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Acer laptops and keyboards

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    Acer laptops and keyboards

    I noticed in manny cases the following : You press the power button and laptop starts turning on and then goes off again, but if you press any key on the keyboard and hold it, the laptop stays on and works fine! The power button works, any other button works , but one button must always be on!

    Has anyone else notice that? I was meaning to write about this topic a few times already , but never got to it, and today i got Aspire A315-42 with i5 10th gen. and it has the same issue and i got mad and now i am writing about it!

    If you hold any button on the keyboard the laptop stays on, if you release the button the laptop shuts off...

    Why is this happening and how to make it right?

    Its keyboard's power button which turns faulty. Disconnect the keyboard and short pins on the kbd connector and see if it remains on(for acer its 2pins on the corner of kbd connector). If it stays on,replace the keyboard.


      I knew no one will understand and say replace the keyboard the power button works fine,all the buttons do, it's not stuck,something else is wrong.button reacts to pressing and it turns on the laptop,turns it off normally,but tou have to have another button pressed on keyboard...i tried measuring pins on motherboard,3.3V on pin,when i press power it goes to gnd,when release it's back to 3.3v so it's not stuck...i am just curious is it a motherboard issue or a keyboard,probably keyboard,but why does it happen....and that's third or forth laptop that i came in contact with the same issue...


        No, mcplslg123 is 100% right. Had this fault on quite a few Acers. It's a capacitive button which gets leakage even when off. EC interprets it as the button being held down and switches off the PC. Holding another button likely overrides that feature in the EC. As he (correctly) said, disconnect the keyboard and short the corresponding pins on the keyboard connector to confirm.

        Acer (and Asus) keyboard are synonymous with these kinds of issues and a main reason why they are at the bottom of the list for recommendations when I'm asked about what brands to buy. They are complete shit IMHO.


          I hope you will take my suggestion more seriously now after@reformatt's confirmation.

