTV and Broadcast Video equipment and video projection systems.
    As far as computers go, I think my first one was a single-board 4-bit processor called an RCA VIP with 1K memory and a Hexadecimal keyboard. After that I moved up to a VIC-20, C-64, 386dx-66, various 486, pentiums and, now, a core-5. I have enjoyed all of them and learned much, but never wanted to make a living with one. I still have fun building electronic gadgets as well as my wood working and camping.
    That brings me back to Nova Scotia or, to be correct, a part of N.S. called Cape Breton Island. Several months after the US election started to really heat up, some people in CB came up with the idea that, if D.T. won the election, they would invite all those who did not want to or were scared to stay in the US, to come to Cape Breton and be welcomed with open arms. They are getting all kinds of inquiries and calls. Not bad for something that started as a joke.
    Well, as can be seen, I do ramble on a bit but if you have any questions drop me a note. Would love to hear from you.


      Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

      Hello! I stumbled across this site when looking for ways to fix a problem i have, and boy what a forum. This place has a plethora of information and good people. As someone who has little to no knowledge of electrical engineering, i hope to learn a lot here.


        Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

        I have been in and around electronics for a long time. How long?. Don't go there but, crt screens used to be round.

        Professionally, I am now playing with drone electronics and renewable energy systems but I still enjoy attempting to repair consumer gear. I hate throwing out, perfectly good gear in the bin when a fifty cent part was the only issue.
        Unfortunately, there is the little matter of the thousand dollars of labor


          Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

          Introductory post - as a kid I took a lot of things apart, and got very few of them back together. I'm much better at that now though. While my wife was watching me attempt a TV repair tonight, she said she was glad I understood this kind of stuff.
          I don't understand this kind of stuff. I understand it just enough to know how much I don't understand it. That said, I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron and can trace down basic faults with a decent success rate. I also play around with Arduinos to make toy space ships light up in fun ways.
          Successful repairs: Half a dozen monitors, 2 TVs, computer speakers, car amps, electronic piano, and a handful of computers.
          Unsuccessful repairs: Every electronic toy I got until age 14, a Drobo, Powerbook 145b, a couple SCSI disk drives, and on occasion my dignity.


            Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

            hi guys, I'm mattia and I'm a phone repair. I work in a lab in my country, and I love microsolder. Also I repair pc mac and other product, but I have much to learn especially about mac, and of course everything else. I love this forum and I hope that we could help each other all ! thank you


              Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

              My name is Don and Just joined the site. Still trying to figure it out. I have been into building computers for years. I live in Clintonville, Wisconsin. A few turns in the road somehow made me end up here. Long story. About a year ago I fixed a Samsung TV by replacing the T-Con board. It was s stab in the dark after watching a Youtube video online. It has been working great ever since then as it was having all sorts of issues. I won't get lengthy here but now I and trying to fix a Vizio TV that has been sitting for years. I will leave the details for a future question and after I finish the profile business. Questions later.


                Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                Came across this site from google, having an issue with my Samsung TV and looking for some guidance.
                Thank you


                  Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                  Hello! I have repair a monitor reading some threads here. thank you


                    Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                    Hi there. Want some advice on how to manipulate the flat cables of my tv's lcd panel. Want to make a thread for it with pics.


                      Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                      Hello everyone.

                      I am searching for material to repair a power supply board and a Google search brought up very impressive material from this forum. Registering was a prerequisite before you could see pictures. Wow!! thanks Admin for setting this up and everyone else for such a depth of experts and inspirational material.

                      With full membership, it seems DIY Electronics Repair will be my new hobby ;-)


                        Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                        Hi everyone,

                        I've been lurking here for a few months since some TVs around me started doing some weird things. I've fixed a few but I don't consider myself an expert like most of you.

                        Let's see if I can continue my repair streak.


                          Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                          Hi...beginner hobbyist here looking to get a better understanding into curcuitry.


                            Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                            Hi all.

                            I'm a tinkerer with some commercial radio communications experience and have repaired all sorts of electronic goods over the years, the latest being a iMac PSU.

                            My my fault finding skills are limited to tracing circuits, checking diagrams and visually identifying bad components so I hope to be able to pick up some new skill with the help and guidance of existing members.



                              Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                              Hi everyone,

                              do people still repairing things?? well here i am.. repair things from household items to computer related stuff is fun.. its a hobby not just for money. Those old day of gaming or coding is gone, now its time to repair those lcd/power supply!
                              so.. help me out guys... thanks!


                                Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                                Have problem with my earbuds, I'm looking for some " how to fix it"
                                I think they broke inside the housings. No sound, and sometime it pops up like


                                  Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                                  TorqueMaster here. This is my obligatory introduction. Trying to fix a tv and this is required to download some linked documents that may help. If not, I'll post a new thread in the appropriate area.

                                  I'm just a hobbyist at component level repairs. If it's bulging, or looks like the factory installed smoke got out, or the solder joints are bad, maybe I can fix it. On rare occasions I might attack with a multimeter. If cheap enough, I'lll swap out my best guess at which may be the bad board. Mostly self-taught with basic high school and a little college electronics coursework.


                                    Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                                    Hi I am newbie in electronics so dont ask me to hard qestions.
                                    Sory for my bad english I am not native speaker.


                                      Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                                      I registered in this forum so that I could get a pc fixed.


                                        Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                                        Just saying hi ... First computer was a Commodore 64 in 1982 ... been a network engineer since the mid 1990's. I got my AS degree in electronics so I still dabble in it. I program Java for fun and fix peoples cell phones ... apparently as a ministry or something .... lol.



                                          Re: New Members - please post your introductions here

                                          I have two tvs that are down in my house and hoping to use the knowledge on this site to repair them. Hopefully my issues along with their resolutions, cross my fingers, helps others in the future.

