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K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

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    K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

    Hello all...

    I got a problem here with a K7T266 Pro ver2.0 board.
    This pc has run great for freezing... no restarting...
    No signs of anything going out.

    Anyway.. I restarted the pc, cause it has been running for a while as usuall.
    and I wanted a fresh boot. and now it does NOTHING!
    and no I didn't change anything..

    (1) The Monitor does not kick on at all.
    (2) Hard drive light does not light up. (so its nothing that's on the drive.)
    All Fans come on, cd drive lights up.
    The floppy does not light up.
    If I unhook the cd drives power.. the harddrive red light will just stay on.

    I thought it would be the power supply, cause I do have some pci cards and agp video card using probably more watts than I have. 320W.
    I swapped the power supply with a known working one, and it does the exact same thing. Nothing. I noticed one cap IN the power supply looked bad, I even replaced that.. still the same thing. nothing.

    and every cap on the board looks good... as I have replaced caps before on other boards. none are swollen.. nothing leaking out...

    This pc does'nt even get online...has a brand new western digital 80gb ide hardrive. Running windows XP Pro SP2. Did the new hardrive die? If the hardrive died, wouldn't it still kick on the monitor? If the monitor died, the hardrive light would still be booting up. I even tried a PCI video card. So shouldn't be the agp video card either.

    What could possibly cause this problem?
    was working great.. I clicked restart, and now no boot..
    What gives?

    Could it be something like a diode? I can't get any diode readings with my multimeter, but perhapse it's just not getting connection. Every diode couldn't have gone out at the same time right?

    Could the caps be bad even though they look good? If the caps were bad, would it have not been freezing and restarting all the time before this happened? Never seen nothing like this before.
    I'm really stumped on this one.
    and it shouldn't have gotten too hot, with all the fans running, plus a fifteen inch fan blowing into the side of it. lol

    Anybody have any suggestions as to what part has gone out?
    I hate stuff that has No visible bad parts. nor any previous symptoms.
    I'd appreciate any suggestions at all. I'm just about to take a hammer to it.

    If anyone needs any additional information just let me know.

    Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

    Originally posted by lllllllBOB
    If the hardrive died, wouldn't it still kick on the monitor? If the monitor died, the hardrive light would still be booting up. I even tried a PCI video card. So shouldn't be the agp video card either.
    That is exactly right!

    Originally posted by lllllllBOB
    Could it be something like a diode? I can't get any diode readings with my multimeter, but perhapse it's just not getting connection. Every diode couldn't have gone out at the same time right?
    I guess it could be, however I highly doubt it, I am not an expert with these things but no one on these forums seem to have diode issues. It does not mean that yours is not (I do not know the signs).

    Originally posted by lllllllBOB
    Could the caps be bad even though they look good?
    Absolutely! Happens many times.

    What would be very helpful is a picture of your motherboard or a list of capacitors that are currently on your board. If the capacitors are known bad brands, then it is highly likely that this is the cause for your misery.

    Best of luck!


      Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

      Ok, Here are the brands that I see on the board.

      () KZG
      () Rubycon
      () G-Luxon
      () Teapo (Its probably this one.. for it rimes with cheap-o. lol)

      I done a search here, and a few k7t266 came up..
      This has the same number although it's not exactly like the board I have.
      It does read K7T266 Pro 2 Ver2.0 on their picture and on my board.
      Although mine is not exactly like theirs? Mine doesn't have usb2.0
      and it looks like mine has more hook ups on the board as well.

      I will try to have a board pic up later tonight..if that will help.

      But like I said, no caps are showing to be bad. Dang, I'd hate to buy all these caps and it still not work. lol Maybe it's just one of those brands I listed.
      The last Pc I fixed.. didn't kick on the monitor either or would have way boot to the bios. and never got to booting the drive. Although it clearly had bad caps leaking and swollen. works great now with new caps.

      RAM? Wouldn't it still kick on the monitor even if the ram or ram slot went out.
      Well Guylee.. I can take an ancient x486 with no hard drive and the monitor will still kick on... l-o-l Its always my good stuff that goes out...

      Thanks for any help....


        Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

        Here's one pic, although not very good.. can't see the cap conditions.
        I'll have to get out the webcam later, it takes better pics than the sony clie.
        Attached Files


          Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

          The pic from The link above I mentioned looks like the same board just minus the usb2.0 chip. and minus the obvious bad caps and some brands that they have on theirs.

