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Leadtek WinFast Titanium

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    Leadtek WinFast Titanium

    Bulging - no surprise - 1000uF GSC caps.

    The interesting thing is that I have another almost identical card (slower memories and main graphics chip of course, but the PCB is identical and the smaller components also; unfortunately the card has been abused by its previous owner and can only be used as a parts donor) named WinFast GeForce2 Pro that has OS-CON 360uF polymer caps in place 1000uF electrolytic ones.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by sulbert; 06-25-2005, 03:24 PM. Reason: photos

    Re: Leadtek WinFast Titanium

    your pics illustrate exactly what is bad in the components world. oscon is expensive and then they put some GSC to make it cheaper. why not compromise and put all medium caps and have no fail but long life.
    capacitor lab yachtmati techmati


      Re: Leadtek WinFast Titanium

      Replaced the bulging caps with the OS-CONs taken from the dead card. Didn't have any time to test it exhaustively but it seemed to work fine. If it doesn't, my sister will surely complain as soon she's back from vacation

