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Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

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    Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

    Originally posted by nomade View Post
    Has anybody tried to startup a locked M1 with a working OS installed on external drive?
    Maybe someone could share a image of a running MACOS installation for M1 to try it myself.

    Thanks in advance and thanks to everybody for sharing your knowledge.

    I already tried it and it didn't work friend. I have already looked at many options.



      Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

      i found this video on youtube, it may help you guys.


        Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

        Originally posted by ethiogsm View Post
        Anyhow I’ve got all decrypted ssh logs and files of mina emc checkm8 and iremove T2 bypasses
        i can't send you a personal id and thanks to the mod for the reply, you can upload some b64 to understand better? i'll very appreciate if you can!

        If someone can bypass a t2 and use mina program, every single command could be intercepted via wireshark.

        Just enable the snif on usb and after save the pcap file. I'll check. In the mobile activationd shared i dont find any mod. I just checked this morning and this is strange. I don't find the original version of this mobileactivationd from old ibridge firmware.
        Last edited by genhack; 11-09-2022, 04:45 AM. Reason: missing quote.


          Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

          Originally posted by nomade View Post
          Has anybody tried to startup a locked M1 with a working OS installed on external drive?
          Maybe someone could share a image of a running MACOS installation for M1 to try it myself.

          Thanks in advance and thanks to everybody for sharing your knowledge.
          I tried the latest release of linux. web, offline, live. none of this worked


            Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

            Originally posted by genhack View Post
            I'm working on, i can't find the original mobileactivationd version for understand where they make the patch. But, i have an idea and in the free time i work on python program, i think this can work easy with a macbook just bypassed. So just for proof of t2 can be pwn:

            J40aap key latest bridgeos.

            IV: 120402A7168E7AAAC1F94C6A5D58F8F1,
            key: 5C1E07A0EA5A8F48D09FA568182172CA74880896761CFA6992006558CDD9981D

            IV: 6909A0A0D9675B5BAEFB9ECFAA00386C,
            key: C7DA39AF1DB80189C27F5D3A39C01F13D4FD7C7B6453DAADE018DC6188BAD24A

            About diagnostic i have no idea how you can boot m1n1 with security on. If you wonna make this a bit of sense send me a pvt thanks.
            I'm not sure you're allowed to send/receive PMs here.


              Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

              Originally posted by curiositymaster View Post
              I'm not sure you're allowed to send/receive PMs here.
              Not allowed at all. We can use b64 into zip file i think.
              Last edited by genhack; 11-09-2022, 11:33 AM.


                Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                Other theories I have, someone knows how to install darwinOS boot or freebsd. I want to try by these means that you recommend?



                  Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                  Originally posted by fshadow View Post
                  i'm not gonna expose it right now, because it is huge hole in macos security and seems like nobody know it. at first i'll post a vidio next week with poc without ditails, next i'll contact apple bug bounty(i know it's weak) , next... anyway i'll get profit and then i'll tell u
                  Have news?


                    Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                    thank you @curiositymaster, i replaced mobileactivantiond on a 2020 2251 model but no success, unfortunately


                      Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                      Originally posted by radicalsolutions View Post
                      thank you @curiositymaster, i replaced mobileactivantiond on a 2020 2251 model but no success, unfortunately
                      The only solution is sniff the usb during the whole process for t2 device.