          Well, I read some more hear, and people say the kzg and Rubycon caps are good. So looks like I'll have to replace the G-Luxon and Teapo caps?
          Man.. I hate to replace the caps when they don't look bad at all .

          But you say you've seen bad caps that wasn't showing any signs right?
          Although It Is acting much like a pc with bad caps, So hopefully replacing them will fix it back up. I'll have to add'em up and see how many I need. What's a good brand to replace'em with? I'll get back later and post what UF I need.

          and then I'll have to go order them all, cause I'm sure that radioshack won't have didly. They never have any part that I need..always nothing...


            Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

            Yes that picture is not too great, however it is a start.

            Of the capacitors that you have posted before, G-Luxon and Teapo are known bad brands. I have not heard of KZG capacitors before, however I heard them mentioned in other posts here and there. I do not remember off the top of my head whether they are good or not. Rubycon's are quality capacitors.

            Originally posted by lllllllBOB
            RAM? Wouldn't it still kick on the monitor even if the ram or ram slot went out.
            Actually if the RAM is missing or all RAM sticks are faulty then the computers monitor will not fire up. The computer will not start at all! Most PC's have an internal speaker attached and that usually gives a series of beeps on RAM failure, CPU failure and Video Card failure. The amount of information these beeps give depends upon the BIOS manufacturer.

            If you do not have an internal speaker attached to your motherboard try attaching one. That is if you have a spare one or if there is one in one of your cases in any of the computers in your house. This will tell you whether one of your vital components is not working.

            Having said this, your problem seems more than likely to be either the motherboard or the power supply. Since a known working power supply was tested with this board. Than the most likely culprit is the motherboard.

            If you have access to a multimeter, than you can test the MOSFET's on your motherboard. The capacitors are the most likely culprits, however failed capacitors usually eventually kill the MOSFET's with time (well that is if the machine still functions with the bad capacitors which does not seem to be the case).
            Last edited by shadow; 06-04-2007, 11:14 PM.


              Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

              So it possibly could be the ram? I may have another stick around here somewhere to try. Wish I'd tried that before I unhooked everything eh...
              Yeah, the pc has a speaker connected.. I heard No Beeps. nothing but fan sounds.

              Here is my cap list:
              Teapo: (10 of 'em) 1000uf 6.3v
              G-Luxon (3) 1500uf 6.3v
              Rubycon (8) 2200uf 6.3v
              KZG (3) 1500uf 16v

              I think it would be cheaper just to go buy the same board on ebay. lol

              This pc really makes me very very angry....


                Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                dang.. didn't have the right spare ram stick.. had old sdram instead of ddr.

                If I take out the ddr ram stick...
                I get 3 repeating beeps. Telling me there's no ram I suppose.
                When the ram stick is in, I get no beeps. nothing.
                So does that mean that the ram stick is good then?

                I think I remember upping the ddr voltage by 1 in the bios at one point for better performance. Maybe doing that eventually fried the ram?
                Buying a stick of ram sounds better than replacing 13 caps that look good. lol

                you say, the monitor won't kick on with bad ram right?
                and I suppose it wouldn't get to the hardrive with bad ram either?
                Does ram just go out like that? restart pc... then crapola.

                Thanks for the help.


                  Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                  I find that RAM is one of those very strange items within a PC.

                  If RAM is missing than the PC will beep saying that there is no RAM, RAM that has been killed due to ESD will yield the same result. However not all bad RAM will be detected as bad at start-up. In fact it is one of those things that you could have and never know about it. For example a PC that I have used to have a stick of bad RAM, it would work completely perfectly. Windows would work, everything would seem fine. I only found out about it when I recapped the motherboard and did a full memory test using the memtest program, and it showed that it was not doing everything correctly. I narrowed it down to one particular stick or RAM.

                  Therefore I believe that it is possible to start a computer with bad RAM, it may be possible to use the computer with bad RAM, however a PC may not boot at all with bad RAM. It is the worst thing that can happen, have a product that works.....but sort of.

                  I would say that your PC could have bad RAM, it could also be the motherboard capacitors.

                  If you have a spare slot for memory, then it may well be worth buying some more RAM. If RAM was the problem, the problem will be fixed. However even with the new RAM the system does not boot, then when you do fix the problem, you will have extra memory that you can utilize since your original sticks of RAM were fine.

