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Last Activity: 08-10-2021, 02:49 AM
Joined: 03-15-2013
Location: Lempaala
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  • Re: Samsung SyncMaster 2493HM black screen with power

    I have (more than one) SM245B monitor but I'm in opinion that they use same power boards, either BN44-00173A or BN44-00195A.
    I currently have only board BN44-00173A in working monitors. I did a fix for BN44-00195A, it worked perhaps a day or two.

    My experience with these boards (how to fix).

    For BN44-00173A:

    In most cases the three 68ohm resistors, replace with 2 or 3 watt ones.
    Check also other resistors near power diodes and mosfets, I remember one of those was broken in one...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 08-10-2021, 02:47 AM.

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  • Re: skypro programmer not detecting bios chips

    I wonder if EZPxxxx and that Skypro is same thing ?
    [url=""]Coright[/url] seem to have Skypro and EZP2013.
    Might be that [url=""]unofficial clones[/url] exists too. Pictures of similar looking boxes (different texts/names) can be found around web.Re: skypro programmer not detecting bios chips

    I wonder if EZPxxxx and that Skypro is same thing ?
    [url=""]Coright[/url] seem to have Skypro
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 02-13-2021, 03:44 PM.

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  • Re: Which Eprom programmer to buy

    Anyone knows what's the main controller chip inside EZP20xx programmer ? Of course might be unknown (covered in plastic) as often with chinese USB devices.

    I personally like CH341A with [url=""]AsProgrammer[/url] software. That software allows adding unknown chips (xml file), it allowed me to succesfully flash M45PE20 short time ago.Re: Which Eprom programmer to buy

    Anyone knows what's the main controller chip inside EZP20xx programmer
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 02-08-2021, 06:39 AM.

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  • Re: Syncmaster 2493hm : no power no blue led, need help

    I have once fixed BN44-00195A, what I did was to replace SI-8008HFE DC voltage regulator and then also some SMD components following these Toasty's tips:


    I also replaced some electrolytic caps (near that Sanken 8008HFE).

    However the fix worked only a day or two. I decided to change the whole board using BN44-00173A instead. After that no problems.Re: Syncmaster 2493hm : no power no ...eed help<br />
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  • Re: Enermax EG465AX-VE(G) Thermistor

    There are multiple different EG651P-VE around. Newer models give 36A in 12V rail, older models 24A in 12V rail.

    Older models need an extra 20pin->24pin power adapter cable to fit into newer motherboards.

    I guess 'modifications' do not mean these power adapters. For fitting older PSUs into newer motherboards also 4 pin -> 8 pin power adapter is also needed. The '4-pin' was very common long time (for P4 processors).

    My newest motherboards are from year 2007 or slightly older, don't know much about newest...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 04-26-2018, 05:12 PM.

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  • Re: Syncmaster 2493hm : no power no blue led, need help

    Please mention board number(s) (possibly something like BN44...). The same power board (and other boards) can be found in other Samsung models too.

    If I remember right, 2493HM and 245B have same power boards, either BN44-00173A or BN44-00195A. The very well known fix for BN44-00173A is to replace 3 resistors and some electrolytic capacitors (can be found in older posts in this forum). BN44-00195A is usually much harder to fix, easiest way is to use BN44-00173A instead (they are compatible). Some tips for it however...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 04-26-2018, 12:21 PM.

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  • Re: Samsung sync master 2493HM help

    It might be something about power management or power state. Something about that with Windows 7 in this URL:


    It of course might be buggy drivers (display and/or power management) causing problems.

    I personally had power related problems with Nvidia GT 710 in an old motherboard. Currently it has installed an older Nvidia 8600GTS and no such problems. That 8600GTS uses older generation drivers.Re:...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 03-20-2018, 03:57 PM.

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  • Re: [Syncmaster 245B Plus] Problems with power board BN44-00195A

    Sometimes happens that pcb copper film breaks away, and then the only solution is to fix the circuit by soldering some wire. Of course must be careful that the connections are electrically similar as before. Some glue (non conducting hot melt glue) can be helpful in this situation too.
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  • Re: [Syncmaster 245B Plus] Problems with power board BN44-00195A

    The SI-8008HFE is behind a coil, the one on right side. It has five legs. All other similar looking components on board have only three legs.

    The most suspicious glue is there near the biggest electrolytic capacitor, it seems to have some color changes. I'm not a big believer of the 'glue theory', at least multimeter measurements (resistance) have shown nothing extraordinary. I think the glue must have had some enviromental changes (raise of temperature, burning) to become conductive. But I'm not a 'professor'...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 10-17-2016, 04:22 PM.

