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Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

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    Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

    Originally posted by Supramantt View Post
    I am having the exact same issue as most people. My issues is I cannot get it disassembled. I have removed all of the screws. I have now sort of destroyed the casing trying to separate it.
    I even have found the factory manual and still I cannot figure out how it is held together.
    someone please share their trick?
    It's been awhile since I disassembled one of those. Don't remember having any problems with it. Where exactly is it stuck?

    I can give you a few tips that will generally disassemble most lcd monitors.

    1. Remove the stand, and all screws with it.
    2. Remove the back outer cover screws. Check and remove inner screws.
    3. Pry the back cover from the front using 2 butter knives.

    Sometimes there are hidden screws (on the back) that are covered with a removable plastic cover. Also, hidden screws can be buried behind stickers. You have to run your finger across the stickers and feel for the impression of a screw or a divot.


      Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

      Originally posted by Lumberjack777 View Post
      It's been awhile since I disassembled one of those. Don't remember having any problems with it. Where exactly is it stuck?

      I can give you a few tips that will generally disassemble most lcd monitors.

      1. Remove the stand, and all screws with it.
      2. Remove the back outer cover screws. Check and remove inner screws.
      3. Pry the back cover from the front using 2 butter knives.

      Sometimes there are hidden screws (on the back) that are covered with a removable plastic cover. Also, hidden screws can be buried behind stickers. You have to run your finger across the stickers and feel for the impression of a screw or a divot.
      The bottom and top are prying just fine, but i was rolling a thin screwdriver down the sides and it was not "popping" apart. I could not understand because I spent over an hour searching online for help on this and it seems like I am the only one with the problem. I disassemble electronics regularly, so I am really stumped.
      Last edited by Supramantt; 12-27-2014, 07:43 PM.


        Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

        I just verified and there are no screws under the sticker. There is a dimple though. This monitor has been dying on me for almost 2 years. I added a surge protector to it so i could easily "unplug" it but this last week it was really tough to get it on and it was actually causing my computer to blue screen. Very strange. It would try to come on and so the computer kept thinking the hdmi connection was there and then disconnected, sometimes 10-20x in 20 seconds. It would cause a blue screen any time this occurred. So i finally gave up and started taking it apart. I bought this in 2007 when it came out. It has been a great monitor.


          Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

          Ok. Just so you know, the one I fixed did have bad caps. So cap replacement will probably fix this problem.
          If there is no plastic cover in the middle back (with screws under it) then you have to pry those sides apart. The very same seam you have on the top and bottom continues on the sides. Try using 2 butter knives. With the first one you pry the plastic apart a little. Then you slide the 2nd butter knife in and pry further and slide it up the side. It WILL eventually pop apart. There's no severe damage even if an inner plastic clip breaks off. But you have to get those sides unsnapped from the inner clips! Don't use one thin screwdriver. Use 2 butter knives. It'll work!


            Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

            I was not able to update yesterday, but i got it apart finally. It really did not want to separate. 3 of the 4 tabs broke during the teardown. I do not see any bad caps but one that might be bad. I purchased a kit for the 21 caps, it should be here soon and then I will re solder them together.
            Attached Files


              Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

              ok. I think that's the same power board I posted in post #10.

              Those little caps don't bulge; they dry up on the inside. That monitor runs hot, and those little inferior quality caps dry up. If you replace the 3 circled in red it should fix the problem. You can also replace the ones circled in blue if you choose to.

              Make sure when you desolder you don't push down on the capacitor. Pull straight out. Those thin copper pads lift easily. I've seen 3 botched repairs, where the guy pushed or wiggled the caps, and broke the pads and the copper traces on that board.

              If you want to chance replacing ALL of the 21 caps that's your decision. But I'd replace the 3 circled in red and be done with it


                Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                Originally posted by Lumberjack777 View Post
                I thought I recognized that board! That's the same one used in the Hanns-G 28". Due to the heat, that board tends to dry out the smaller capacitors in the middle. Try this: replace the 3 caps circled in red. And I would also replace the 5 circled in blue. See if that doesn't bring it back to life ~L-J-7~
                Thank you! That will be helpful. I should have asked before so I would have only needed to order the 6 instead of the 21, but it was only 12 bucks for the 21.
                Thanks again


                  Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                  Good deal. Please come back and let us know if it worked. **back to my birling, also known as log rolling** *splash*


                    Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                    Darnit, the first cap pulled the trace off. The 2nd one was a 22uf 35v and the kit I received does not have one of that size in it. Not off to a good start I made very poor looking beads to hopefully touch the original traces. IDK, it might be destroyed.
                    Attached Files


                      Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                      Extra blob may not help - You can however add wire support to make sure it is electrically connect. I cant really tell from the picture looks like one trace goes from one side for the ZD406 to the cap and then to R403 so just solder a piece of wire to do the same.

                      The other side trace looks to go from the other end of ZD406 just to the cap and actually looks close enough to just solder bridge.

                      If after doing that the cap is still wobbly apply some non conductive mastic or failing that epoxy glue (just a small dot) to hold the can to the board.
                      Please upload pictures using attachment function when ask for help on the repair


                        Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                        Good advice selldoor. Especially if he needs some glue to make those cap leads stick to the board.

                        Supramatt - I'm going to be repairing that same board later this evening. I'll let you know where those 2 leads connect to so you can bridge them to the component they connect to.
                        Till I can get back, I want you to watch this video on soldering.

                        You want to add solder to the tip of the iron, then touch the solder on the cap on the board. Then pull out. Never push back in, even slightly, because the copper pads will tear off then.

                        This can be repaired, but you don't want to have any more that you need to bridge because of torn pads or traces.



