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Dell XPS 600 SLI Nvidia Chipset power issue

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    Dell XPS 600 SLI Nvidia Chipset power issue

    Morning everyone;
    I have 2 x dell XPS600 SLI motherboards, neither will POST. The diagnostic lights on the case indicate an 'internal power problem'. The power button is lit as solid amber together with the No4 diagnostic.

    I came accross this site by chance when looking for a place to diagnose / repair the motherboards and so my interest has now been peaked!!

    I do not in any way shape or form have any experience of repairing motherboards, or know where to I've been searching through your forums.

    I am a network manager / system admin by trade an have plenty of experience in diagnosis problems to a system component level, not to a motherboard component level!!

    After reading the reference about looking for damaged caps, I checked the boards and there is no 'obvious' signs of bulging or leaking with the vast majority being made by Rubycon.

    So it could be the VRM. Before condeming them completely, given there appears not to be any visual signs of damaged caps is there another way of testing them in situ, ie measure resistence, voltage tests?

    many thanks

    Re: Dell XPS 600 SLI Nvidia Chipset power issue

    are you testing the board with the correct dell psu?
    that 10pin 12v is pretty strange....
    capacitor lab yachtmati techmati


      Re: Dell XPS 600 SLI Nvidia Chipset power issue

      It could be bad CPU VRM caps, I have an XPS600 and currently it is still running, but 2 capacitors (aluminum electrolytic) that are close to a DIMM slot have burst. All of the caps that I see that are near the CPU socket are solid polymers (nichicons possibly). My powersupply seems to be ok though. Any thoughts as to weather I need to replace all caps on the board or just those that are aluminum electrolytic?

