I'm troubleshooting a power supply board and one opto coupler seems shorted. It's a through-hole, marked with 3 lines:
I'm not sure what replacement to buy for it. It resembles LTV-816 (https://www.tme.eu/sk/en/details/ltv...output/liteon/), but I'm not sure it's 100% that. The data sheet shows multiple sub-types like 816M, 816S, but 816A is not there.
I do have other functional pieces on the same board, so I could do some measurements on those, but I'm not sure what to check.
Any idea appreciated.
I'm troubleshooting a power supply board and one opto coupler seems shorted. It's a through-hole, marked with 3 lines:
I'm not sure what replacement to buy for it. It resembles LTV-816 (https://www.tme.eu/sk/en/details/ltv...output/liteon/), but I'm not sure it's 100% that. The data sheet shows multiple sub-types like 816M, 816S, but 816A is not there.
I do have other functional pieces on the same board, so I could do some measurements on those, but I'm not sure what to check.
Any idea appreciated.