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  • ronelex
    Dell Precision 7510 Power Issue
    by ronelex
    Hello, I got a unit which is having a problem of no power on using power button,
    It powers on when I remove the CMOS batt then display is ok but when I shutdown it by long pressing the power button it turns off but when I turn it on using the power button no reaction at all.
    I already tried to reflash the bios and Clean ME but no effect,
    I also check the RTC section and it is the reading I got
    SRTCRST# ok
    PCH_RTCRST# ok
    +3.3V_PRTC ok

    POWER_SW_IN# ok
    DOCK_PWR_SW# ok
    POA_WAKE# ok...
    Today, 04:12 AM
  • Foetuss
    Gigabyte GA-6OXT :: caps question
    by Foetuss
    Good evening

    I recently aquired a rev 1.1 Gigabyte 60XT, and was suprised of the amount of leaking caps for a motherboard of the P3 era. Especially the way the 330µf caps seems like the housing discolored even.
    Now, there are some 3300µF 6.3V KZG series around the CPU. Would it be OK to replace them with something like EEUFR1A332 ? (Panasonic FR 3300µF 10V). Or was this board designed around [B]very [/B]low ESR caps?

    But I was also suprised about the bigger boys, which are 330µF [B]25V[/B].
    Could it be they used 25V caps because they were cheaper / available...
    02-11-2025, 12:22 PM
  • lapfix
    Hp 15 capslock 5 long 3 short pb.
    by lapfix
    Hello friends.
    hp 15 -da009nk

    got this lap with capslock 5 long 3 short.
    Try new dump f.48 still the same.
    try another dump f.04 power display..consumption caps lock blinking.
    ​​​​all voltage are présent.
    pl301/302= 3 and 5 volt.
    pl1001 1.082v.
    pla1 1.033v
    plz1 vcc core 1.058v
    plg1 0v..i think it s the Intel grpahic
    plw1 1.373v.
    plv 3/plv4 vga core 0.918v
    consumption 0.498.
    original bios version f.02..
    any help!
    Today, 03:34 AM
  • doivaythoiem
    by doivaythoiem
    Need help bios
    SN not found because it was deleted
    original bios...
    Today, 03:25 AM
  • phantomEVO
    [help]820-01700 "mistery problem"
    by phantomEVO
    Hi to all, i don't know the real history of this board.

    the technician who gave me this board says: "i don't know the history of this board, it not switch to 20v. i have changed ub300 and ub400, than i've discovered to have short on 5v andi i have changed u7650. still 5v not switching"

    so under microscope i've found

    - shorts on rb246,rb401,rb400

    - u7650 (tps51980b) changed with (tps51980A)

    - j6640 melted (maybe some one has reflowed or changed u3100 or u3200?)

    so i've bouth another identical board anche...
    02-12-2025, 03:58 PM
  • Andromedus_81
    Xgecu tl8662 Plus adapter
    by Andromedus_81
    What adapter do I need to read the BIOS dump from the chip Gigadevice 25B256DF1G...
    Today, 02:41 AM
  • Alecs25
    MSI MS-16J9 - Not turning on, no shorts found
    by Alecs25
    i have this MSI which is not turning on, a bit of history:
    It was not used for months, the owner replaced the battery because it leaked, even before the replacement the laptop was not starting, just LED HDD blue blinking and so the charger led also blinking. This behavior is still present.

    The only thing i done was to reflash SPI, nothing else done. I've just checked for voltages around the board.

    19v seems present and so is 3VALW and 5VALW. I'm not that expert, there is the schematic with the power sequence, but i never understood how to do the checks,...
    01-29-2025, 04:24 AM
  • makretallica
    HP 27-cb0019 All in one PC
    by makretallica
    Hello , am requesting Bios for HP 27-cb0019 All in one PC
    Motherboard : dan18pmb6e0 rev:e
    Model : N18P mercedes
    ProdID : 577G7AA#ABL
    S/N : 8CC21631WJ
    HP 27-cb0019 All in one PC

    Attached my backup ....
    Yesterday, 01:18 PM
  • ivan resendiz
    by ivan resendiz
    Yesterday, 05:48 PM
  • tuantu01
    MSI GF63 Thin 11UC MS-16R61 Ver 2.2 Not Detech M2,SSD Help Me
    by tuantu01
    I have an MSI computer. Bios currently does not recognize M2 hard drives and SSDs. Please Fix It For Me. Sincerely thank you...
    02-13-2025, 09:08 PM



  • doivaythoiem
    by doivaythoiem
    Need help bios
    SN not found because it was deleted
    original bios...
    Today, 03:25 AM
  • Fabián Morin
    Lenovo GS44B/GS54B/NM-C561 bios please
    by Fabián Morin
    I have problems i wrote many times the bios for this laptop but i cannot solve my problem can help with the rigth bios ?
    this is my original bios
    [url]​[/url]https://I have problems i wrote many.../file​[/url]
    Yesterday, 08:23 PM
  • DigitalDrifta
    Lenovo ThinkBook 13s G2 ITL Bios
    by DigitalDrifta

    Wonder if someone could assist with my issue. I set my bios password a couple years ago and I can't remember it. I tried going through the guides but lost in the Hex editing of DMI Would really appreciate if someone could assist in clearing the password for me.

