Re: Honda CX500 Motorcycle CDI ignition unit
Hi everyone, I apologise for my silence recently but my multiple sclerosis has had be practically confined to a bed in agony. I am still hoping the docs find something pain killer wise that will allow me to resume my life swing as they say problem in incurable.
I am ever so grateful for terrific interest you put into helping me sort this CDI problem out.
Redwire if you are still interested in trying to design a alternative unit for it I would be eternally grateful. I will try and resume where I left off and continue checking the real values of components on the original PCB with the schematic to ensure its all correct before making something that might not be 100% accurate.
Sorry again for the problems here delaying me.
Hi everyone, I apologise for my silence recently but my multiple sclerosis has had be practically confined to a bed in agony. I am still hoping the docs find something pain killer wise that will allow me to resume my life swing as they say problem in incurable.
I am ever so grateful for terrific interest you put into helping me sort this CDI problem out.
Redwire if you are still interested in trying to design a alternative unit for it I would be eternally grateful. I will try and resume where I left off and continue checking the real values of components on the original PCB with the schematic to ensure its all correct before making something that might not be 100% accurate.
Sorry again for the problems here delaying me.