I definitely didn't connect it backwards, 100% sure of that. I have color coded plugs on all my wires. Because I'd totally hook them up backwards otherwise.
Mine probably has no coverage for this, but I have turned if off before with the battery connected, I just haven't connected the battery with it turned off. Adding a fuse to the output would be pretty easy, would you suggest doing so? If so, both sides or just one?
That's subtle.
That does make it a hassle.
Thanks for the insight....
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Transformer looks fine thankfully.
So what's the process here? Connect battery when power supply is powered up, disconnect battery while power supply is powered up? What happens if wall power is lost?
Is there a list of rules to operate a bench power supply? Learning by trial and error kind of sucks....
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I'm talking to OWON now. First response was "replace the fuse."
Expecting second response to be "ship it back to china at a cost more than you paid for it so we can tell you it was user error and you have to pay for repair and for us to ship it back to you at a cost exceeding the original purchase price."...
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Well, that's interesting now.
The vents weren't blocked, it's basically a brand new PSU that I bought in early 2024. No dust inside. Maybe it has been used for a few days total, mostly charging batteries.
The PSU shouldn't have been overloaded, I don't really recall ever using it above 2 amps or so, I charge all batteries super slow.
I was plugging in a battery to be charged, the unit was switched on, but no power applied to the power supply terminals from the power supply side. I suspect that there was some backflow from the lead acid battery, and it overwhelmed...
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Yes, I looked for better diodes, but I noticed I couldn't get anything in a TO220. I can bend some legs, I just can't seem to find anything with better specs at any price. I can get higher voltage, higher amperage, but it seems that everything is slower, or has no recovery time (and is different type of diode [silicon carbide] that I don't know enough to substitute).
Also, TO220 and TO247 don't take the same insulator bushings, do they?...Last edited by clearchris; 12-01-2024, 11:20 PM.
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I think I definitely have to test the fan circuit also, people complain about how noisy this PS is, I haven't found that to be the case. Perhaps something is wrong with the fan, and the insulator melted... The solder doesn't look great at all, but I suspect this failure put out enough heat to remelt the solder, my house still smells of burning circuits....
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OWON SPE 6103 Blowing Fuses Roasted Diode
This was a great little power supply, until it let out the smoke.
I believe it's the output diode (pic of mayhem attached).
Could I remove the diode, power it up (no load) and see if the rest of the PS is functional? Right now it pops the fuse every time.
Also, does anyone have a diode that they like better than this one? (ER2004CT)
If anyone wants to know more about this power supply there's a pretty good teardown video here [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRWdQESwXMA[/url]...
Yeah, I replaced all of them with higher voltage rated caps, turns out one of the TL072CN opamps is gone, or at least that's what I suspect. The pots feel buttery smooth, and the distortion doesn't sound pot induced. I added DIP sockets yesterday, haven't gotten a chance to swap some opamps to different sockets and test to confirm my suspicion.
My dillema now is, [B]since the TL072CN is obsolete, what do I replace it with? [/B]In further research I have found that people speak highly of the TL072ACP, but there are a few different values that concern me, particularly output current...
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In case anyone wants to do a recap, here's a listing of the caps in my Peavey PV23XO Crossover. My stock didn't quite cover me, I had to put an order in, so I don't have results yet.
[CODE]6x 10uf 50v
10x 22uf 25v
2x 47uf 25v
2x 100uf 16v
2x 470uf 35vā[/CODE]Code:In case anyone wants to do a recap, here's a listing of the caps in my Peavey PV23XO Crossover. My stock didn't quite cover me, I had to put an order in, so I don't have results yet. [CODE]6x 10uf 50v 10x 22uf 25v 2x 47uf 25v 2x 100uf 16v 2x 470uf 35
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Are you allowed to use the real solder up north? I thought you guys outlawed it like in the EU.
But yeah, a pound of good solder doesn't cost much from digikey and will last you a long time and will be a joy to use. I do have a spool of chinese solder, I use it mostly for adding Pb to non PB joints that need desoldering. Using the chinese solder to solder with is just frustrating....
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It's actually the youngest, cleanest piece of equipment in my rack aside from the raspberry pi. š Non smoking house, and the box is pretty well sealed. Kind of surprised it needs a repair already.
Everything looks hand soldered, so you have a good point about checking solder joints. I hadn't expected this to be a hand soldered, through hole board, but it is (and that's a good thing imho). I'll see what's under there after I take out the 30 screws...
Thank you!...
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Just always keep some solder on the tip when you turn off the iron. If you buy real (hakko, etc) tips, and have an iron with an auto shutoff (so it's not left on for days) it takes a long time to wear one down.
But yeah, I have some "tip refresher" from a different brand, it does nothing worthwhile.
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I'll be the first to admit that I never really used solder wick unless I had to. Some years ago, I bought a desolder station (almost 300usd), and it has been great.
Lately, there are some very cheap soldering iron/desolder pump combos that seem to work ok. They had something similar to this at my former work and they seemed to like it.
[url]https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804929123151.html[/url]https://I'll be the first to admit t...n great.<br />
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Peavey PV23XO Crossover Repair and Enhancement
This crossover was bought new about 12 years ago, and has probably been powered on for at least 3/4 of that time. It also has a recently developed horrible sound on the second channel, sometimes it's a wub-wub-wub, sometimes it's just a hum that comes and goes. It's not noticable if something is playing (it may be gone), but it's quite noticable if there is silence.
Because of age and problems it's due for a recap. I'm also strongly considering putting in sockets to potentially replace the 12 ST TL072 opamps. For such a small device, it's still going to be over 30 screws to take...
Re: Electrolytic SMD removal tools
Looks like it could stand some adjusting with a hammer, punch and file. Sounds like iron plating isn't too bad to do if you really wanted to be obsessive. Are the tips replacable?
These diy solder tips are pretty smart. I had just learned about doing these on the big weller soldering guns, I have a few of these screw down irons that I haven't used in years, could come in handy....Last edited by clearchris; 10-14-2023, 11:43 AM.
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Re: Old Weller 100/140 Watt Soldering Gun
I can't say if that bulb was stock, these irons have truly unknown provenance, they could have come out of a trash can.
I took a closer look at my other one, and wow. No bulb, looks like the top had been broken off at some point, and somone spilled black epoxy all over the top to keep it together. If I disassemble one to make a permanent handleless bench top iron, it's going to be that one.
Before I do anything rash, has anyone ever needed to dual wield two soldering guns? 140w seems like it...
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Re: Old Weller 100/140 Watt Soldering Gun
Printed a stand with a trigger hold down bar. The stand seems firm, Ithink the trigger hold down bar could use some tuning, both for functionality and also for printability.
(not my design, btw)
[attach]313617[/attach]Re: Old Weller 100/140 Watt Solderin.../> <br /> (not...Last edited by clearchris; 10-07-2023, 11:08 AM.
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