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Last Activity: 04-15-2019, 02:00 AM
Joined: 01-04-2013
Location: Brooksville, FL
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  • Keyboard key matrix shorted out - few questions

    Just had my first keyboard fail on me overnight while asleep. Acting as if all keys were pressing randomly, the three X-Lock led's blinking all at rapid intervals, etc. It is connected over a PS/2 to USB converter and has been working fine for well over a year till now. Find out the Chip-on-board with epoxy on the keyboards key matrix controller. It let out the magic smoke leaving the burnt smell and a nice brownish discolouration off-centre from the top of the black epoxy. Tested with another keyboard on spare and the converter it is working fine.

    The converter used is the one most...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 12-02-2015, 11:56 PM.

  • Capacitor Voltage Differential

    I was explaining to a friend while recapping their TV about needing to use higher or equivalent voltages, ripple, etc with replacements. While doing so he brought up something that made me think about capacitor voltages themselves based on the 'ground' voltage.

    I would rate the capacitor based on a 0v or negative ground in the majority of cases. However I was wondering what in the instance of say.. the negative side of the cap having a positive voltage but less than the positive side within it's voltage range creating a forward potential less than the cap rating. I didn't find much...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 07-07-2015, 02:07 PM.

  • MadGypsy
    MadGypsy posted a Visitor Message for chozo4
    Hello, I am hoping that you are the same Chozo that created the Quake Warrior mod. If not, I apologize for bothering you. I am a member of a gigantic Quake community that is trying to track down your mod for archival purposes. The only link we can find is the AngelFire link and it is dead. We would greatly appreciate it if you could supply us with a copy of your mod.

    I can be reached at [email][/email]. Thank you very much for your time and have a great day.

    x_MichaelHello, I am hoping that you are the ...e Warrior mod.
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  • Sony Visio E320-B2 TV - Burnt Mosfet

    Greetings all,

    My brothers TV decided to go belly up while watching it. Had the smell of burnt plastic and it simply stopped working shortly after and as such will not power on. He had it in a cabinet without the best airflow overall which likely contributed to failure.

    Attempting to power it only results in the typical 'clicking' during power-on from the secondary. After inspection it turns out an N-Channel Mosfet on the secondary side of the PSU not only overheated but also melted the solder it was anchored to. Ended up burning the PCB on the other side as...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 04-30-2015, 01:50 PM.

  • Re: LM358N or other IC for balanced input?

    What I'm trying to do is isolate the input ground from the unbalanced input of an amp. I had a topic on the issue before on a slightly related issue (power rail noise) and is an amp I'd built based on the TEA2025B Opamp. The input ground and power ground share the same rail and the power ground needs to be otherwise disconnected to avoid a ground loop. Both the input device and amp share the same power source so the power source grounds through the input ground of my amp.

    I'm wondering if an lm358 or another type of IC would...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 04-13-2015, 10:52 PM.

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  • LM358N or other IC for balanced input?

    Just a curious question as I've not exactly worked much with balanced inputs at all. Currently my amp is connected with unbalanced inputs (TRS jack) and as such grounded through the input sleeve. Disconnecting the ground for it results in a fair bit of signal loss but power will not run through there and rather the power ground instead. I have cleaned up the rail noise with a ripple filter but would like to isolate the input ground and power grounds from each other next. Using resistors on either ground do not do any good in this regard.

    I'm wondering if an LM358 or other such 8pin...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 04-13-2015, 10:23 PM.

  • UCC/Elna Unknown Series

    I've been struggling to identify the series of a few capacitors I have on hand as they don't seem to have any series markers on the sleeve at all. Was thinking perhaps someone else here would have any idea or have come across them at some point.

    Nippon/United Chemicon
    Green Sleeve/Black Text
    6.3v/100uF @ 85c
    Ventless - Stamped '10 V3' or '10 W3' [two caps two stamps]

    Yellow Sleeve/Black Text
    6.3v/100uF @ 85c
    Ventless - No Stamp
    Has Circled 'L' (L) on slee...
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  • Using CrapCaps in audio amps to hear tonal effects?

    This is more of a 'for fun and amusement' topic but with some serious undertones to it. To those whom have built their own amps - have you tried CrapCaps on the feedback, Output Coupling or other areas in the signal path just hear how they affect the sound? What were your experiences with them?

    I know there are plenty of audiophiles (amongst other words) that swear on XYZ-Brand/series caps for their tonal qualities but never hear much on anything else [no pun intended]. I myself have heard large differences in sound depending on the caps used on the output coupling so it isn't exactly...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 03-16-2015, 11:51 PM.

  • Re: Monitor's 1920x1080 vs. native resolution

    I gave up trying to explain that to others long ago sadly. Apparently 'higher fps means you play better' according to some poeple. Like 100,200, or even 1k fps (despite highest possible image quality) would make someone would suck any less than they already do. Some actually seem rather baffled when mentioning consoles play at only 30fps and will still simply refuse to accept that capping the fps will result in better gameplay due to less strain on other hardware. CPU and OpenGL comes to mind in that case or a GPU running at XYZ frames...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 11-27-2014, 02:56 PM.