                  Having said this, I would find it quite bizarre for working RAM to just not work after a reboot for example.


                    Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                    Hummm... here's something.

                    If I clear the cmos, it boots to the bios setup.

                    When this pc was working... right before it shows the xp loading bar... I would see a black screen with a wide loading bar go across the bottom of the screen,then it would show xp loading. When I cleared the cmos, and set bios defaults/and or selected the boot drive, I saw this wide loading bar. along with the drivelight lighting up, but then it hung on that wide loading bar and the drive light went out before it got to booting xp. Now that sounds like bad caps right? None the less, it won't kick the monitor back on after powering it back off. But everytime I clear the cmos, the monitor kicks on, and loads the bios setup as if nothings wrong. perhapse it is bad caps.... I can fiddle with the bios settings all I wish with no problems. I guess cause it's not powering everything else up yet. right? Also I noticed that after powering it off(By Holding the button down) the keyboard light stays lit up after the pc powers off. ?? what?

                    Well, I guess I'll have to try to find 13 caps to see if that's the problem.
                    Man, I wish the caps were actually swollen or something..
                    lol who wishes that..only me I

                    Thanks for the help.. I appreciate it...


                      Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                      Hey shadow..
                      Do you known if 10V caps would work instead of 6.3v? probably?
                      or would that draw to much current and make other things go out?

                      I called the only place in my town, and they want two dollars a piece for them! Isn't that a tad bit high for some 1000uf caps 6.3v? and the 10mm 1500uf was 50cents cheaper than the 8mm 1000uf? what tha?
                      Thatta be ok if I ony needed
                      I Need (10) 1000UF 6.3V and (3) 1500UF 6.3v

                      I think I'll just have to dig in my junk pile for some caps...
                      I can prolly find some 10v, but don't think I've seen any 6.3v in anything.
                      Let me me know if 10v will work. 25v and 10v is in most of my junk stuff...

                      Know any sites that has'em real real cheap that accepts paypal.
                      It's gonna have to be cheaper than 2 bucks though.. l-o-l guylee...


                        Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                        10 V will work
                        Ya'll think us folk from the country's real funny-like, dontcha?

                        The opinions expressed above do not represent those of BADCAPS.NET or any of their affiliates.


                          Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                          KZG is the series name, made by United Chemicon, not the brand name. You should see UCC's shield logo on the cap, just above the capacitance value. I've seen reports - there's an entire thread on it - of KZGs going bad, but I don't recall whether it was determined whether their failure was due to another problem.

                          Edit: Here's the KZG thread.
                          Last edited by PeteS in CA; 06-06-2007, 04:59 PM.
                          PeteS in CA

                          Power Supplies should be boring: No loud noises, no bright flashes, and no bad smells.
                          To kill personal responsibility, initiative or success, punish it by taxing it. To encourage irresponsibility, improvidence, dependence and failure, reward it by subsidizing it.


                            Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                            As it died instantly and the caps don't look bad, don't bother to replace them. It will not fix the board. Check all voltages instead (especially for CPU and memory).


                              Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                              Originally posted by Rainbow
                              As it died instantly and the caps don't look bad, don't bother to replace them. It will not fix the board.
                              Well that makes me feel so much better...

                              Why do you say it's not the caps?

                              I just cleared the cmos again, and it got to the screen that ask to load windows in SafeMode or Normal and ect... That tells me it read the drive and also knew that windows tried to boot a previous time and failed.
                              I chose normal and it acted like it was gonna load, then it FROZE UP.
                              * That surely sounds like bad caps to me. What about anyone else.

                              and I read here that Teapo caps are known to go bad and not show any visible signs. and this board has 10 of those things.
                              Also I can go into the bios and view all the cpu info... like the temp.
                              (but only when I clear the cmos,otherwise I get no monitor.)

                              I'm ordering some caps tomorrow I think, So I guess we'll see if that's the problem. I pm'ed the caps dude here, but I get no reply, so I guess I'll be ordering them from somebody else then. I ain't got all year... l-o-l
                              But hey, my luck it might not be the caps, but it sure does act like it.
                              If it's not, I will just smash it with a hammer, and get another pc.


