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The mac adress is written on the wifi module itself...
Yes, I think that is an issue with the wifi. But I guess it is more a wifi firmware missmatch than a defect. Can you confirm, that the console serial number on the ps5 shell matches the infos on the original nor (0x001C7210)? Same thing with the mac adress from the wifi module (0x001C73C0 - 6 Bytes little endian)?
Here is another nor dump....
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The name of the dump ends with .BIN but must be .bin for the PS5 NOR Modifier....
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I had a similar issue where the wifi MAC was not shown, but BT worked. After replacing the southbridge the wifi MAC was shown again....
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If your PS5 ist starting to the home menue and the disc drive is able to accept and copy PS5 discs, the data itself of the NOR is ok. You wouldn't get to this point if the NOR data is not ok.
What is exactly the problem and what is the error message from the disc drive?
If your disc drive is accepting disc but have trouble to read it and shows the error "Can't recognize...", the laser is mostly done....
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You can turn off the IDU mode by reading the NOR data by a programmer, edit adress 0x001C9604 = 00 (IDU off) / 01 (IDU on) and write the NOR data back to the ic....
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Sorry, typing error. It should be:
0x001C7011 = 02 (BD) to 03 (digital)
0x001C70[COLOR=#e74c3c][B]3[/B][/COLOR]8 = 89 (BD) to 8D (digital)Sorry, typing error. It should be:
0x001C7011 = 02 (BD) to 03 (digital)
0x001C70[COLOR=#e74c3c][B]3[/B][/COLOR]8 = 89 (BD) to 8D (digital)Sorry, typing error. It should be:
0x001C7011 = 02 (BD) to 03 (digital)
0x001C70[COLOR=#e74c3c][B]3[/B][/COLOR]8 = 89 (BD) to 8D (digital)
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Open the nor dump in an hex editor and change:
0x001C7011 = 02 (BD) to 03 (digital)
0x001C7028 = 89 (BD) to 8D (digital)...
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The southbridge starts working as soon as 12V are present. If an issue appears in the prestart phase, like corrupted nor data, the system normally wouldn't boot. If the ps5 is showing something on the screen, I would consider the southbridge and nor data as functional.
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From my experience so far, if there is a issue with the nor data the PS5 will beep three time or doesn't react at all. A safemode direct/only I would suspect a problem with the ssd.
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Here is a working dump from an edm-031 cfi-1215b with 61gg southbridge. I'm not sure if it works without any issues on an edm-030....
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Here is a working dump from a edm-031 cfi-1216a with 69gg southbridge. Change at 0x001C7200 the console unique data (MainboardS/N and SerialNo)...
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