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  • Re: Behringer Eurorack UB2442FX-PRO Bad Capacitors

    I have that UB2442FX-PRO mixer, no repair done, and not been used long time. I can look inside it, if it helps someone. However, please provide a picture and good explanation, what should be looked at.
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  • Re: [Syncmaster 245B Plus] Problems with power board BN44-00195A

    You can check the 8008HFE regulator if it's shorted or otherwise broken. I did replace that part in my '195A' expirement, since the readings I got using a multimeter felt abnormal. There are also three electrolytic capacitors quite near it, I recommend replacing them all, although they seem to be okay in the picture.


    You might also want to check some SMD parts too:

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    Last edited by euromatlox; 10-13-2016, 03:44 PM.

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  • Re: [Syncmaster 245B Plus] Problems with power board BN44-00195A

    Yes, those boards are fully compatible, at least when '195A' is replaced with '173A'. If I remember correct, there is a small amperage difference, the amperage table is printed in the board.

    I have installed '173A' inside a 245B plus, which model originally had '195A'. Very easy replacement, but of course must be careful, for instance that black plastic insulating piece under the board must not be forgotten.

    SMD components are those very very tiny (and usually black color) components...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 10-11-2016, 12:53 AM.

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  • Re: [Syncmaster 245B Plus] Problems with power board BN44-00195A

    Best option is to use board BN44-00173A instead. Of course before buying/trying that it's recommended to check that other parts (boards) are ok. Those board also cost some money, and you must also decide what is your limit to spend.

    For BN44-00173A it is recommended to replace at least 4 electrolytic caps and three 68ohm resistors. To be more safe, some other resistors and caps can be replaced too. You can easily find information about this procedure.

    It's common that that '195A' has some...
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  • Re: Leads on 25v 2200uf caps?

    In series ? Or parallel (which is more usual) ?


    If parallel, the total capacitance is then 2x2200uF = 4400uF. There are reasons (limited space etc.) for use two 2200uF instead of one 3900uF or bigger cap.Re: Leads on 25v 2200uf caps?<br /> ...parallel[/url]...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 09-24-2016, 02:24 AM.

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  • Re: Asus P5KPL blown capacitor

    Always look which way old capacitors are mounted in motherboard. Just recently replaced some caps in Asus P5K and when reapplied power they immediately blowed. I took a closer look, and also searched some info from internet too - it seams that in many asus boards + and - pcb markings are wrong way. I can confirm this as I compared P5K with another (older) motherboard. Then I just replaced the blown caps with new ones, soldered them 'wrong way', and P5K worked again!

    So it's important to check how the capacitor is mounted, not to trust...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 09-09-2016, 05:25 PM.

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  • Re: Sil-pads question

    Mica insulator sheets can be used instead of Sil-pads. Can be easily found for TO-3P and other common transistor cases. Thermal grease should be applied on both sides of the sheet. However it's better way to put the grease into transistor surface, and only the heatsink side of the Mica sheet to be greased. (Transistor contains the grease for the other side.)

    Regular white thermal grease is suitable for most cases (like amplifier transistors).

    The mechanical connection is usually done by metallic screw. In many cases the transistor's...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 09-07-2016, 05:47 PM.

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  • Re: Samsung Syncmaster 245BW

    If you decide to buy a new power board, be sure to buy BN44-00173A. It is compatible with BN44-00195A, and typically much easier to repair.
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  • Re: hi identify a transistor marked SK A1667 48 Y

    You can check first if there is also complementary type present in the same circuit, it might be better to change both. You can choose between 2SA1667/2SC4381 (150volts) or 2SA1668/2SC4382 (200volts) pairs, although both seem to be easily available (and often sold in pairs).

    As I know '48' is lot number, Y has to do with hfe => choose ones with 'Y', Sanken only (not those funny named alternatives)

    (It might be, that the 'Y' is only option available.)

    If you are more interested in Sanken's...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 11-26-2015, 07:32 PM.

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  • Re: Samsung 245BW Dead

    Best solution is use the other board (BN44-00173A), since it's more reliable and (usually) easier to fix. However user Toasty has some knowledge, which might be useful in your case - some careful work with smd components needed.


    I once did '195A' repair using Toasty's advice (DZT851), but the board did function only about hour or two. In that board was also that 8008HFE voltage regulator shorted, which I had to replace also. After new failure I did change some...
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    Last edited by euromatlox; 11-26-2015, 06:59 PM.

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  • Re: Old Pentium s Boot Up

    If I remember right, it was 'fixmbr' or something (recovery console), which turned CF Microdrive into hdd drive (cannot be used anymore in cameras). Fdisk also has /mbr option.
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