oh I forgot to mention, on the +5 line it had room for a 16mm dia cap! It was the first time I'd ever had to use the smaller silkscreen (I only have 12.5mm caps). I was quite surprised
+5V rail: JP TUR series 2200uF 105C before output inductor 10V and "WC" 2200uF 10V 85C after.
+12V rail: "WC" 2200uF 16V 105C.
-5V rail: "WC" 470uF 16V 85C.
-12V rail: "WC" 680uF 16V 85C.
150uF 200V CETHR primary units.
Non-approved capacitor before the bridge rectifier
Attached Files
My first choice in quality Japanese electrolytics is Nippon Chemi-Con, which has been in business since 1931... the quality of electronics is dependent on the quality of the electrolytics.
Here is a picture of the label - big lies again, each rail has a 16A rectifier, and there's actually only 1 +12v rail.
Here's the overall picture...I don't think that can do 400W, do you?
Here's the input filter... fake Y caps and no X caps, and no coil...and LCZ input caps...LAME. Also, 2 of the diodes are bigger than the other two..what's with that?
And here we have the very sad looking secondary side...caps are BH and H.Q. and there isn't a PI coil in sight!
Came from xoxide.com as one of their 10 dollar 400W case pull power supplies.
Although it proudly shows 400-something in model, peak output is declared only for +3.3V and +5V (it is 120W). +12V you can calculate yorself.
PSU stays warm when computer is off.
Below are pictures of a cheapo power supply that came with a case I bought. It bears a striking resemblance to "The Best Power" one posted here.
While I'm no power supply expert, I can see the y1 and y2 capacitors are nowhere to be found. I guess that explains why the thing is so rf noisy. The large capacitors on the primary side are "MK" "330uf 200v" "0606" "85c". Not sure who the manufacturer is. The orange capacitor on the secondary side is a yujhyyu. Not sure who made the other ones.
The power supply has been used for testing a couple of things, but no daily use. I don't trust it enough, for that.
i see they bad-cap proofed it by using few and tiny caps.
no hope of a bridge mod- the diodes are mounted in a way that says they never intended to make a good one. too much jumper wire. strip for fan/wire for maximum part life/safety.
well, I had to order a new mouse from xoxide, and they had these on sale:
PowMax Demon 480W
When I opened it up, I couldn't stop laughing. 480W my ass....
Anyway, here's the label. The ratings are complete lies though, 12v has a 20A diode, 5v has a 30A, and 3.3v has a 20A. Oh, and it has one tiny transistor for the 5vsb, and one to-220 transistor for the rest. I've never seen one with just one transistor....the transformer is tiny too.
Here's an overall shot - you can see the tiny transformer. The casing is so cheap and flimsy though that it got all bent just by disassembling it.
Here's the surprisingly complete secondary side. The rectification is a little lame (I've seen lamer though), but every major rail (3.3, 5, 5sb, 12) has a full PI filter. The wiring has no ratings on it, but it's skinnier than the 18awg stuff I have, so probably 20awg. The 24 pin ATX connector has some mesh sleeving on it. More than half the caps are smaller in diameter than the silkscreen outline.
And here we have the primary side. All caps in the unit are by Cheng/Chengx, or Theng/Thengx, it's difficult to tell. It has the silly 2 diodes are bigger than the other treatment. And check out that input filter! It's so cheap they don't even outline the parts that aren't there....
The solder side didn't look too horrible, however there is a huge grounding wire soldered over the trace, and a tiny resistor soldered to the bottom in parallel with another resistor on the top...nothing like quality