Re: New Members - please post your introductions here
Hi. Just joined. Mostly interested in tube guitar amps and testing electrolytic caps and finding leaky signal caps. Engineering background not in electronics, however. Enjoy watching D-Lab on you tube. Good sense of humor. Trying to fix old tube mono blocks I picked up a few years ago. Bought Anatek blue to help identify bad caps in circuit. Fixed computer monitor with blown cap a few years ago. Still working. Other monitor I took out board and sent to a guy in Colorado who was a sweet man who had tremendous soldering skills and had worked all his life doing electronic repair. He unfortunately passed and I was heartbroken. Trying to develop good troubleshooting skill. Built a dim bulb tester and have used a few times successfully. Have repaired speakers mechanically but not reconed. Looking forward to bad capacitor site.
Hi. Just joined. Mostly interested in tube guitar amps and testing electrolytic caps and finding leaky signal caps. Engineering background not in electronics, however. Enjoy watching D-Lab on you tube. Good sense of humor. Trying to fix old tube mono blocks I picked up a few years ago. Bought Anatek blue to help identify bad caps in circuit. Fixed computer monitor with blown cap a few years ago. Still working. Other monitor I took out board and sent to a guy in Colorado who was a sweet man who had tremendous soldering skills and had worked all his life doing electronic repair. He unfortunately passed and I was heartbroken. Trying to develop good troubleshooting skill. Built a dim bulb tester and have used a few times successfully. Have repaired speakers mechanically but not reconed. Looking forward to bad capacitor site.