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New Members - please post your introductions here

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    Hello all,
    I am new to this site but am pleasantly surprised by the quality of the community here. everyone seems very helpful and knowledgable.

    I am a HAM radio guy, and something of an outdoorsman, but I repair electronics to fund my hobbies.

    I have a 2019 MBP 16" and have an issue where the backlight comes on but no LCD display. Upon opening the bottom lid, resistor L8504, right near the "EDP" sreen connectors seemingly fried. It was blackened and fell off when I touched it gently. I am an experienced solderer but I need help and instruction as to what I should do to fix this.



      Ahoy! I'm new. working on PCB repair as I think boards are fascinating! I also love the idea that I can take someone else's junk and make it useful again. peace.



        Hi all, LC-70LE650U Joe here. Just trying to get my monitor fixed....


          Glad to join this community.


            Hello friends, always looking for knowledge and improvement as a professional, the site pleased me with some posts I saw, Top, good studies for everyone.



              My name is Ante first time poster long time lurker.
              Happy to be here



                My name is Yasser .
                Happy to be here!


                  hello! I'm nash newbie in technician laptop so i would like to see boardview so i can easily trace the problem. i hope you can help me guys, Thanks! ^_^


                    Glad to join this community. Trying to fix my Alienware laptop


                      Hi my name Mico but i make my username as Micro. My experience is service TV, CD Player, Phone, Freezer, Cool Box, Laptop, etc

                      I hope we enjoy life!


                        Ich war auf der Suche nach einem Kondensator Für ein MAcbook Air M1.
                        Und nach etlichen Abzockseiten, habe ich hier dei Info gefunden.


                          My name is Hendra, from Indonesia.
                          I need much knowledge about computer.
                          Please show me
                          Many Thanks


                            Hello everyone!

                            It is good to found really good forum.
                            I'm working on a memory semiconductor company as test and application engineer.

                            I look forward to enjoyable forum activities.


                              Hello everyone,

                              I hope this message finds you all well. I'm excited to join this community and share a bit about my journey into the world of laptop repair.

                              My name is Bryzhnik, and I've always been fascinated by technology. As a child, I was the kind of person who loved taking things apart to see how they worked, much to the dismay of my parents who often found their gadgets in pieces. This curiosity laid the foundation for what would eventually become a passion for repairing laptops.

                              My foray into laptop repair began a few years ago. It all started when my own laptop, a trusty companion throughout my university years, began to malfunction. As a student, I didn't have the luxury of buying a new one, so I decided to try and fix it myself. Armed with a few YouTube tutorials and a lot of patience, I managed to diagnose and replace the faulty hard drive. The sense of accomplishment I felt was incredible, and it sparked a deeper interest in me.

                              I started reading more about common laptop issues and solutions, diving into forums and tech blogs. I invested in some basic tools and began practicing on old, unused laptops given to me by friends and family. Each repair was a learning experience, teaching me something new about hardware and software troubleshooting.

                              Over time, my skills improved, and what started as a hobby gradually turned into a side hustle. Friends and acquaintances began asking for help with their laptops, and before I knew it, I was repairing laptops on a regular basis. I realized that I had a knack for this and decided to take it more seriously. I enrolled in some online courses to enhance my knowledge and even got certified in laptop repair.

                              Today, laptop repair has become more than just a hobby or side hustle – it's a passion and a profession. I love the challenge of diagnosing problems and the satisfaction of bringing a non-functional laptop back to life. More importantly, I enjoy helping people by saving them the cost of buying new devices and reducing electronic waste.

                              I'm here to share my experiences, learn from all of you, and hopefully contribute to this community. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, I believe we all have something valuable to share and learn.

                              Looking forward to connecting with you all!

                              Best regards, Bryzhnik


                                Hola soy Daniel, Colombiano vivo en españa, informatico.


                                  I've been repairing Thinkpads and other hardware for more than 20 years. I've been reading posts in the forum here for a while. Now I registered here because I only found a link to the required documents inside this forum.


                                    Mech eng background, and mostly have tinkered with car repairs/maintenance, but recently have ventured into fixing electronics, mostly to keep them going. One was an old, free-to-me LCD computer display. I used it for several years, and suddenly it wouldn't turn on. Replaced a bad capacitor on the power board, and it was back in business. The other was a garage door opener. Again, replaced a capacitor in the power section of the board and got the door opener working again.


                                      I repair televisions as a hobby. Lately I've gotten several that has a jittery picture. Sometimes continuously, sometimes, every few seconds. Power supply voltages are constant. I've cleaned all contacts. No apparent physical damage. Any ideas?


                                        Bonjour à tous, je suis nouveau. Je cherche un diagramme pour réparer une carte mère. J'ai acheté un PC MSI pour mon fils en 2022 qui a fonctionné pendant 1 an et je me suis dit que ce serait dommage de le laisser sans rien faire, on peut toujours essayer merci.


                                          Hello everyone, I am new. I'm looking for a diagram to repair a motherboard. I bought an MSI PC for my son in 2022 which worked for 1 year and I said to myself that it would be a shame to leave it without doing anything, we can always try thank you.