                        Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                        Originally posted by genhack View Post
                        The only solution is sniff the usb during the whole process for t2 device.
                        ive got tons of logs like this also the files
                        Listening For Requests...
                        [!] Exception: cannot read property 'implementation' of undefined
                        Executed On Device -> mount -o rw,union,update /
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> echo > /.emcteam_bp
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mv /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/exongrifter /usr/bin/
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> chmod 777 /usr/bin/exongrifter
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc device
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /private/var/mobile/Library/Logs/mobileactivationd/*
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        REQUEST TYPE ->POST
                        URL -> [url]https://*******/bringDevice.php[/url]
                        string is -> emc_macos_info=QmNIWm9rSkFBQURRRC9MQTJNcWp0WEJIRTJhU056SElSSGJ4OWZlYzRweHREYnJkeXN1U0ljZTB1U2hUQXNSTUtQMVZDaDhaU2NYMmRpZUdBYXZuMXNoZEwxV1huVUFLbnBwTFRabGhhK2dqRHpoMlRxZVA4T3B3b3NhNnFQYkRWU2c4bXkyUTgwOEpsdXJkaUZaRXl2Um5TN3JtK2NxM1g1UlMwSmFoeVdhSTRtRDJ2Q1ZBTGJsWGN************
                        BODY -> emc_macos_info=QmNIWm9rSkFBQURRRC9MQTJNcWp0WEJIRTJhU056SElSSGJ4OWZlYzRweHREYnJkeXN1U0ljZTB1U2hUQXNSTUtQMVZDaDhaU2NYMmRpZUdBYXZuMXNoZEwxV1huVUFLbnBwTFRabGhhK2dqRHpoMlRxZVA4T3B3b3NhNnFQYkRWU2c4bXkyUTgwOEpsdXJkaUZaRXl2Um5TN3JtK2NxM1g1UlMwSmFoeVdhSTRtRDJ2Q1ZBTGJsWGNGeXNheEZrTWprV292RmZ6N2syR1pkWUpBNmJkc21iTmFiYWxGWUFvTCtZZ1U4OW********************
                        Executed On Device -> mount -o rw,union,update /
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> echo > /.exongrifter
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc ActivationState
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> cd / && tar -xvf f.tar
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /f.tar
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> chmod 755 /usr/libexec/substrate && /usr/libexec/substrate
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> chmod 755 /usr/libexec/substrated && /usr/libexec/substrated
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/exongrifter
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mv /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ex.bin /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.dylib
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mv /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ex1.bin /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.plist
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mv /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcequal.bin /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcequal.dylib
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mv /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.bin /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.dylib
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> chmod 777 /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.dylib
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> chmod 777 /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.plist
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc ActivationState
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc actinfo
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.dylib /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mkdir -p /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> cp -rf /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ucrt.pem /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcequal.dylib /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        REQUEST TYPE ->POST
                        URL -> [url]https://**********/bringDevice.php[/url]
                        string is -> emcmacos_actinfoV2=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*****************
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mkdir /usr/exongrifter
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> chmod -R 777 /usr/exongrifter
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> cp /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd /usr/exongrifter/mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> rm -rf /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ucrt.pem
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.dylib /usr/exongrifter/mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> mkdir -p /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> cp -rf /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ucrt.pem /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc ActivationState
                        Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                        Last edited by SMDFlea; 11-10-2022, 03:25 PM. Reason: private info


                          Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                          Hey guys, would be nice if you share some information, ideas, tools, hints or something on how T2 (M1) could be bypassed, so we also could contribute.



                            Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                            Has anyone try to play around changing Serial number on T2 after jailbreak like this?
                            Attached Files


