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Last Activity: 07-22-2009, 01:30 PM
Joined: 08-18-2008
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  • Re: Toshiba M65, can anyone cross these caps?

    Notice that the group is what appears to be 5.9 volts , and the single appears to be 5.8 volts. That could suggest , an extreme sensitivity in that area , or it could just be an availability issue. Never the less .1 volts installed originally , had to come from Sanyo.
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  • Re: Toshiba M65, can anyone cross these caps?

    Sorry for the wait , I've been very busy.

    Since these types of caps are strictly different , solely to allow them to be installed through or by an automated assembly line , you should look into Sanyo , as they make alot of these as a result.

    You may be able to match them up better , seeing as my testing has shown Sanyo caps to be superior in both power and reliability. Panasonic now also makes these in some quantities.
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  • Re: LCD TVs now plagued by bad caps issues

    I think you made the right choice and it will probably prove it's value over time. My father has a 14yr. old 53" Panasonic Rear Projection Giant with the full built in stand that hasn't even sneezed to date , while being in the basement as well. As a note : MSI mobo's have Rubycon's in them as well. Personally I didn't like the Panasonic stereos of years ago , but they have proved to be both competitive and reliable since then. ...
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  • Re: What happens when you seriously increase capacitance?

    2 sinking in the same boat , is not better. Read #62 above about how overvoltage can occur....
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  • Re: What happens when you seriously increase capacitance?

    "HERE IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE VOLTAGE IS TOO HIGH" : your #62 post right here above.

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  • Re: Sony amp "protect" issue

    Without going into extreme detail about the schematics , I see 3 badly burned areas at their contact points to the board at the 3 resistors located between R806 & the Nichicon cap at C810. After cleaning the entire board of that gobbly gook white stuff , I would remove the Nichicon cap so that I had room to either A : resolder the resistor joints from above (shown in picture) to fill in the holes so that they contact the board , or B: use a fine drill bit to drill new holes in the traces underneath to renew their contact to the board properly...
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  • Re: Sony amp "protect" issue

    I agree that there is far too much grease on the IC's attached to the heatsinks , and there is even grease on the transisters at the base. You need to wipe these off with a Q-tip and a few dampened tissues.

    I wanted to read all of the posts to be sure I hadn't missed anything before I offered some of my own suggestions or thoughts , but it appears , like you are thinking and have reacted to : there seems to be a heat problem , which may have melted the grease the way it is.

    Before I check...
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  • Re: Regular multimeter to test for ESR?

    I agree about the quality of this meter and it's abilities. It's the same old senario like : where someone wants to build a computer and measure it's caps and such , but hooks it all up to a $10 PSU. Having a good trustworthy meter is maybe the best start any new builder or hopeful repairer can purchase....
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  • Re: Unknown Toshiba 42H83 Problem

    There is nothing "unfounded" in expecting that if the main transformer is not producing clean and normal power at the source , that other things will not be effected no matter what type they are. I don't know how many threads I have read now that show that replacing the IC's has only worked temporarily , since the same symptoms (usually not converging) , come back.
    Or , the set get's worse by not turning on at all. You have your opinion and I have mine. Just because a power supply is producing the correct voltage...
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  • Re: Unknown Toshiba 42H83 Problem

    I would be tempted to change the main power supply transformer first , since it really could be interference from the winding , and or the filters as a result. Like you have full power that's been shorted or shorting right before your eyes.

    That would also make it so that any future replacement parts would work that much better or longer without any adverse reoccurences. Being a big set , if the main supply is small or relies on a single unit , I would start there and expect to see some change as a result before changing anything....
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  • Re: The Great Capacitor Showdown - Rubycon vs Panasonic vs Samxon

    My guess is that Rubycon will take it in the long run , while Panasonic will edge out Samxon. I think that if you could place some ENYA's in the testing after Nichicon's you would have a good basis for reference , while Sanyo could come in to compare or exceed at long last as a good example.

    I have come across some Stone caps I think might compete well if you get the chance.

