Could you guys help me out with this bios that I have, because I am lost...
I have a damaged BIOS. Flashed one provided in this thread and it works until
an Intel video driver get's installed. After it is installed whenever notebook goes to sleep (turns off LCD to save power) it would not turn it back again. Before installing the driver it works as expected. So I think this should be software related and the bios I flashed could be not 100% compatible
Therefore I am trying to fix my old bios. That is replace old bios region and a clean ME region.
when opening I get a message: Error 30: Failed to decompose Full Image.
Error 10: Failed to open with processed commands.
Unable to open file: C:\BIOS\CSTXE System Tools v3 r12\Flash Image Tool\WIN32\320-15iap.original.bin. Reverting to default configuration.
Loading defaults.
Is this bios damaged beyond repair or I am doing something wrong?
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