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  • chozo4
    replied to fun day!
    Re: fun day!

    Solution - install windows on his apple PC or switch the hardware between his PC and your 'HP' and see if he notices the difference other than a potential performance boost.Same here with a prepaid dumbphone from TracFone. The only thing that brought me a little closer to a 'smart phone' (still not android or anything) is the triple minutes deal on it versus the double minutes I was getting. If I could have gotten a triple minutes bonus on my tiny dumbphone I would never have to do so. However, if they ever do offer a triple minutes upgrade card I would definitely go...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 11-19-2014, 12:39 AM.

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  • Re: 4K monitor - should I?

    If 4:3 or 5:4 4k monitors came around I would definitely say yes but only the heavens can grant that in a 19" package. As it stands though- there really isn't much to gain save for a sliver of extra vertical realestate otherwise.
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  • chozo4
    replied to fun day!
    Re: fun day!

    Let them argue - we can all sit back and grab a lawnchair and popcorn. Better than watching reruns all day anyway and it's a new show everytime! ...
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  • BJT or Darlington Tranisistors for Cap Multiplier?

    I have been working things out over time and then feeling stupid one way or another and even posting my lack of knowledge only to look back and realize 'wow, I sound like an idiot'. However, I have been looking over literally every transistor mouser has offered for my needs as they sparingly list any useful gain specs outside the datasheet so had to check through several hundred datasheets last night. Looking for high gain as the C|B biasing will be done via a 150-250ohm resistor with a 12v vCE and want to avoid too much voltage drop with higher current requirements up to 1A as worst cases scenario....
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    Last edited by chozo4; 11-03-2014, 11:39 PM.

  • Re: Another HDD issue

    I've dealt with a 350gb drive that showed similar symptoms. What happened is that the drive had overheated due to being in a case that provided next to no airflow to the drive while it was being thrashed by swap activity all the time. As a result it was running slow, would develop hundreds of bad sectors etc. It would run perfect while cold but the moment it ran for more than a minute or so the speeds would drop from about 96mb/sec to ~6mb/sec read and write.

    Being as you haven't used the drive in a while the grease inside on the spindle or otherwise...
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  • Re: Adobe Flash woes... again.

    Only by default it will run software mode in windowed. Otherwise when changed to hardware render in windowed mode it will only then software render when it's set to 144p for some oddball reason....
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    Last edited by chozo4; 11-03-2014, 05:12 AM.

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  • Re: TEA2025B - Heavy noise over V++

    Blah, cannot edit post at this point *shrug* Anyhow.. Tip120 worked quite well due to a minimum flat DC gain of 1000 up to 3A/3v (so 1000 gain at 9 watts). However the saturation voltage caused a much larger hit to the voltage output as expected. As promised though it definitely held out well with the gain allowing full noise suppression with even a 10uf capacitor. Could probably go as low as a 6.8uf since it seems I need a about 5k-6k UF worth of capacitance via GAIN*uF. In the case of this capacitance multiplier for filtering there is no ground...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 10-31-2014, 05:59 AM.

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  • Re: TEA2025B - Heavy noise over V++

    hmm.. resurrecting the thread for updates.

    There are 2 pairs of bare traces just before the outputs I can use to mount ta ripple filter on the underside without increasing the size.

    Got a hold of some linear regulators I might end up using for it. It's an [url=]LM317DCYR[/url] by TI in an SOT-223-4 package that I can mount flush with the underside. Being as component space is of a premium there I'm pre-testing off board with...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 10-31-2014, 12:27 AM.

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  • Re: The 2014~2015 Operating System Thread

    Lack of support doesn't ever phase me as my desktop used to run Win98 till '06 or so but changed to xp/s2k3 due to lack of GPU support. I continue to use an OS until it no longer fits my needs even if that does mean 10 years after EoL.

    The only reason I haven't changed to the newer server versions is mainly the interface. Cannot disable 'always on top' with the taskbar which is needed in many cases due to a custom desktop solution and cannot remove the address bar garbage from the explorer windows. I tend to prefer them barren...
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    Last edited by chozo4; 10-30-2014, 04:31 PM.

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  • Re: What do real rubycon yk look like ?

    Not [i]all[/i] are but the chance of them being so are rather high. I ended up buying some Rubycon YXA 400v/6.8uf caps from there that were legit as I needed them in a hurry to fix an SMPS wall wart for my router I was bringing with me overseas. This was before I'd used mouser or newark however. Re: What do real rubycon yk look like ?

    Not [i]all[/i] are but the chance of them being so are rather high. I ended up buying some Rubycon YXA 400v/6.8uf caps from there that were legit as I needed them in a hurry to fix an
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  • Re: What do real rubycon yk look like ?

    I have a bunch of YK's I had salvaged off an old plasma TV board long ago. The 16v capacitors I have definitely don't have that dot in the center of the bung but it otherwise matches. I do agree though.. the sleeve printing looks really shoddy in the fakes. The Y and K are spaced too close together and the F in uF is too tall as it's normally about 1/2 the height of the capacitance value....
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    Last edited by chozo4; 10-29-2014, 04:35 AM.

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