Hi. I downloaded The bios update from hp, extracted it and found N83_0114.bin, its 9mb so its got padding or ec or other stuff inc. If you have a dump of the de-funk bios its sometimes possible to use it to find the beginning and end of the usable bios in the update file.
Hello. Can someone help me fix the BIOS/flash a new one please. I have been trying constantly for 2 weeks .
The Elitebook that I have was given to me from someone who worked for the company on some projects and it always had the message "this BIOS is not a production version". I upgraded the laptop along with BIOS which said it went through successfully, however, it never started after the shutdown. I have tried various ESC/f2.Win+B/Win+V options along with 4-1 USB recovery key and nothing seems to work. There is no display at all.
Now I got myself a ch341a programmer and I am able to read and write to the BIOS however I am not getting anywhere. I found random files for this system/the IC chip but none have worked. The most I got was the Fans spinning from one bin file. Another thing I noticed is that this system may have a different motherboard than normal? unsure. I can attach the BIOS copy I took after I connected the ch341a programmer to this system. Not sure if it is helpful or not. At this time I just want the laptop running to some state.
The IC seems to be Winbond 25q128fvsq 1621. I do not know what having 2 BIOS mean or how to find that. The motherboard has the number DA0Y0FPIAHI REV: H on it.
The system is HP FOLIO 1040 G3 with 12 GB RAM , 256 SSD.
Looking from the heatsink/cpu side, check if you have this right under the m.2 SSD: DA0Y0FMBAJ1 Rev J
You will have to remove the drive in order to see the motherboard model. It is also on the back of the board. If so, then check these link, post #2. https://www.badcaps.net/forum/showth...ht=DA0Y0FMBAJ1
I couldn't make sense of the bios, it is corrupt.
Looking from the heatsink/cpu side, check if you have this right under the m.2 SSD: DA0Y0FMBAJ1 Rev J
You will have to remove the drive in order to see the motherboard model. It is also on the back of the board. If so, then check these link, post #2. https://www.badcaps.net/forum/showth...ht=DA0Y0FMBAJ1
I couldn't make sense of the bios, it is corrupt.
It's something totally different it seems... DAY0FAMBAC1 REV:C
Its crazy that a bios update corrupted it. the update was from HP website itself. what else can i try?