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Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

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  • Khron
    Re: Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

    If it's only a recorder, and with no switchmode circuitry on the power side, there should be no issues.

    If it was (also) a radio transmitter, that'd be a different story

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  • Dannyx
    Re: Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

    Originally posted by eccerr0r View Post
    It's probably electret indeed, and likely the distance from the magnet and the strength of the magnet won't affect recording. Worst case is that your sound will get slightly muddled.

    I think I'm more interested in why now. I hate spies.
    Well TBH it's my own private space, so it's not like I'm doing anything illegal

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  • eccerr0r
    Re: Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

    It's probably electret indeed, and likely the distance from the magnet and the strength of the magnet won't affect recording. Worst case is that your sound will get slightly muddled.

    I think I'm more interested in why now. I hate spies.

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  • stj
    Re: Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

    there are many mic;s

    moving coil - bad
    crystal - wont give a shit
    electrostatic / electret - not sure.

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  • Dannyx
    started a topic Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

    Placing magnet near microphone (bad idea ?)

    Good day folks. Would it have a negative impact on audio quality if I placed a magnet near a mic ? Let me explain, since the question is not what you'd expect. We're not talking about pro audio gear here: I got myself one of those small spy recorders disguised as a USB flash drive and the audio quality is pretty impressive and so is the battery life, but when it comes to "deploying" it where I need it, I'm planning on snapping it under the edge of a table and have two options: velcro or attaching a magnet to the flash drive which would then attach to a screw head conveniently located where I need it. Either option would be just as easy to pull off, but the magnet would make it more versatile and would enable me to use it in other places as well, whereas with the velcro, I'd first have to stick a piece of soft material that the velcro can stick to where I need it. Mind you, we'll leave any details about the WHY part of this project out of the discussion for now

    Long story short: magnet near microphone ? Will it do ANYTHING to the audio ? I believe, and I'm not an audio expert so please don't quote me on this, that it uses an electret microphone. I didn't take it apart to know exactly, but from what I've read electret microphones seem to be more common so I'm going to ASSUME it's one of those.