                                Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                                Could someone tell me if I can substitute these cap values?
                                [1000uf 6.3] sub to: (1000uf 10V) - I know this one is ok.

                                [1500uf 6.3V] sub to: (2200uf 16V) - ? Is that to much volts/UF?
                                [1500uf 16v] sub to: (2200uf 16v) - ? This probably should work here right.

                                Thanks for the help all...

                                If these values will work, then I don't have to buy any caps. lol
                                and I'm real happy to learn that in order to even test a cap I need a $100+ esr meter. great..... might as well buy a new board for that price. lol

                                Also I noticed in the bios the voltage readings.... not saying there right..
                                The +12 flux's from 11.802v-11.741v Is that too low?
                                All voltages are fluxuating...

                                vcore = 1.728v - 1.712v
                                vtt = 1.248v - 1.232v
                                vio = 3.264v - 3.280v
                                +5 = 5.113v - 5.085v
                                +12 = 11.802v - 11.741v
                                -12 = 12.071v
                                -5 = 5.077v
                                Battery = 3.328v
                                +5v SB = 4.872v - 4.896v
                                CPU Fan speed = 5625rpm...
                                The heat-sink never gets hot...barely even warm.
                                Also I can set there in the bios without any problems.


                                  Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                                  Hey shadow or anyone...

                                  I suppose memtest would fail the ram test if there's something else wrong with the board itself right? Else the ram might be bad, Cause I just tried memtest boot cd and all the test was failing, as I figured it would do anyway. So I just exited outta that cause it does a lot of #test..
                                  *and If the processor was bad, wouldn't the memtest not even run at all?

                                  and yes, when I clear cmos, I can do anything in the bios or slelect any boot device without any problems.
                                  and apparently itta boot from the cd drive with no problems.

                                  *Still waiting on the substituting cap value questions.


                                    Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                                    [1500uf 6.3V] sub to: (2200uf 16V)
                                    [1500uf 16v] sub to: (2200uf 16v)

                                    These should be fine, however you may find that 16V capacitors will not fit in the tight locations on a motherboard (or at all). When I recapped my motherboard, my biggest issue was not the rating but getting ones that will fit!

                                    Make sure you measure the diameter of your current capacitors before you buy new ones. You do not want capacitors that will not fit!
                                    Also make sure you get proper Low ESR capacitors, check out the FAQ section on this forum as to which capacitors are good and which are bad or just ask the question in this thread.

                                    If the processor is bad, I would say that the PC would not boot at all! However that has been with all the cases that I dealt with, I am not sure if it is possible to have a sort of working yet not working processor. However I know for sure that this can happen with memory!

                                    I am unsure whether memtest would fail if there was something else wrong on the board. Memtest fully tests memory, if memtest is failing it's tests, then your memory is not working right. Therefore I guess your memory may be not working because it is faulty or something is not right with your motherboard.

                                    However it is essentially a guess at this stage. All you know is that your memory is not working right. You do not know the cause or why it is not working right.
                                    Last edited by shadow; 06-13-2007, 09:57 PM.


                                      Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                                      Thanks for the cap info... It has plenty of room for any 1500uf size.

                                      Yeah, I wasn't sure about the memtest either...i figured it would fail even if the ram is good or bad. I just wanted to see if it would actually run the memtest. and it did. booted it right off the cd... and ran good. besides that it was failing all the ram test. Kinda sounds like bad ram after that. but i guess it could also be a bad cap not supplying enough power for the ram slots.
                                      A bad cap near the ram, bad ram, or both? huh huh..
                                      * Anyone here with a bad cap board,that can try memtest? LOL

                                      I'm gonna look in my internet pc[one im using now], and see if it also uses ddr ram. That way if I go buy ram and it don't fix it, I can add it to this pc.

                                      I kinda wanna turn this pc off, snag the ram out of it, and check the other pc... But the way my luck has been lately, the other pc would damage my ram, and I'd be s.o.l. So I'm not gonna try that just yet... huh huh...

                                      Thanks for the help shadow and all.


                                        Re: K7T266 Pro2 help needed. "Died"

                                        * Anyone here with a bad cap board,that can try memtest?
                                        Memtest can't really isolate which component caused an error. It just knows that it didn't read back the values from memory that it expected to find there. This will easily happen with an unstable motherboard or processor, just as easily as it can happen with bad ram. I've had it happen for any of those reasons.

