BL are fine. Forced on by injecting 3.5 to pwron and drv. No flash from BL either... main never sends signal to drv.
No BGA issues... all packages removed and reballed.
Replaced ic100 and ic101 just in case.
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Few posts on this one with no fix.
Usual symptoms of solid led on main with 5 blink led on psu.
Found bad mosfet for 12v tcon .. only .8v out
Replaced and have led for tcon on main and 12v hitting tcon.
Still no back-light.
So have both leds on main lit. All voltages present from PSU. Still getting 5 flashes on PSU and no power to drv_on.Last edited by newtothis; 01-24-2024, 03:58 AM.
Re: 17ips20
To what I know the driver voltage should be at 115v then boost to 180v right?
Any way of forcing BL_ON?
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Re: 17ips20
Cheers but not really
Never dealt with LED drivers etc....
Going to need some guidance....
I have a schematic for it.... I have tested what i think is BL_ON and reads 0v.... Though cannot be 100% sure it is BL_ON I am testing
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Will get pictures etc later on
No backlight
LED Driver only ever goes to 80v and stays at 80v
Having a hard time figuring which connection is BL_ON
Sony soundbar
No power up - no leds.
stby voltage present.
400v cap reading 730v <?
KDL-40cx520 - Picture fault
Re: Need some guidance please - APACHE GE60 2PC
OK update
I flashed the other BIOS and the keyboard came to life - BUT - the system would no longer recognize any hard disks..
So reflashed the other BIOS and again keyboard issue
Plugged in a USB keyboard and went through installing windows so I could flash BIOS and EC through windows save me keep pulling the chip off the mainboard... Once windows had installed the keyboard worked fine - So guessed that windows had now took over with drivers and it must be the BIOS or EC being an issue.... ...
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Re: Dead xbox 360 after reflow,some caps blew
Heat gun?!
If you "assaulted" it with a paint stripper gun scrap it as you probably killed it anyway.
If you are using a Hot Air Rework Station don't bother as the chances of fixing it using a air wand are slim - You need a BGA rework station to sort that properly.Last edited by newtothis; 07-30-2016, 05:34 PM.
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Need some guidance please - APACHE GE60 2PC
Ok I had a laptop come in with the owner saying they attempted a flash and it failed causing no display etc
On opening it i found what appeared to be liquid residue - I have cleaned the board now and want to attempt a bios repair just in case that is indeed the root cause.
I have in my possession :
Raspberry PI 3
Programming jigs for most formats
The laptop is an apache GE60 2PC
Mainboard ID is = MS-16GF1 VER 1.1
Original BIOS chip markings :
Re: Failed bios flash
Already scrubbed the board down.. No change
No heat from GPU
CPU gets BURNING hot
No Backlight
No display
No sound
Charge and power light work
Fan Works
That is all - May sell as liquid damaged on eBay but otherwise scrap heap
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Re: Failed bios flash
Ok so I get the laptop in - Open her up and guess what I find....
plenty of this over a lot of the board
I very much doubt what the owner said was true - Seems liquid killed this oneLast edited by newtothis; 07-04-2016, 05:40 PM.
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