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Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

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    Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging


    I am currently working on the Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 with a GE4B0 motherboard.

    Issue: The laptop runs on battery power, but it fails to recognize the charger. The LED1 indicator does not illuminate in white or orange when the charger is connected.

    My investigation:

    1. LB4709 and LB4708 both register 20V.

    2. UE1:
    Pin 34 ACIN_LED measures 0V at R31.
    Pin 11 VCC_LPC_ESPI registers 0.27V.

    3. +3VL_EC at R42532 and various other locations, following the schematics, measures 1.7V.

    Charging IC: BQ25710

    Measurements without battery connected only charger.

    The Boardview and Schematics are attached. But from very similar boards.

    MOD Edit - Link to Schematic
    Reminder: rules and organization of this section
    Last edited by SMDFlea; 09-22-2023, 10:48 AM.

    Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

    What voltage do you have PU3 pin 15 ? PJ3/PJ4 ?
    Last edited by Techtiger; 09-22-2023, 03:18 AM.


      Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

      0v at RE135 (no component attached to these pads). I also did a check on Pin 15, but due to spacing I couldn't be sure - 0v


        Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

        I just tested the same things on a working motherboard. On this one, it turns on when the charger is plugged in, but the power/charger LED doesn't light up. So, I assume the LED doesn't work when the charger is connected. Can someone confirm this?

        Here are the results of my tests:

        LB4709 and LB4708 both show 20V.


        Pin 34 (ACIN_LED) reads 0V at R31.
        Pin 11 (VCC_LPC_ESPI) is at 1.8V.
        Pin 15 is at 3.35V.

        +3VL_EC at R42532 and various other spots, as per the schematics, measures 3.3V.


          Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

          Originally posted by Ado02 View Post
          0v at RE135 (no component attached to these pads). I also did a check on Pin 15, but due to spacing I couldn't be sure - 0v
          didn't ask you to test RE135 signal. This is an input signal for the last stage of the power sequence. PJ3 is a test pad to check if your +3VALW is working or not, and PJ4 is a test pad to check if your +5VALW is working or not


            Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

            if PU3 TPS5139RJER is not producing LDO voltage on pin 15 (0V), then test the supply for the IC on any of pins 2, 3, 4, or 5


              Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

              What voltage do you get on PL4, PQ4, any pin 2, 3, 4, or 10? let us know


                Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                Originally posted by Techtiger View Post
                didn't ask you to test RE135 signal. This is an input signal for the last stage of the power sequence. PJ3 is a test pad to check if your +3VALW is working or not, and PJ4 is a test pad to check if your +5VALW is working or not
                Faulty Motherboard PJ3 1.8V and PJ4 0v

                On Working Motherboard: PJ3 3.36v and PJ4 5v


                  Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                  Originally posted by Techtiger View Post
                  if PU3 TPS5139RJER is not producing LDO voltage on pin 15 (0V), then test the supply for the IC on any of pins 2, 3, 4, or 5
                  Faulty Motherboard:

                  1 - 1.58v
                  2 to 5 - 1.5v

                  Working Motherboard:

                  1 - 8v
                  2 to 5 - 9.24v


                    Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                    Originally posted by Techtiger View Post
                    What voltage do you get on PL4, PQ4, any pin 2, 3, 4, or 10? let us know
                    Faulty Motherboard

                    PQ4 2 to 4 - 1.50v
                    PL4 - 0v

                    Working Motherboard:

                    PQ4 2 to 4 - 9.24v
                    PL4 - 9.28v


                      Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                      I think the VINT20_IN is missing.

                      F6101 1.5V is going up and down a little. If I am correct this should be 20V


                        Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                        Check the voltage to ground on each side of the fuse F6101. Is it stable on one side?


                          Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                          Both sides go from 1.4v to 2.5v


                            Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                            It is too low. Remove all power. Meter in resistance mode.

                            Measure the resistance to ground on each side of this fuse. Post each measurement.


                              Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                              I am unsure if I am doing something wrong, but the values consistently move on the faulty and working motherboard. But they always seem to be in the 1.200 Milliohms region but never stop moving.


                                Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                                Follow simple basics:
                                01.Check resistance between
                                of both N-fets PB5/6


                                  Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging


                                  1-2-3 & 5-6-7-8 / 3.67 Mohms
                                  1-2-4 & 4 / 4.00 Mohms
                                  4 & 5-6-7-8 / At this point I noticed that the MOSFET started to lift away from the motherboard. So, I can only think it's shorted, and the solder has given way.

                                  It's an E120GN Mosfet - I have a few other Lenovo motherboards around like 17812-1 - but I can't seem to find the same one. Any suggestions?


                                    Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging


                                    Replaced QB6 AON7466 - found the same mosfet on another Lenovo motherboard and the charging is restored.

                                    Thank you for your help...


                                      Re: Lenovo ThinkPad E14 Gen 2 / GE4B0 / Not Charging

                                      Originally posted by Ado02 View Post

                                      Replaced QB6 AON7466 - found the same mosfet on another Lenovo motherboard and the charging is restored.

                                      Thank you for your help...
                                      Thank you very much for your help, everything worked out. Respect.


                                        Same fault on this model here today. Voltage from QB5 was stable at 19.5V, but output of QB6 varying up and down. TBTA_GATE_VSYS was fluctuating proportionally. No shorts found etc. The FET measured ok, was easier to change that than the USB C controller UB7. The IC came away very easily from the board, as mentioned earlier in this thread. Looks to either had inadequate paste from the factory or just got really hot. I didn't have a AON7466 to hand, but an AON7402 was the same spec and worked fine.

                                        Looks to be a stock fault. Money for jam.
                                        Attached Files

