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HP Envy 15 does not turn on, only the LED on the PC connector is on!!!

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    HP Envy 15 does not turn on, only the LED on the PC connector is on!!!

    Hello community. I need your help to resolve the problem with my HP envy 15 notebook mod.15-k111nl. The problem is the following: inserting de connector of the notebook, the LED on the connector lights on but if I pressed the power button it doesn't happen Nothing.
    I did some tests to verify where the fault could be and I noticed there are 3v but the 5v does not arrive.Furthermore I have a series of mosfets that seem to be in short circuit but desoldering them and testing them on the bench they are good. These are the signals that I found:
    PL8:3,117v----PL9:0v---PL12-----PL13:0---PL16:0v---PL20:0v---PL16:0v----PL13:0v-- -
    PL12:0v----PL9:0v---PL8:3,117v the above mentioned mosfets, that once tested resulted fine are the following:PQ23,PQ24,PQ25,PQ26.Find attached the electrical diagram and boardview of the notebook,
    hoping that some guru can give me a hand in solving the problem .
    Sorry for my rough english.
    Thank you and best regards.

    [MOD EDIT] Link to schematic ->
    Last edited by SMDFlea; 12-11-2023, 04:53 PM.

    Presence of light on dc jack is almost a sure sign of presence of 3V LDO. On many platforms 5V will come only after switching the MB. Since it doesnt turns on,you need to check and take steps:
    01.Visual inspection for corroded elements
    02.Flash known good bios
    03.RTC circuit-presence of RTCRST#/SRTCRST# with 3 v cmos cell inserted,No power attached)
    04.Basic requirements of SIO and see if RSMRST# is present or not.


      Thanks for the reply, I checked the various points on the card and found these values:

      01:No visually damaged components
      02:Tried rewriting the bios
      03:RTCRST#= 2,746 v
      SRTCRST#= 2,744 v
      04:RSMRST#= 0 v
      These are the values found, is the situation serious?


        RSMRST#= 0 v

        means this line is stuck in reset mode since this is an active low signal. It should be ~3v3 under normal conditions.


          Without RSMRST# present,mb wont switch at all. Time to check basic requirements of SIO,flash bios. What is the resistance to GND on RSMRST# pin?


            Hi, the RSMRST# resistor is 10k, I checked the voltages on the SUPER I/O and I realized that the 3v on pin 11 is missing.
            I checked the voltages on IC PU11 and on the PC204 capacitor I have no voltage.....Short circuit on the 3.3v line or problems on ic PU11?

            Thank you and good day.
            Attached Files


              You cant expect voltage on PC204 in off condition. The votage there will appear only after switching and when EN1 pin has S5_ON from SIO. So in off condition,its ok to have only 3V LDO and nothing on coil.

              I didnt asked for RSMRST# resistor. Thats a 10K pullup resistor. Measure resistance to GND on RSMRST# pin of SIO(black probe to GND,red probe on RSMRST# pin). Should be 10K or higher resistance.


                Sorry I didn't understand, I measured the resistance is 10k on the pin RSMRST# of SIO


                  Can we try to do some tests for study purposes too or will I take it straight to the bin?


                    The resistance to ground on RSMRST# of 10k is correct due to the pull down (not pull up) R578 on this line. The question remains as to why this line is not proceeding to be a logic high to allow the board to boot. If this line remains at a logic low = 0 volts, the board is stuck in reset mode.


                      What are the elements that could bring the line to 1? Any advice on what I could check or do?
                      Thank you


                        Trace the same label in the schematics. Whomever is driving this signal is responsible to make the line go high = logic ‘1'.

