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HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

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    HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

    Hello, can someone please remove the bios password?
    Attached Files

    Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

    Originally posted by skypc86 View Post
    Hello, can someone please remove the bios password?
    Try the first file only, if the password still there use the both files.
    In the first boot remember to go into bios menu to disable all security options.
    Attached Files
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      Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

      Thank you very much, I'll test that right away.


        Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

        I finally managed to test it today and it worked straight away! THANK YOU SO MUCH!


          Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

          Does this work for any 805 G6 Mini PC ?
          I bought one second hand and the owner swears that he didnt set-up any bios password and he had the pc from new. He even sent me the invoice which is on his name.
          The issue is that only when I try to enter Bios Setup it asks for password.
          The other owner bought it with Windows allready on it and when he sold it to me he formated the disk and now when I try to boot from an install stick it give a security error and Im stuck, its just useless without the bios administrator password
          Can you guys help me out ?


            Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

            Originally posted by Raulddan View Post
            Does this work for any 805 G6 Mini PC ?
            I bought one second hand and the owner swears that he didnt set-up any bios password and he had the pc from new. He even sent me the invoice which is on his name.
            The issue is that only when I try to enter Bios Setup it asks for password.
            The other owner bought it with Windows allready on it and when he sold it to me he formated the disk and now when I try to boot from an install stick it give a security error and Im stuck, its just useless without the bios administrator password
            Can you guys help me out ?
            Upload the content of your 2 firmware chips and someone will help you.
            Due to a lack of donations, server free space at a critical level, and possible closure of Bios Requests
            all donations are welcome,
            see the donate button at the bottom of the page, or
            click on this link to donate via PayPal. <<<<<
            Every donation made will go towards server fees and maintenance costs.


              Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

              Can you please guide me on how to do it ? I mean how to dump the bios from the PC. I sweat my brain for couple of hours and I cant managed to do it


                Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                Originally posted by Raulddan View Post
                Can you please guide me on how to do it ? I mean how to dump the bios from the PC. I sweat my brain for couple of hours and I cant managed to do it


                  Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                  Oh, I guess its out of my hands I may be better in finding a local shop for this delicate process.
                  Thank you very much, best regards


                    Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                    I am a new member, computer enthusiast, and very happy to discover your forum which is a gold mine
                    I bought a second-hand HP EliteDesk 805 G6 small PC, and I noticed afterwards... that the bios is protected by a admin password.
                    I have access to W10 as an admin, but features and devices (networks) must be disabled in the bios protected by this password.
                    I read rules and your instructions, and I understand that thanks to the "HP firmware update and recovery" utility under W10 (downloaded from the official HP driver / last bios release), I created a restore (actual) flash bin, attached : 2 files (that look identical / size) automatically created when I opened the HP application.
                    I also attached the last official HP bios release version S09_02120100.bin, I don't know If you need it...
                    Could you help me to remove the password from these .bin file.
                    I understand that the next steep, always with this HP utility under W10, is to update the firmware with you .bin modified, isn't it ? by renaming your new .bin file with the name of the .bin file provided in the HP application (S09_02120100.bin)
                    Could you confirm that during this process, HP application will not ask me the current bios password ? And all these manipulations don't require to physical extract the EEPROM from the motherboard, and read/write it with an external programmer...
                    Thanks a lot for your help !
                    Attached Files


                      Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                      Is there something in particular that I missed for people to help us / answer us on this forum when we are new?


                        Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                        Originally posted by pedrossy View Post
                        Is there something in particular that I missed for people to help us / answer us on this forum when we are new?
                        You will need to use an SPI bios programmer.No other way.If the chip type is SOP8 you could use a sop8 clip to avoid desoldering,or if the chip type is WSON8 you could use a WSON8 pogo adapter, but using both types are not very reliable,its much better to desolder the chip and attach it to an adapter that then goes into the programmers zif socket.
                        Once youve made a backup post it here,removing the password isn`t a problem.

                        Last edited by SMDFlea; 06-20-2023, 05:00 AM.
                        All donations to badcaps are welcome, click on this link to donate. Thanks to all supporters


                          Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                          Hello SMDFlea
                          Thank you for your answer.
                          I checked, it is a MX25L25673G EEPROM => SOP8, so I will buy a programmer from ali.
                          When you say SOP8 adapter "often lead to an empty or corrupt dump"
                          => this is due to the clip moving (bad pin connections) or electrical interferences (3V/5V) ?
                          By the way, with the SOP8 adapter, during the manipulation (read/write), the PC (of the EEPROM) remain power off ? and the EEPROM is power by the USB of the PC which read the data ?
                          If you have a youtube link to explain the manipulation, and avoid errors...


                            Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                            is there any jumper labeled something PSWD under the fan. if it has, remove the jumper then boot the unit then go to bios check if its cleared. then shut down the unit put back the jumper then power on. I had those few mini pc intel and amd based and has jumper, not sure on yours.


                              Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                              Hello kulokutoys, thank you for your help.
                              unfortunately no... no jump on this late motherboard. I don't have a hot gun (and soldering would void the warranty still in progress), I'm going to use a SOP8 adapter clip after disassembled the PCB of the MB (not powered), do you know what is the risk of this not reliable method ? to damage the EEPROM or having to repeat the operation several times ? "often lead to an empty or corrupt dump" Thank you


                                Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Mini PC

                                for me I dont use clips, it always gives a bad reading on the chip. maybe try pogo pins for sop8 with a good programmer. Im not well sure if your chip is running at 3.3v probably if am4 it should be 1.8v if I am correct. make sure you google first the chip then prepare a certain adaptor for it. dont you use direct 3.3v programmer , some pins on EEPROM are connected also in the SIO.
                                Last edited by kulokutoys; 06-22-2023, 03:24 AM.


                                  Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 PC

                                  Hello, Can you help unlock the Bios password? HP EliteDesk 805 G6 dump files attached.
                                  Attached Files


                                    Re: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 PC

                                    Originally posted by cberlinette87 View Post
                                    Hello, Can you help unlock the Bios password? HP EliteDesk 805 G6 dump files attached.
                                    there is something wrong on your read file. I'm not sure can you reread it again?


                                      HP EliteDesk 805 G6 mini

                                      Hello all,

                                      I got a really sweet deal on the PC from the thrift store but when I took it home and powered it on, it asks for a BIOS Administrator password.

                                      Can someone please help me either find what the password is or remove it completely?

                                      I dumped both MX25L25673G chips on the board, hopefully it was done correctly. Both included in same zip file.

                                      Thank you for the help!
                                      Attached Files


                                        Hi, would really appreciate help removing BIOS password on my 805 G6 mini pc. Unable to use tools like RCUnlocker as this does not support this 32MB chip. HPUnlocker does not list EliteDesk or G6 as supported models, so I'm reluctant to use this tool.
                                        I have attached verified reads from both chips (marked BIOS and PRVROM)

                                        Model: HP EliteDesk 805 G6 Desktop Mini PC
                                        Serial No: 8CC1281J87
                                        Product No: 2Q296AV
                                        Chip: MX25L25673G

                                        Attached Files

