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Recap 2408wfp power supply as maintenance?

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    Recap 2408wfp power supply as maintenance?

    Hi all, newbie here asking a potentially theoretical question, but one directly related to a new-to-me monitor: Dell 2408wfp.

    It is currently in good working condition, however, I'm wondering if I should go ahead and recap the power supply now, or just run her, and only go in for 'repairs' if &/or when she develops issues down the road?

    Reason for asking: I've done some recapping: recently completely recapped (and 60+ resistors) a vintage Altec Lansing pro audio mixer, for example. My feeling with the pro audio SS gear has been to get fresh caps in (mostly due to age of the stock ones), as it's so often drifting caps that end up taking out, or stressing out, the other components.

    Is this something I should consider with my recent 2408 purchase?
    Just go ahead and recap the power supply now as 'maintenance'?
    Or is the power supply board far enough in there that removal would just be likely to create other issues?

    Thanks for the thoughts,

    Re: Recap 2408wfp power supply as maintenance?

    I suppose it depends on several factors. So you can balance the preventive measures vs cost and time or if it's even needed.

    1. The capacitor brand on the board. Bad caps has a list of known inferior quality caps.

    2. Your soldering ability. And your ability to disassemble and solder without harming the unit.

    3. The cost of the capacitors. You can probably get by with $15 or less if you buy them directly from Digikey.

    4. Is it even needed? Oftentimes quality caps don't even need to be replaced.

    This is where an ESR meter comes in handy, because you could test the caps, and maybe not have to replace any of them.

    Hope that helps in your decision.