                          Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                          OK. I did a continuity test to see where the leads from that cap with the lifted pads connect to. The photo shows the 3 places you will need to bridge. You can clip the metal legs from a capacitor to use as bridges.

                          You might want to practice on an old circuit board first. And watch that video. Soldering just takes a little practice. But once you get it; it's like riding a bike. Good luck.
                          Attached Files


                            Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                            Originally posted by Lumberjack777 View Post
                            OK. I did a continuity test to see where the leads from that cap with the lifted pads connect to. The photo shows the 3 places you will need to bridge. You can clip the metal legs from a capacitor to use as bridges.

                            You might want to practice on an old circuit board first. And watch that video. Soldering just takes a little practice. But once you get it; it's like riding a bike. Good luck.
                            Thanks for the help.
                            I have a bunch of 50v 22uf caps. The person who sold them to me said that the 50 would work better then the 35v that the board came with. Do you agree?


                              Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                              50v 22uf can replace 35v 22uf. Just make sure it's rated at 105c not 85c. Hopefully its a good quality cap manufacturer.

                              For you and others working on this board. I highly recommend practicing your soldering on an old used spare circuit board. Practice desoldering. Using the wick. Applying heat to melt solder, then removing that heat so you don't heat the pads so much they separate. Practice installing the cap in the right direction and getting a solid solder joint to the pad. Basically and hour or so spent practicing will pay off before you go the to real board "where it really counts". And watch that video on soldering I posted. Good luck!


                                Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem


                                I'm also recapping one of these VX2835WM power boards, and I also lifted the pads on some of the caps. I see from this thread that it's a common problem. Mostly I got them soldered OK-ish. But one pad broke completely.

                                I've marked it on the attached pics (these are pics from earlier in the thread, not my actual board).

                                It looks like I'm lucky (sorta) because it looks to me like a straightforward problem to fix, but I wanted to ask the experts here before I go putting on a solder bridge and possibly blow it up if I'm not reading the board properly (i.e. I'm not experienced at figuring out where traces go).

                                Any help much appreciated...
                                Attached Files


                                  Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                                  Hi again,

                                  I forgot part 2 of my question. When I first started recapping the board, all the glue was a bit of a mystery. But now I realize how fragile some of the traces are and so gluing some of the caps might not be a bad idea.

                                  I see epoxy glue mentioned. Is it OK to use silicone on circuit boards? Seems to me it has the right properties but I don't know if it can cause problems.

                                  BTW, very impressed with your war on bad capacitors. I am happy to be joining the good fight


                                    Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                                    I've used rubber silicone for years and never had a single problem.

                                    It's good that you stopped to ask before you made that bridge. That is a very tricky board. It actually has traces that run UNDER tiny SMD components like you see with upside down 223 and 472 resistors. 472 has 2 traces that run underneath it to JR11 and JR10. I believe your cap lead connects straight up to the upside down 223. (as you view the pic) But I'm not 100% sure. What you need to do is get some high powered magnification and look to see if that torn pad had a very small trace connecting it straight up to that 223. I just looked and found a board where the person ripped off that exact pad. I don't see a connection straight up to the 472. It looks like it went to the 223. Hope that helps


                                      Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                                      Originally posted by Lumberjack777 View Post
                                      I've used rubber silicone for years and never had a single problem.

                                      It's good that you stopped to ask before you made that bridge. That is a very tricky board. It actually has traces that run UNDER tiny SMD components like you see with upside down 223 and 472 resistors. 472 has 2 traces that run underneath it to JR11 and JR10. I believe your cap lead connects straight up to the upside down 223. (as you view the pic) But I'm not 100% sure. What you need to do is get some high powered magnification and look to see if that torn pad had a very small trace connecting it straight up to that 223. I just looked and found a board where the person ripped off that exact pad. I don't see a connection straight up to the 472. It looks like it went to the 223. Hope that helps
                                      Thanks for your assistance. When I first lifted the pad (unsoldering the cap), it was left hanging on by the trace, which appeared to go to R223. Then when I soldered the new cap in, the trace broke leaving the pad completely free. The bit where the trace broke off still points to R223, like in the pictures. So that was my theory but it was pretty hard to see (I'm shortsighted, which helps a bit, but still not easy) & I thought it was worthwhile for an expert set of eyes to also have a look, so thanks for that.

                                      I've just had another look under some strong light with some magnification and if I turn it to catch the light I can see there is a trace directly between R223 and R472. On the pictures it looks like there could be one but the light didn't pick it up and it just looks like a gap.

                                      So I will bridge the cap to R223 ... I think the main problem will be getting it mechanically firm before soldering. I'll see how I go.


                                        Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                                        Result: perfection!!!!!

                                        Monitor is up and running beautifully!!!

                                        Well, OK, I think it will have some problems when it warms up: this monitor has been living with assorted illnesses for a long time.

                                        BUT, for the first time in years it switched on perfectly. It's had the usual power-supply issues that were getting worse, slow and erratic switching on, various weird stuff and getting worse until it became unusable. So it's been in a corner until I had time to recap it.

                                        I'll describe the other symptoms when I've come down off my working VX2835 high ... although as a practical matter, since they only occur when it gets warm, I could probably cure them with a fan ...


                                          Re: Newbie with Viewsonic VX2835WM Problem

                                          I figured it bridged to R223, but I wanted you to verify it first. Good job

                                          As for your other problem it sounds like it might be the mainboard. Do you get fuzziness or some sort of distortion? I checked a picture of that mainboard posted earlier in this thread. I can see what appears to be 2 caps that are slightly bulging on the top left. The big green ones.
                                          Attached Files