    Great test , but on older boards failure is not an option , with what appears to only be a 2 x AGP video card application....
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  • Re: What happens when you seriously increase capacitance?

    I see you have changed your opinion about 10fold on the subject of installing higher voltage caps , since you swore up and down and even repeatedly called me a "MORON" for having said so myself on other threads here in the forum. Stating that I had nothing better to do than to hang around in forums and such.

    To quote you a bit , you specifically said that capacitors "cannot" increase in voltage while they are on a redundantly controlled circuit of "any"...
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  • Re: What happens when you seriously increase capacitance?

    Anybody know what the opposite senario would produce if you intentionally dropped some of the capacitance values? I would imagine that the regulator could overheat and produce shut down symptoms. Especially seeing as there don't seem to be any really close "dropping" choices from say : 1000uF to 470uF / 330uF / 220uF being the case. Any in betweens?...
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  • Re: *****This section is NOT where to start threads asking questions*****

    which this 1 doesn't and won't , it's a branching out thread without it's title
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  • Re: voltage difference limit?

    Let's see - the battery consists of 18cells x 2volts each = 36volts. When you pull the "state of charge" down low , what can occur? Charging - ya that's it charging.

    So - with a 8hr. charger that has a "high" setting and a "low" setting - how do I make the charger replenish the charge lost? Charge it for 8hrs. which is the "normal" charging cycle and restart it again for say 4hrs. NO. It won't do it. It automatically senses the "state of charge" and applies the "low" charge setting...
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  • Re: voltage difference limit?

    I understand what you are saying , but I have also not said that any circuit would be increased in voltage by adding a higher voltage capacitor to the circuit in itself. I said that I wouldn't recommend changing any capacitor to a higher voltage than what was originally installed on any circuit , due to the fact that much higher voltages are already set within a parameter when the original capacitors are installed or during designing. "If" there is any potential for the current to increase , it is with a higher rated cap ,...
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  • Re: Presario 6000CL board has ringing or oscillating noise and freezes

    I never did like 266mhz memory , seemed to be a problem waiting to happen if you could run 333mhz , especially if you are trying to run the board or anything at peak. My 266mhz memory on my Presario leaked and was always running low , to the point where I installed a RAM MAX of some sort , but it just interfered with the ram more by resetting it , so I installed the Crucial 256mb x 2 ram chips for stability. Been good ever since. Sounds like the fan may be due for a change from when the ram is...
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    Last edited by chipper; 09-04-2008, 05:10 AM.

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  • Re: GA-6vTXDR v1.1 help

    Quick resolve. They are probably 1200uF x 6.3v , but you could remove 1 and have 2 replacements ready for installation and metering to see if they are very different or not. Measure the removed cap , and compare it to the 1000uF x 6.3v , then compare the removed cap to the 1200uF x 6.3v cap and go with whichever one is closest to the original measurement.

    I would go with the 1200uF x 6.3 as most I have pulled from units are 1200uF x 6.3 not 1000uF which are usually signal board caps and thinner in length. Obviously differen...
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  • Re: Troubleshooting electronics...

    While there are many tests that can be performed by a technician , the first really good tool to have is a multimeter to test the numerous parts of course , but looking can't always solve anything.

    More times than not , there are no tell-tale signs of damage in electronics , as miniturized circuits are hidden from any magnification level. Serious problems should be looked at , if there are NO SIGNS , by someone who knows the particular component that you have. While dealing with the manufacturer can be the best thing...
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  • chipper
    replied to How do I know?
    Re: How do I know?

    I can't attest to LGA 775 P4 640's overheating , but when I looked into the Intel Processors and was also trying to match a mobo to a processor , I noticed how confusing it was to have to follow "all" of the informations from lots of different sources , all at the same time. Once I decided on a mobo it was easier since I could look at the "confirmed - tested" list for the mobo to select which processor to work with it. Meanwhile there were unlisted 641's and alike , not listed for my board. (ECS RS-400-A V-1) Being that...
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