Aaron Alldaffer born 03/11/88 currently living in Chattanooga TN.
Currently working out of my shop named Chatt Fix. Specializing in Video game repair, Drones, and TVs as my local market does not supply these repair needs. I'm wanting to learn more with TV's and motherboard repairs to expand my knowledge and grow my business. I'm hoping to gain knowledge not only to improve my business but to help others as well!
Hello everyone, I am a long-time electronics enthusiast looking for a new hobby. I have watched many YouTube videos and repaired a few items. I hope to gain knowledge of electronics repair the help me fix some pet projects. My second post will be about a fussy Pioneer EEProm. Cheers!
Hello, name's Diskette.
I'm 16 years old, I have interests in Computers and stuff.
I like Unix systems, they're my cup of tea.
I am a huge believer in free (libre) software and I believe all software should at least has its source open when you buy them.
I'm here just to snoop around this forum, in case I find anything interesting :v
Hi All.
brand new to this whole repairing things concept.
Delve mainly into laptops so it's a bit tricky knowing whats what at the start.
currently working on a hp probook g1 with something wrong power wise. screen doesnt come on.
was working fine one day and the next was like this. not a clue what happened but keen to try figure it out on my own by learning 😁
HI MY NAME IS Timothy FROM Kazan Russia I WOULD LIKE TO BE A PART OF Badcaps Electronics Repair Forum & Schematic Search