    Lenovo ThinkBook 13s G2 ITL
    Serial: PW03Z1CD
    MTM: 20V900AXUK
    Bios Version: F9CN51WW

    Yesterday, 05:15 PM
  • lapfix
    Hp 15 capslock 5 long 3 short pb.
    by lapfix
    Hello friends.
    hp 15 -da009nk

    got this lap with capslock 5 long 3 short.
    Try new dump f.48 still the same.
    try another dump f.04 power display..consumption caps lock blinking.
    ​​​​all voltage are présent.
    pl301/302= 3 and 5 volt.
    pl1001 1.082v.
    pla1 1.033v
    plz1 vcc core 1.058v
    plg1 0v..i think it s the Intel grpahic
    plw1 1.373v.
    plv 3/plv4 vga core 0.918v
    consumption 0.498.
    original bios version f.02..
    any help!
    Today, 03:34 AM
  • Andromedus_81
    Xgecu tl8662 Plus adapter
    by Andromedus_81
    What adapter do I need to read the BIOS dump from the chip Gigadevice 25B256DF1G...
    Today, 02:41 AM
  • tech_guru
    Dell Inspiron 5558 8 Beeps
    by tech_guru
    If you can help with this one please...The laptop does 8 beeps at boot which as I see is LCD error. The laptop shows image to external monitor normally. New screen flex and screen does not change anything.

    So I took measurements in the LCD socket (LCD1):
    DBC_EN_R 0V
    LCD_TST_C 0V
    EDP_AUX 3V
    EDP_AUX# 0V
    EDP_TX0# 0V
    EDP_TX0 0V
    EDP_TX1# 0V
    EDP_TX1 0V

    The ones that are 0v,...
    Today, 02:13 AM
  • Stephen
    MacBook Pro 14" M1 Pro Battery related question.
    by Stephen
    Board was just repaired, great thing for us since the DATA was recovered, however the battery was just replaced with a brand new OEM battery and holds the charge well, I plug it in and the charge icon comes on (lightning bolt) then it goes off and comes back again and repeats itself, The MagSafe 3 Amber light is turning off and on constantly, which is telling me something else is going on, before I pull this board out again I was wondering if anyone has come across this issue since its a little new to me on this model. Battery is holding the charge well at 52% but it won't charge further, I checked...
    02-12-2025, 04:41 PM
  • прямо
    Help me understand this linear supply circuit.
    by прямо
    Was looking for a simple CV CC linear supply to build and came across this one.


    I etched the provided board design and populated it.

    The output voltage adjustment works.
    The output current adjustment however, doesn't behave like I expected it to be. If PR2 is going clockwise, the output voltage decrease. Adjusting R5 has no effect.

    I don't have a load connected to the output at all.

    ​​​Can someone explain how the current adjustment...
    Yesterday, 11:09 PM
  • PacoGT
    DELL OEM RTX 3080
    by PacoGT
    Hello friends, I have a question. They brought me this video card, a DELL RTX 3080. They told me that it fell and the impact no longer produced video.
    When trying it, it's as if it wanted to give video but in the end nothing, I already checked voltages etc. everything is as it should, but without video
    I suppose it could be a bios problem but since sometimes they don't tell you everything, I've searched for the bios everywhere but without success
    I can't find a backup or something to try to reprogram bios and see if it's the fault, could you help me maybe someone has one that...
    Yesterday, 11:09 PM
  • PacoGT
    Gpu DELL OEM RTX3080 No video
    by PacoGT
    Hello friends, I have a question. They brought me this video card, a DELL RTX 3080. They told me that it fell and the impact no longer produced video.
    When trying it, it's as if it wanted to give video but in the end nothing, I already checked voltages etc. everything is as it should, but without video
    I suppose it could be a bios problem but since sometimes they don't tell you everything, I've searched for the bios everywhere but without success
    I can't find a backup or something to try to reprogram bios and see if it's the fault, could you help me maybe someone has one that...
    Today, 01:08 AM