Hi members. Maybe somebody can help my find out if my laptop is totaly toast or not. I buy it recently with no boot fault and I thought I can repair it, but after several hours on it I think CPU or GPU is toast.
So laptop is :
Make: ASUS
Model: FX505DT-BQ143
Symptoms: No boot, black screen(even through HDMI), keyboard light on, battery is charging, capslock didnt work. Every rail is present 19V(20,2 from charger), 5V, 3,3V, 2,5V, 1,8V. Even CPU is powering up a shows 1,1V, but every 4second falt to 0 and then back to 1,1V- looping. Hence i thought just the bios is scrambled, so I tried several version, with no luck. But with 1 version it didnt loop, just stays on.
I didnt try voltage on GPU, because everything is under heatsink and I don´t want to short something by probing under heatsink. Can somebody write me what resistance can have that GPU and CPU on main input coils ? My CPU have about 1,2Ohm, and GPU about 0,6Ohm - and this is too low I think. But I thought even with bad dedicated GPU(If this is that case) can laptop boot on integrated GPU. Or if I have bad GPU can I somehow force to boot and work on integrated GPU ?
Thank you in advance for any help.
So laptop is :
Make: ASUS
Model: FX505DT-BQ143
Symptoms: No boot, black screen(even through HDMI), keyboard light on, battery is charging, capslock didnt work. Every rail is present 19V(20,2 from charger), 5V, 3,3V, 2,5V, 1,8V. Even CPU is powering up a shows 1,1V, but every 4second falt to 0 and then back to 1,1V- looping. Hence i thought just the bios is scrambled, so I tried several version, with no luck. But with 1 version it didnt loop, just stays on.
I didnt try voltage on GPU, because everything is under heatsink and I don´t want to short something by probing under heatsink. Can somebody write me what resistance can have that GPU and CPU on main input coils ? My CPU have about 1,2Ohm, and GPU about 0,6Ohm - and this is too low I think. But I thought even with bad dedicated GPU(If this is that case) can laptop boot on integrated GPU. Or if I have bad GPU can I somehow force to boot and work on integrated GPU ?
Thank you in advance for any help.