Please post your request in an existing thread if there is one thats related to your request/problem,otherwise start your own thread,do not post bios requests in a schematic thread and vice versa.
Any posts that are Off-topic will be deleted. Any thread hijacks will be deleted,START YOUR OWN THREAD !!!.
Post once and be patient waiting for a reply.Multiple posts and threads will be deleted.You can Bump your thread/post if no one has replied.
Post the make and model number and/or the motherboard part number in the thread title,and include as much information as you can in your post,such as the motherboard revision number.
Thread with titles such as "need schematic" are useless,and at the moderators discretion can and will be deleted.
A good thread title makes it easier for site searching and for google indexing.
Use the forum search ,what you are looking for may be posted already.
This is an english language forum so please post in English only .
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Do you also don't like to use the search engine?
Also there is a pictures with the advertisement in the archive you've attached!
If it happens again you'll be banned, be warned!
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Do you also don't like to use the search engine?
Also there is a pictures with the advertisement in the archive you've attached!
If it happens again you'll be banned, be warned!
I'm sorry, just wanted to help will not happen again.