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Slightly bulging is like "slightly pregnant"
Any track damage, looks like the chipset had a heatsink and sometimes scrappers butcher it taking that off. Can you get a reader / programmer for that style of BIOS chip. How dead was it, it's unlikely that badcaps (unless shorted) would prevent ATX power on, not even sure if a bad BIOS would prevent power on as it's not actually running code at that point
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1. TMJ... look like this [URL=""]680uf-4v-8x8mm-tmv.jpg (1000×1000)[/URL] says TMV, but pictures TMJ
3. Yes, that's what they look like
4. They are RLS.1. TMJ... look like this [URL=""]680uf-4v-8x8mm-tmv.jpg (1000×1000)[/URL] says TMV, but pictures TMJ
3. Yes, that's what they look like
4. They are RLS.1. TMJ... look like this [URL=""]680uf-4v-8x8mm-tmv.jpg...
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Cap choices....
[URL=""]870025174008 | Wurth Elektronik 680μF Through Hole Polymer Capacitor, 6.3V dc | RS[/URL] (WCAP-PTG5) or [URL=""]A750KK687M0JAAE016 | KEMET 680μF Through Hole Polymer Capacitor, 6.3V dc | RS[/URL] (A750)
2000H 105C 5100mA ripple 10mOhm / .. 4100mA ripple 16mOhm - so the Wurth are superior? Checked again, definitely read TMJ on those.
The 1800uF are 3.5mm pitch, that narrows my choice to one [URL=""]Panasonic...
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Aliexpress capacitors?
Good, bad, fake or pot luck?
I know, if they claim to be a name brand but are too cheap, most likely fake, but if not branded?
Nothing at ECS, but a few forums appear to have ECS - not sure if it's good, as you have to register to download ... Vinafix is one
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Examined board closely...
By CPU, cooking under heatsink, 6x 680uF 4v TMJ, looking closer, the 2 on one side look like they have blown their bungs, glad to see that as now I can be pretty certain I'm looking at the culprits
Spaced away, 3x 1800uF 6.3V KZJ - I'm guessing they are also CPU VRM side as other versions mix up the use of those and the short ones
12v side, 4x OST 1500uF 16V
Rest of the board, MANY OST 1000uF 6.3V, if OST are really bad, then I'm in big trouble, but their positions are probably not as critical
Now to read some more of the badcaps list...
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Yeah, guess it's best to do the whole job... this is the board [URL=""]img-9133front-6645fb375eb63958085697.jpg (3105×3015)[/URL]
The filling of those positions vary on other versions, with 9 of the short 680 4J instead of 6 and the 3 black ones, so I guess they are all post VRM, while the other 4 are pre-VRM. Don't have as many suppliers in the UK, the big ones seem to be mostly bulk / high minimum order.
Aliexpress would probably be a bad idea?? I mean, I like the prices but are they going...
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For some drives, there may be a utility from the maker which can verify and spare out bad sectors, Spinrite tries to achieve this, but may not have the same level of access as the maker utility - though TBH, if have bad sectors to deal with, more are likely to turn up.
If the maker utility offers a zero fill, that might also perform bad sector sparing even if it doesn't specifically say so
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Which caps to replace: ECS P4M800Pro-M V1.0A
It's feeling like this board has a case of badcaps, instability and reboots - and not wanting to necro a a very old thread, it seems the 680uF 4V are highly suspect.
I don't really want to blanket recap everything, but maybe the others around that area could do with being changed?
Equipment: I have a temperature controlled soldering station, read the bit where it says set to 400F, don't think I would have gone that high without reading that.
Spring plunger solder sucker, and some desolder braid... and a bit of good old leaded 60/40.
PS. Additional diagnostic,...
For a difficult virus, you really need to try one or more bootable "rescue" disks (I'm old, its USBs now) as some viruses can hide while running / intercept the actions of an AV program
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