                              Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                              Originally posted by ethiogsm View Post
                              ive got tons of logs like this also the files
                              Listening For Requests...
                              [!] Exception: cannot read property 'implementation' of undefined
                              Executed On Device -> mount -o rw,union,update /
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> echo > /.emcteam_bp
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mv /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/exongrifter /usr/bin/
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> chmod 777 /usr/bin/exongrifter
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc device
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /private/var/mobile/Library/Logs/mobileactivationd/*
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              REQUEST TYPE ->POST
                              URL -> [url]https://*******/bringDevice.php[/url]
                              string is -> emc_macos_info=QmNIWm9rSkFBQURRRC9MQTJNcWp0WEJIRTJhU056SElSSGJ4OWZlYzRweHREYnJkeXN1U0ljZTB1U2hUQXNSTUtQMVZDaDhaU2NYMmRpZUdBYXZuMXNoZEwxV1huVUFLbnBwTFRabGhhK2dqRHpoMlRxZVA4T3B3b3NhNnFQYkRWU2c4bXkyUTgwOEpsdXJkaUZaRXl2Um5TN3JtK2NxM1g1UlMwSmFoeVdhSTRtRDJ2Q1ZBTGJsWGN************
                              BODY -> emc_macos_info=QmNIWm9rSkFBQURRRC9MQTJNcWp0WEJIRTJhU056SElSSGJ4OWZlYzRweHREYnJkeXN1U0ljZTB1U2hUQXNSTUtQMVZDaDhaU2NYMmRpZUdBYXZuMXNoZEwxV1huVUFLbnBwTFRabGhhK2dqRHpoMlRxZVA4T3B3b3NhNnFQYkRWU2c4bXkyUTgwOEpsdXJkaUZaRXl2Um5TN3JtK2NxM1g1UlMwSmFoeVdhSTRtRDJ2Q1ZBTGJsWGNGeXNheEZrTWprV292RmZ6N2syR1pkWUpBNmJkc21iTmFiYWxGWUFvTCtZZ1U4OW********************
                              Executed On Device -> mount -o rw,union,update /
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> echo > /.exongrifter
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc ActivationState
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> cd / && tar -xvf f.tar
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /f.tar
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> chmod 755 /usr/libexec/substrate && /usr/libexec/substrate
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> chmod 755 /usr/libexec/substrated && /usr/libexec/substrated
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/exongrifter
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mv /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ex.bin /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.dylib
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mv /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ex1.bin /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.plist
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mv /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcequal.bin /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcequal.dylib
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mv /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.bin /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.dylib
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> chmod 777 /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.dylib
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> chmod 777 /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/gameoverd.plist
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc ActivationState
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc actinfo
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.dylib /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mkdir -p /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> cp -rf /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ucrt.pem /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcequal.dylib /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              REQUEST TYPE ->POST
                              URL -> [url]https://**********/bringDevice.php[/url]
                              string is -> emcmacos_actinfoV2=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*****************
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/*
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mkdir /usr/exongrifter
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> chmod -R 777 /usr/exongrifter
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> cp /usr/libexec/mobileactivationd /usr/exongrifter/mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> rm -rf /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ucrt.pem
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/emcark.dylib /usr/exongrifter/mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> mkdir -p /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> cp -rf /private/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/ucrt.pem /private/var/containers/Data/System/3A3932BD-BE32-4652-9B30-78BC2D49E60C/Library/activation_records
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> killall -9 mobileactivationd
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Executed On Device -> exongrifter -emc ActivationState
                              Command Timeout -> 0xe597ecfa0c787e29
                              Nice cacth this is what we need. The process is the same like ios. I understand the whole process so we need just make a backup of this, ssh work on mine t2. Can you attach full log (moderator edit the full log) and backup this file/folder:




                              Thank you

                              For macEfi if you need a valid serial and mac, i can provide you. I never test it.
                              Last edited by genhack; 11-13-2022, 05:24 AM.


                                Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                                and someone tried to unlock a2338 using t203?


                                  Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                                  M1 MacBooks are completely different to the T2 Intel based Macs, so this won't work.


                                    Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                                    this architecture is so many years old. and still no solution.


                                      Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                                      Originally posted by nomade View Post
                                      Has anybody tried to startup a locked M1 with a working OS installed on external drive?
                                      Maybe someone could share a image of a running MACOS installation for M1 to try it myself.

                                      Thanks in advance and thanks to everybody for sharing your knowledge.
                                      Originally posted by 777monah777 View Post
                                      and someone tried to unlock a2338 using t203?

                                      If you show me how I can try.


                                        Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                                        It is impressive how far you have come. I would like to understand it better to be able to support you and would like to know how you got a bash shell and the logs.


                                          Re: Macbook M1 bypass FMM / EFI Unlock

                                          hi guys, i have macbook pro 14 m1 pro 1tb on icloud lock. Yesterday I took it to use as a power bank (because I had no light at home), it was discharged.
                                          Today, I put it on charge and after turning it on, it showed me something like familiar I want to connect to which disk (although there was not one disk), to be honest, I don't remember what I selected in the top menu and then it went to recovery.
                                          What is interesting is that there is no Wi-Fi icon and I can only connect via a Type-C ethernet cable
                                          Can someone give me some advice, I will be very grateful

