MSI GP62 6QF - powers on, keyboard and power button lights up, then switches off.
Motherboard is: MS-16J51 (i think).
1) press power button: keyboard and power button leds light up.
a) nothing on the screen.
b) fans are not spinning.
c) no sounds.
2) after about 1 min 15 secs the laptop switches off.
Video of the issue:
I have tried flashing the bios, which I download from:
Not sure this board has a separate flash chip for the EC. Could find a flash chip near the EC, so it's probably inside it.
Flashing the BIOS just result in the exact same fault.
Don't currently have a programmer to flash an EC.
1) Would flashing the EC (or BIOS again) fix this issue?
2) Is something else causing this fault?
Motherboard is: MS-16J51 (i think).
1) press power button: keyboard and power button leds light up.
a) nothing on the screen.
b) fans are not spinning.
c) no sounds.
2) after about 1 min 15 secs the laptop switches off.
Video of the issue:
I have tried flashing the bios, which I download from:
Not sure this board has a separate flash chip for the EC. Could find a flash chip near the EC, so it's probably inside it.
Flashing the BIOS just result in the exact same fault.
Don't currently have a programmer to flash an EC.
1) Would flashing the EC (or BIOS again) fix this issue?
2) Is something else causing this fault?