Originally posted by benzaoui
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this main won't work in RC unlocker only the EC 16mb.
but if you're tired removing the EC and not tired applying DMI use this patch.
First boot press F10 reset bios to factory defaults, 2nd boot reset security settings to defaults.
search here bios config utility if you don't know read sometimes.
Use BCU to fill these DMI INFO:
Serial Number: 5CG91579Z6
Product Number/SKU: 3WW24AV
CT Number: PGSUL00WBC509B
Description: HP ProBook 640 G4
build_id: 17WWC6CT601#SABF#DABF
Feature Byte: 3X476J6S6b7B7H7M7Q7W7m7saBaEapaqauawbUbhcAdUdpdqfAfXhk.8n
MAC Address: 9C-7B-EF-6B-83-9E